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Natsu and Lucy sat next to each other on the bus back home.
Lucy put her head on Natsu's shoulder, and he put his head on hers.
On the ride home, Lucy had filled asleep.
She was so tired about the day.
Natsu was chatting with Gray, and didn't notice the blondie had fallen asleep.
Levy noticed.
She leave forward, and put some hair behind Lucy's ear.
"She looks like a Child when she sleeps. " Lisanna smiled.
" So kawai... " Levy smiled.
" Looks so cute! " Juvia squealed.
" What're you girls talkin' about? " Natsu asked.
" Lucy's so kawai when she's sleeping. " Levy said.
Natsu looked at his blond Girlfriend.
Lucy was breathing lightly.
Suddenly they hit a speed bump, and Lucy's head fell off his shoulder, and onto his lap.
Natsu blushed.
" G-Um... " Natsu stuttered.
" You're blushing. " Lisanna cooed.


The bus was coming close to the school.
Natsu decided to awaken Lucy.
He shook her shoulder lightly.
" Luce... Time to get up. " Natsu called softly.
Lucy groaned.
Natsu started shaking his leg up and down.
Lucy sat up rubbing her head.
" What was that for? " Lucy yawned.
Natsu smiled.
" Because sleeping beauty needed to wake up. " Natsu said.
" Sleeping Beauty is woken up by a kiss.. " Lucy said.
Natsu leave forward and stole a kiss.
" You awake now? "Natsu asked.
" No. " Lucy said." Give me six more hours. "
" No, Luce. " Natsu said." Time to get home. "
Lucy got up and they both got out of the bus.
Lucy shipped her hand and half Natsu's hand.
Natsu leave down and kissed her head.

-timeskip next day-

Lucy packed her big with a sigh.
" Finals start today. " Lucy sighed again.
She quickly took a shower, brush her hair and teeth, then put on leggings, a white tank top, brown sandals, and a light purple small v neck shirt.
She put on her Jean jacket, grabbed her bag, then walked out the door.


" Shrimp. " Gajeel said.
" Gajeel? " Levy said." What do you want? "
" I have to POOP really badly" Gajeel said.
"Then just go to the rest room! You dont need to tell me! " Levy screamed.
" God Shrimp... Fine... Cya. " Gajeel said, running down the hall, craddling his ass to keep the contents in until he sits on the not so clean toilet awaiting him in the mens rest room.
He soon makes it to the rest room panting.
He runs into the still, rips off his pants and slams his ass down on the toilet seat.
He then pushed and released the biggest dukie of his life.
He screams as the pain of the massive dump ease.

"G-Gajeel? " a soft voice said.

Gajeel halts squeezing out the contents.
" Y-Yeah Shrimp? " Gajeel said.
" Um... Are you OK? " Levy asked.
" Y-Yeah... Im fine. " Gajeel said a sweat dripping down his forehead.
" Then... Just to let you know... This is the girl's restroom. "
" Um... Shrimp... "
" Yeah? "
" It's beautiful.. "
" huh? "
" Just like you. "
" Are you comparing me to your poop!? "
" Reminds me of you... "
" You're disgusting. "
" Hey Shrimp! "
" What now?! "
" I love you. And this poop shall be our beautiful baby. "
" I'm out a here. "
" I dont wanna disgusting poop baby that came out of your ass! "
" Are you really gonna leave your Child! "
" Yes. "
" Can we at least put it up for adoption? "
" Sure. Im sure he'll find a loving family. "
" It's a she. "
" Good bye! "

Um... I hope this chapter has... Um

Sorry Short chapter

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