Sick: Atsumu - caretaker: Sakusa
(!timeskip spoiler!)
3rd pov:
It had been almost a year since Atsumu and Osamu went into their respective professions. They both refused to admit to the other or anyone that they were having a hard time with it. Osamu was living in his own apartment near his restaurant and Atsumu was living in his own apartment near the MSBY gym.
As the anniversary of the two going their own ways was coming up it was getting hard, Atsumu was having a harder time dealing with the fact that he was away from his brother. The whole week leading up to the day he was off his game, his sets were off. Everyone on the team realized the fact that something was wrong but only one person knew exactly what was wrong with the setter.
It was a Monday morning when the day finally came. Atsumu couldn't find the energy to get out of bed that day, so he didn't. The whole team was doing warm ups while waiting for Atsumu to show up. "Has anyone heard from Miya?" Meian asked as he helped Tomas stretch. "Maybe he had a late night or maybe he went to a club and got wasted." Hinata suggested. Sakusa tried to keep his mouth shut since it wasn't his thing to tell but he was having a hard time. Finally he broke after hearing them talking back and forth about what he did last night.
"He didn't get wasted last night. He is probably just unable to get out of bed." Sakusa mumbled. "Oooh did you and TsumTsum have a little fun last night?" Bokuto teased."No. today marks the day that he and Osamu left each other and he has been having a hard time with being away from Osamu lately." Sakusa said as he continued to stretch. "Wait, so he's sad?" Hinata asked. "You wouldn't understand it. I'm not saying that I do but I felt a similar way when me and Motoya went our separate ways, we were together for years. Imagine leaving someone who you have been with since before you could remember and doing everything with them and then suddenly not ever seeing them." Sakusa paused, "as annoying as the two are when they are together, they need each other and they haven't seen each other in months." Sakusa added quietly. "Oh-" Hinata mumbled. "Wait if they haven't seen each other in a while then we should bring Osamu to Atsumu!" Bokuto exclaimed.
"It's not that easy, Bokuto," Sakusa said. "But it's worth a try, if our teammate is sad then we will make him feel better. I can text Osamu, i still have his number!" Bokuto said. "Sakusa you go and hang out with Miya while Bokuto and Hinata go to get Osamu, okay?" Tomas said as he stood up. Sakusa just nodded in response. Tomas and Meian weren't thrilled about the idea of skipping practice and going on a wild adventure, but, the rest of the team was convinced. so, it was happening whether they liked it or not.
The spiker got up and made his way to the locker room to change. He grabbed his things after changing and he left the gym shortly after. He got in his car before driving to the setters apartment. He used his spared key to let himself in, there was no sign of the other. He made his way to the bedroom, "Atsumu?" he called out, it was muffled by the mask. When he walked in all he saw was a lump under the blankets. He walked over slowly and took his mask off. "Atsumu." he said as he pulled the blanket away and gently placed a shaky hand on the other. As much as he wanted to be there for the other his fear was getting in the way.
He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned closer to look at the setter. Atsumu had tear stained cheeks and was just staring at the wall ahead of him blankly. "Atsumu, come on." he mumbled as he kissed the others cheek. "I'm not in the mood right now, Kiyoomi." Atsumu said he had used the others full first name so he knew he was upset.
"Atsumu, sit up." Sakusa said rather sternly. Atsumu groaned and looked over to the other. "I said i'm not in the mood, Sakusa." Atsumu said, getting annoyed. "Sit up. Now." Sakusa said, with that Atsumu sat up begrudgingly. Sakusa slipped behind him and leaned against the backboard of the bed before pulling Atsumu back into his chest. "Stop sulking, I know you're sad," Sakusa said as he wrapped his arms around the setter's chest. "What would Osamu say if he saw you like this?" Sakusa asked. With that he got a small chuckle came from the setter, "you're right but it doesn't make it better." Atsumu said.
Sakusa had to get his boyfriend up somehow and get him clean before Osamu and the team got there. "How about we take a shower and then we can watch some movies together and you can be as sad as you want," Sakusa suggested. Atsumu nodded and got up and out of the bed, the two of them grabbed some clothes (sakusa keeps clothes at Atsumu's place) and made their way to the bathroom.
They both stripped and got into the shower, they let the warm water run over their bodies, Sakusa was really pushing his comfort but he was willing to do it for Atsumu. They got clean but before they got out Atsumu wrapped his arms around Sakusa torso, "I miss him, i haven't seen him in so long and I've always been with him." Atsumu softly sniffed as he hugged the other tightly. Sakusa wrapped his arms around the other, 'i know' is all he could think to say as he held the other.
After a few minutes of holding each other in silence, they got themselves dressed and made their way to the bedroom to cuddle and watch movies.
While all of that was happening at Atsumu's apartment, Bokuto and Hinata headed to Onigiri Miya. when they arrived at the restaurant they looked at the sign on the door that read, 'my apologies for the inconvenience, Onigiri Miya will be closed this Monday due to personal reasons. Have a good day. again, I apologize.' they laughed lightly knowing the reason.
They then went to the apartment address that Sakusa had given them, then knocked on the door lightly. The door slowly opened to see a tired looking Osamu wrapped in a blanket. "What are you two doing here?" he grumbled. "OSAMU!! It's been so long" Bokuto exclaimed. "Anyways, i got off track. go get ready!! Me and Hinata have a surprise for you." Bokuto smiled. "And why should i go with you?" Osamu questioned. "Just do it," Hinata added. "Fine, wait here." He said as he closed the door and went to get dressed. Once he finished he walked out of the apartment. "Lets go!" Hinata smiled.
With that the three got in the car and began to drive to the other twins apartment. Before they arrived Hinata blindfolded Osamu. As they pulled up The two others guided Osamu up to the others' front door. Hinata knocked on the door smiling.
As Sakusa and Atsumu were watching the movie, they heard a knock at the door. "I'll get the door," Sakusa mumbled as he got up and put his mask on. He opened the door and smiled under the mask. He waved them in and guided them until they were in front of the bedroom door. Sakusa went in and paused the movie before grabbing Atsumu's wrist and closing his eyes before guiding him to stand in front of Osamu.
"Go!" Hinata smiled. Both Bokuto and Sakusa removed the coverings over each twin's eyes at the same time. Even though both brothers had tear stained cheeks neither commented on it as they hugged. "I heard that you were sad, dumbass," Osamu teased as the two let the other go. "I'm not sad, you jerk," atsumu said as a rebuttal.
(word count: 1364)

haikyuu sickfics
Short Storydifferent haikyuu ship sickfics. - i take requests - all fluff in this book - not my characters - art is not mine - i don't have a schedule, i write and post like three one week and then disappear for a week. i write when i have free time. - no ch...