It's Because... Of Who I Am...

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It was the next day of school... And Lucy didn't show up.
Lisanna seemed out of it as she walked to the others during lunch.
She up to the roof where they all were.
"Hey Lis. " Natsu said.
" Hey... " Lisanna said, out of it.
" Hey... Lisanna... You seem... Not yourself today what's wrong? " Erza asked.
" I need to tell you all something. " Lisanna said." It's about Lucy. "
" Tell us. " Jellal said.
Everyone looked at her.
" last night after she ran from her and Levy's fight... I caught up with her... " Lisanna began." The thing is... "
Her head rewined Lucy's words.
" She's taking her dad up on his offer. Of her living with him. " Lisanna said.
" What!? " Juvia screamed.
" But that man's horrible! " Gray yelled.
" Hey nothing but trash! " Natsu agreed.
" It's what she decided. " Lisanna said." She really wants to go to that collage... And... So she's not going to be here... She's leaving today. She's going to be mailing her exams... So... "
" She's not even saying goodbye. " Levy said.
" Natsu... She wanted me to give this to you. " Lisanna gave Natsu and envelope." Open it when you get home. "


Natsu sat on his couch staring at the envelope.
Happy sat next to him.
Natsu picked up the envelope and opened it.
There was a letter inside.
Her opened the letter and fell out was some money.
He read the letter.

'Dear Natsu,

I'm sorry I'm leaving without a goodbye. I wanted to stay another day, but I thought you and the others would stop me from my decision.
I'm giving you some money, because I thought you'd need it more than me.
Natsu, follow your dreams. That's what I'm doing now. That's why I'm going.
I'm not letting me living with my dad getting me down. If It does, I just need to say, I'm doing this for my future.
You know, I've told you what I've wanted to be, But you've never told me what you wanna be. I find that unfair if you ask me.
Oh! And I'm coming back. I don't know how long it will take for me to. But I will.
And I also know.
I will never let my feelings change for you. I will always love you, Natsu.
I hope yours don't change either.
I'll see you again. And if my feelings do change, when I do see you. I'm going to fall in love with you again.
Wait for me Natsu.
Lucy Heartfillia'

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