sick: nishinoya - caretaker: asahi
3rd pov:
nishinoya had grown up around his grandpa, he was always tagging along and following the male around like a lost puppy. his parents were often busy so they asked his grandpa to watch him. when he would stay with his grandpa, he was forced to face his fears. fear of falling, eating new foods, birds, spiders, everything. he was told to face his fears and get over them, so he did. there was only one fear that he hadn't seemed to shake off, his fear of throwing up. every sane person didn't like throwing up, but his was worse. he couldn't do it. when he needed to, he couldn't. he was too scared. when he had an upset stomach he had to just suffer through it and hope it would pass.
so, when he went over to asahi's house, he didn't think his stomach would act up. but of course bad luck was on his side. he and asahi had binge watched all the lord of the rings movies while eating a vast variety of snacks. noya hadn't actually eaten anything good and substantial so he ended up getting a bad, bad stomach ache. he tried to ignore it and just fall asleep in his boyfriends arms, and it worked. it worked for a solid two hours before he work up to his stomach going between cramping and flipping. he felt the nausea creeping up his throat, threatening to spill out of his lips onto the bed. he slipped out of the bed and stumbled to the bathroom, grabbing at his stomach as he made his way there. he stumbled a bit as he sat down on the floor, massaging his stomach. "fuck-" he cursed under his breath. he couldn't do it. he couldn't throw up. he didn't want to. he needed to keep it down. but without noticing, he started to slowly and silently cry. choked sobs left his lips as he looked at the toilet, swallowing heavily to keep all his stomach contents down.
asahi was a pretty light sleeper so when his boyfriend got up, it stirred asahi slightly. he didn't fully wake up though, he just rolled over and held the pillow to his chest. he squeezed the pillow a few times before realizing it was in fact not his boyfriend. he started to open his eyes and look around for noya, groggy as he felt around the bed. "nishi?" he mumbled as he got out of the bed. he started to shuffle around the house, his hand under his shirt as he sleepily scratched his chest. his hair was an utter mess but it only added to his messy look. he finally found noya in the bathroom, shocked to see his usually excited and fearless boyfriend, crying on the bathroom floor.
he walked over and grabbed nishinoya, pulling him into his lap. that movement alone was enough to jossle the small about of calm that had settled in the liberos stomach. he let out a gag, quickly moving forward but he didn't throw up. "nishi..what's going on?" asahi asked, clearly still mentally in bed. "nothin'." noya responded as he let out a few coughs. "it's okay.." he whispered, sensing his boyfriends discomfort. he kissed the liberos shoulder softly, reaching down and moving the smaller males hand. he slid his own hand over the males stomach, gently rubbing it. "it'll feel better if you let it out." he whispered to his boyfriend as he held him, somehow sensing that's what was wrong with nishinoya.
"i can't." nishinoya croaked out as he let out another sob. "you can, baby.." asahi responded, continuing to kiss his boyfriend shoulder and rub his stomach. "i'm scared-" noya cried, that struck a nerve in asahi. his boyfriend was scared. his boyfriend, whom seemed to fear nothing and no one, was scared. he needed to help. he needed to be there for him. "yū, it's okay. i'm right here. i'm not going anywhere. take some deep breaths." he whispered, keeping himself calm. finally, after almost twenty minutes of asahi trying to coax his partner to let it out, nishinoya let go. he threw up into the toilet, asahi sitting right behind him while holding him in his lap. he whispered soft praises to the male as he held him, being as gentle as possible.
when the libero finally stopped asahi looked up. "you done?" he asked, his tone still soft. he knew how bad throwing up was. he had done it plenty of times due to pure anxiety. "yeah-" noya mumbled through a few coughs. he slowly turned around in asahis lap, burying his face in his lovers shoulder. asahi stood up, scooping up noya with him. he flushed the toilet before he gently cleaned the smaller male up, continuing to hold him securely in his arms. "it's okay. i'm still right here." he whispered, taking noya to the bed. he set up a trash can for in case noya got sick again, he then got into bed and laid noya against him. "you feel better?" asahi asked, rubbing his partners back. "yeah..i'm sorry, asahi. i ruined our day together.." he whispered quietly but it was severely muffled with his head in asahis shoulder. asahi rubbed the smaller males back, letting him doze off in his arms.
the next morning asahi awoke first, glancing down at the sleeping libero. he gently moved the small blond strip out of his face. nishinoya started to wake up, scrunching up his face. "asahi?" he mumbled, stretching out against him. "hm?" asahi hummed in response, kissing his forehead gently. "you feeling any better, my love?" asahi asked, smiling softly at the male. "yeah.." nishinoya muttered, rolling onto his stomach and finally peeling his eyes open. "can we have pancakes for breakfast?" he asked, looking over to his boyfriend. "noya- you just threw up last night?!" asahi said quickly, sitting up a little bit. "yeah, yeah, but that's in the past. pancakes are what i want now." the libero laughed, getting out of the bed.
((word count: 1119))

haikyuu sickfics
Short Storydifferent haikyuu ship sickfics. - i take requests - all fluff in this book - not my characters - art is not mine - i don't have a schedule, i write and post like three one week and then disappear for a week. i write when i have free time. - no ch...