So Close To Official!

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Lucy stared at Natsu. Natsu stared back at her.

"Pink. " Lucy said.

" What really!? No my hair's salmon! " Natsu argued.

" You asked me what color you thought your hair was. And you're disagreeing. If you thought it was salmon in the first place why ask? " Lucy asked.

" Because everyone always thinks I have pink hair. " Natsu grumbled.

Lucy sat down on the bed next to Natsu.

"So... You've heard my voice. I've hidden from people except close friends for a long time." Lucy said.

"Why did you hide your voice? It's beautiful. " Natsu looked at her.

"Thank you." Lucy smiled slightly. She looked up then back at Natsu. Her face saddened then and she slightly looked down.

"After my mother father blamed me for my mother's death. " Lucy said sadly."My mother always smiled. Her voice was beautiful. She used to play the violin to me and dad. She was such a beautiful person. She always made flower crowns whenever we went out to the garden. Then..."

She had her eyes with her hair.

"She got hit by a car. I got angry at mother for not caring about me. I was an idiot. I ran across the street... and a speeding car was coming toward me. My mother ran and pushed me out of the way... Then the car ran her over. She got injured badly and she had cancer that she never told any of us. She died late in the night. " Lucy kept back her tears." My father... Blamed me. He said I killed her. He treated me badly ever since. I became quiet. I still talked. But very little. Then my dad whipped me for talking back. I became mute after that. I was to afraid to talk to my father after that. "

Natsu listened closely to her.

"On my back... I still have a scar from when he whipped me. I have a few actually. I still have nightmares from that time."  Lucy hugged herself. "But... Then he became very sick and died. After he died I found my mother's old violin. That's when I got into music. I stayed quiet. I thought there was no need to express myself through voice... I only needed music. But I decided to talk to you."

"Why? " Natsu asked.

"I feel like I can trust you."  Lucy looked up at Natsu. "Can I? Do you feel like you can be trusted?"

"I guess. It's your choice to trust me or not. " Natsu shrugged.

Lucy sighed. She looked over at her desk and on it was a pile of papers which was a book she was working on, a pencil, and a chest. The chest was brown with a golden color around the opening.

Then her eyes trailed to her window. It was about midnight. Lights from other buildings, and the dark sky that surrounded a bright big moon.

Lucy got up and looked around her room. Suddenly her face grew red and she stumbled off the bed.
"N-Natsu! " Lucy said in surprise. Natsu woke up and looked over at her.
" Hey Luce. " Natsu said sleepily.
Lucy didn't say anything. Her face was completely red. She just stared at Natsu. She was still a bit nervous speaking to him.
Natsu looked at her.
" You've been staring at me for about five minutes you know... " Natsu said. Lucy quickly looked away. Natsu laughed a bit.
He got up and walked over to her. He squatted down and poked Lucy's cheek lightly. Lucy looked at him with big eyes.
Natsu blushed thinking that the look she gave him was cute. Lucy had her mouth open barely and tilted her head a bit looking up at Natsu with sparkling chocolate eyes.
Without them knowing Natsu held her chin gently with his fingers and pulling her close to him, as she leaned forward.
But right before their lips even touched Lucy's phone rang. Natsu and Lucy froze and parted.
"S-Sorry. " Natsu blushed.
" I-I gotta answer my phone... E-Excuse me. " Lucy blushed and grabbed her phone of the nightstand.
She answered her phone.
" Hello? " Lucy said softly.
" Lu! It's me Levy. I'm sorry but I have to cancel our plans to go to the mall today. Something came up. " Levy said on the other side.
" It's OK Levy. Maybe next week. " Lucy said.
" OK. I promise next week... Me, you, mall. OK, cya! " then Levy hung up.

" What was that all about? " Natsu asked.
" Levy had to cancel our plans to go to the mall today. " Lucy answered.
Natsu looked at Lucy.
" Karaoke. " Natsu suddenly said. Lucy looked at him confused.
" Huh? " Lucy questioned.
" Let's do some karaoke. " Natsu said.
" I'm not really a singer... " Lucy said nervously.
" Come on! It'll be fun. " Natsu smiled brightly grabbing Lucy's wrist and pulling her toward him. Natsu turned and he started pushing Lucy to her closet.
" Go get changed. " Natsu ordered. Lucy nodded. Natsu went out of her room.
Lucy picked out some Jean shorts, and a dark green long sleeved baggy shirt that made one of her shoulders show. She put on wedges that had dark green straps. She grabbed her phone and put it in her back pocket.
She then grabbed a notebook and pencil and walked out of her room.
"What're you doing with a notebook and pencil? " Natsu asked.
" So I don't have to speak... I'm still not that comfortable speaking to people. Only Levy, Lisanna, Mira, and Erza. " Lucy said hugging her notebook.
Natsu pulled Lucy's arm. She loosened her arms, and Natsu grabbed her notebook and pulled it away from her.
" Hey! " Lucy yells reaching for her notebook.
" You need to practice speaking to people. " Natsu said setting the notebook down. Lucy reached for the notebook again.
Natsu grabbed both of her upper arms, stopping her.
" No! I don't wanna speak. " Lucy protested.
" Well your gonna. " Natsu said sternly. His eyes were cold and demanding. Lucy widened her eyes and her arms went limb.
She stared at his eyes. Soon she was blushing. She wanted to have him look at her like that again.
" And what will you do if I don't listen? " Lucy said looking at Natsu with tempting eyes. Natsu backed her up to her bedroom door.
" Trust me... You don't want to do that. " Natsu said coldly. Lucy felt something in her burst. Her heart was pounding fast. She was blushing madly staring at his eyes. She kept wanting him to give her this treatment.
"What will you do? You don't have the guts to do anything bad."  Lucy taunted with a smirk. Natsu kept his cold gaze on her.
"Do you want me to give you a close and personal demonstration?" Natsu asked.
"Let's see what kinda man you are. " Lucy smirked. Natsu went forward and held her against the door. His lips landed on her neck.
He started sucking her neck like a vampire. Lucy blushed and her eyes widened.
" N-Natsu! " Lucy shouted. Natsu put one of his hands over her mouth pushing her head against the door. Her now free hand tried to pay his muscular hand off her mouth.
Natsu backed away a bit when he was down but kept holding her mouth and one of her upper arms against the door.
"That's just one of the many things I could do. " Natsu said coldly. Lucy blushed more. Natsu's right hand that held her left upper arm slid down to her hand.
Without knowing it he held her hand tightly and she held his hand back. Natsu slowly took his hand off her mouth. Lucy huffed and looked at Natsu with her sparkling eyes.
Lucy took his left hand with her right and held it on her neck. Natsu stared at her neck. There a visible hickey was placed by him.
Natsu covered her hickey by her shirt.
"So... You gonna try and get your notebook now?" Natsu asked.

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