sick: the entire team - caretaker(s): team & coach
3rd pov
it seemed like a normal day for one of the top teams in the prefecture. and it was, until one first year by the name of tsutomu goshiki came into practice. he was clearly sick but he denied it whenever anyone brought it up. he had a small layer of sweat on his forehead before he even started practice. he sniffled and seemed like he couldn't get any air in through his nose. but coach decided that if goshiki said he could power through it and that he wasn't sick, then the boy would stay. it was the coach's mistake. not even halfway through practice the youngest boy on their starting line up was puking his guts out in the nearest trash can. well, now he was throwing up in a trash can, but it started by him throwing up on shirabu, taichi, and tendou. while the other two freaked out and gagged, tendou had a much stronger stomach so he took the boy to the trash can even if he had throw up on his legs and shoes.
tendou hovered over him and held the boys up bangs out of the way, looking over to the rest of the team that had a mix of concern and disgust on their faces. ushijima and reon came over, looking down at the young boy. reon placed a gentle hand on his back and rubbed it. "we are sending you home." ushijima said quietly and got a weak nod from the sick boy. when they sent him home it seemed to be the last of it for the next two days. those two days goshiki spent sick, fighting off a stomach bug and a cold. each of the teammates had visited him at least once to check in on him and keep him company. that was their mistake.
now on the third day three more people showed up not feeling so well. those three were tendou, shirabu, and taichi. surprise, surprise, the three that got thrown up on. the third year was the first to give out, falling to his knees in the gym and dry heaving. yamagata noticed and ran to get a trash can. he was just in time and put it under the males mouth as he began to throw up. but that wasn't their only problem, shirabu was a sympathy puker and he had already been fighting off nausea all day. as soon as he heard tendou throw up, he was keeled over throwing up his breakfast. not soon after taichi was also hacking up a lung.
that was just the beginning. those three were sent home and for good reason. but, now they were four people short. not to mention, all the other teammates had been exposed to it was just a matter of time until they got sick. ushijima, being the wonderful boyfriend he was, tried his very best to take care of his sickly boyfriend. he made him soup, he helped him shower, he held his hair back when he threw up. he would sit patiently and try and help him with the homework he missed. he got even more exposed to the stomach bug. "do you need anything else?" ushijima asked, touching the redheads hair to feel for any sort of fever. he had been having to rotate with two different kinds of medicine, one for nausea and the other to reduce his fever. tendou couldn't keep anything down without the anti nausea one so he had to take it so he could get water and a little food into his system. but he also was fighting a high fever the entire time that was worse when he didn't take the fever meds. "no, thank you, wak-kun." the redhead hummed, rolling over on his other side.
tendou wasn't the only one getting treated though, semi had bit the bullet and started to take care of shirabu. he would do the same as ushijima, he would hold the males bangs out of the way, he would help him with homework, he would do anything to ease his partners discomfort. "you have to get to practice, don't you?" shirabu whispered, his voice was raspy and deep from his throat becoming absolutely raw from all the stomach acid. "i do, but i'll be back and we can watch some movies." semi said quietly, standing up slowly from the ground where he had been sitting in front of shirabus bed. he leaned down and pressed a soft, gentle kiss to the boys warm forehead. "if you need anything i'll keep my ringer on and my phone on the bench. just call." the third year whispered before he exited the room and went to practice, meeting up with ushijima in the hallway.
tendou and shirabu were not the only sick ones though. taichi had also gotten sick and goshiki was feeling better but he still had a high fever so no practice. reon and yamagata alternated who would be in charge of taking care of which underclassmen each day. it was much easier to take care of goshiki now since he just had a fever but was pretty self sufficient again. usually taking care of him would involve giving a little praise about how good he was doing at fighting the sickness. then they would give him food from the cafeteria. then they would drop off his work and leave. taking care of taichi was a similar run but he was still much more sick. he thankfully hadn't caught the stomach bug but he did catch the cold.
on the fifth day since goshiki got sick, ushijima, semi, yamagata, and reon all came in feeling like utter shit. they looked like shit too. the coach stared in utter disbelief. four of his starting line up was already gone and now the remainder was looking like zombies at practice. they all felt like shit but also we're extremely tired from going to school and being main caretakers to their teammates. the first to give into the sickness was yamagata, he started coughing and coughing before he couldn't stand up. reon was soon to follow with the coughing fit. the two sat by the bench as they recomposed themselves. semi gave out soon after, running to the trash can and puking up his lunch. ushijima came over and attempted to help but soon the stoic captain was also throwing up. washijo stood there in utter shock as all of his team was now either coughing their lungs out or puking.
he couldn't work with zombies and shells of his players so he had no choice but to send them home. but, for just a moment, he became and actual caring coach. he went home and did the only thing possible, he made them all soup. easy on the stomach but nutritious to keep their bodies running. he came back three hours later around dinner time and called all the sickly zombie players to the dorm kitchen. he watched as they stumbled in one by one. first goshiki, still under the weather but much more lively. then tendou, still pale but flushed in the cheeks, but thankfully he was able to hold down a meal. then taichi, still sniffly and feverish but getting better. then shirabu, holding most things down at that point, hadn't thrown up in almost twelve hours. then yamagata came, his nose more stuffy than before and he had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. he looked similar to reon who followed him into the kitchen. finally, ushijima came in, the stoic captain looked like he had been fighting for his life.
they all stared at their coach, he wore a mask and gloves but he started to serve each of the boys soup. "i expect you all to be better by the end of the week! you hear me?" he asked, his hands resting on his hips. a very weak and half assed, "yessir," was heard from all the boys who were busy already eating the soup. most of them had been surviving off shitty cafeteria food the entire time so it was the best thing in the world to them at the moment. even ushijima ate some of his but not a lot since he didn't want to trigger himself into throwing up. "i also made some onigiri, eat them at your leisure." the coach said before walking to the door. "seriously, get better. i can't have my players be zombies." he said before exiting the room. he was harsh but he showed he at least cared a little bit about his team.
the following days were spent with all the team taking caring of each other. they all helped one another and soon, by day eight of the whole ordeal, each team member was back and better than ever.
((word count: 1489 ‼️ i'm back 💪😗

haikyuu sickfics
Short Storydifferent haikyuu ship sickfics. - i take requests - all fluff in this book - not my characters - art is not mine - i don't have a schedule, i write and post like three one week and then disappear for a week. i write when i have free time. - no ch...