Third Day

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Lucy smiled to herself.
She walked down the hallway. About to meet Natsu at the cafe.
She wore her hair down. Then she wore Jean shorts, a light turquoise zipped up shirt that the sleeves went down to the elbows and a hood. Then brown sandals.
She turned the corner to the cafe and stopped in her tracks.

Natsu was standing up about to take a seat, when a slutty looking girl walked up to him and started up a conversation. Her finger twirled a piece of her hair.
Then all of a sudden she lunged forward and kissed his lips.
Natsu widened his eyes in surprise, to shocked to move.
'Natsu... Move... Push her... ' Lucy thought.' Natsu.... '
Lucy kept watching.
When she finally had enough she bolted down the hallway back to her room.
She slammed the door and slid down to the ground and cried.
Alone in the room... With her heart crushed into powder that lay at the bottom of her stomach.
' Oh... Natsu... ' Lucy thought sadly.
Then all of a sudden the door vibrated with a knock.
"Hey Luce? You in there?! " a voice yelled. Definitely was Natsu.
Lucy didn't answer. Thinking he'd just leave.
" Luce?! " Natsu called, knocking again.
" Please leave. " Lucy cried.
" Why would I do that? " Natsu asked." Luce what's? "
" Just go. " Lucy said.
" No, I want you to tell me what's wrong. "
" Nothings wrong. "
" Then why are you still locked up in your room? "
Lucy hugged her knees and let tears fall.
" Luce... Please open the door. " Natsu pleaded.
Lucy so badly wanted to open the door. She was about to get up, but her body wasn't listening to her mind.

Natsu sighed and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He was about to walk down the hall way, but a *click * was heard.
Lucy opened the door slowly.
Natsu turned to her.
"Luce... " Natsu mumbled.
" I-I saw you... And that girl... " Lucy said looking down.
Natsu kept back a grin.
" Sorry... I was to shocked about a surprise kiss to push her away. " Natsu said." Were you jealous? "
Lucy blushed.
"Y-Yes I was!"  Lucy admitted.
Natsu grinned.
"Come here. " Natsu said holding out his hands.
Lucy slipped her hands on his.
He held her hands gently and leaned forward and took a kiss.
" I love you Luce. And only you. " Natsu smiled.
" I love forever and always Natsu. " Lucy smiled back.

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