sick: akaashi - caretaker: bokuto
3rd pov:
akaashi had gone to bed with an upset stomach. nothing unbearable, just mild cramping along his abdomen. he figured something just didn't sit right with him, so he ignored it and did his best to fall asleep. it was a restless night of sleep, many trips to the bathroom to almost throw up. he didn't want to throw up, that would be admitting he was sick. so he would sit by the toilet until the wave of nausea passed. he did it many times, it was a cycle. get up, walk to the bathroom, sit for twenty minutes with his hand tightly clamped over his mouth, get up when the wave passes, go back to bed, and try to sleep. no sleep happened at all. well, very little actual sleep.
the next morning was not a pleasant one either, he still had the cramping feeling in his abdomen. he had a test so staying home wasn't an option. he got dressed in his uniform and started on his way to school, meeting up with bokuto on the way. "mornin' 'kaashi!" bokuto exclaimed happily as he waved to the setter whom also happened to be his boyfriend. "good morning, bokuto-san." he responded, his voice calm like usual. he often still called bokuto by 'bokuto-san' when they were at school. the respect of his upperclassmen still stayed. bokuto often had to beg his boyfriend to call him by his name.
the pair made their way to school, bokuto talking akaashis ear off about something but he didn't know what since he was much more focused on the tense feeling in his stomach. the males went their separate ways for class and he wouldn't see bokuto for the rest of the day. the pair usually ate lunch together but today akaashi lied and said he had to finish a test. instead he spent his lunch in the bathroom, finally giving in and throwing up. he threw up twice at lunch before he stood up and acted like he hadn't. he was stubborn. he wouldn't admit he was sick even if he had just thrown up. that lunch incident was followed by many other trips to the bathroom during his classes to relieve that wave that hit him.
finally, when school ended, akaashi pulled his phone out, about to text bokuto that he was busy and couldn't come to practice. he had it all typed out but before he could send it, the excited third year came leaping at him, excitedly ranting about something already. "i'm gonna go like boom! and then pow! and you're gonna be like, 'wow, kōtarō, you're the best ace in the world!'" bokuto said, placing his hands on his hips proudly. "anyways, you excited to set me up for some spikes today? watch me smash through them like butter?" he smirked, only getting a nod from akaashi which was perfectly normal. guess he was going to practice after all.
they walked together and got changed before going in. the coach split them up into two teams, making them set up a game. all the running and jumping only upset akaashis already upset stomach more. he held back a groan as it cramped up, reaching down and subtly rubbing his stomach to hopefully bring some relief to him. it didn't work. and bokuto actually took notice. the ace was often thought of as a airhead, ergo the nicknames he had. and he was. he really was. but he did usually have an eye on akaashi during practice or games. one, because he was the setter. and two, because that was his boyfriend.
bokuto walked over to his partner, much more serious than usual and placed a hand on akaashis shoulder. akaashi flinched since he didn't see or hear bokuto come over. usually it was hard to miss bokutos approach, he was loud and made himself known. "you okay?" he asked, he could tell something was hurting the setter, he didn't know what though. "i'm good, bokuto-san." he said, turning around to look at his boyfriend. "sit out for the last bit of practice. you aren't good." bokuto said, placing his hands on his own hips. "no- i'm fine." he argued, getting defensive since he really didn't feel like admitting defeat. "akaashi, if you need to sit out, that's okay." the coach spoke up, crossing his arms over his chest. "fine. i'm the captain. akaashi, you are sitting out of practice until further notice." bokuto said, using his boyfriends actual name and using his captain privileges to make akaashi sit out. "fine. this once i will sit out." akaashi muttered under his breath, walking off the court and taking a seat. "you sure something was wrong with him? i didn't see anything." konoha spoke up, glancing at the captain. there was serious look in his eye, one he only saw when he was about to spike down a ball. "yes. something is wrong with him." he spoke, his voice low.
the rest of practice went by relatively smoothly. akaashi sat out and continued to massage his stomach, trying to ease the cramping. by the time it was over, he felt like he was going to puke. he got up and told the coach he was going to get changed. he walked over to the locker room and threw up in one of the toilets. he had nothing to throw up anymore, it was just stomach acid. when he finished, he straightened himself out and got undressed. he barely did anything in practice but he was still sweaty so he got into the shower and started to clean himself off. the rest of the team came in shortly after and also started to shower. when akaashi was done, he changed into a tee shirt and joggers, waiting for bokuto to walk home.
"akaashi, would you like to stay over at my place? it's friday after all." the captain spoke up, still wearing his signature smile as he packed his things up. akaashi debated in his head if he should take him up on the offer, he didn't feel good, but he also didn't want to let bokuto down. "sure, bokuto-san." he said quietly, letting the ace grab his hand and lead him out. he held his partners hand, squeezing every now and then when the nausea and cramps would get bad.
the pair got to the bokuto household and they were greeted by one of his older sisters. "kō, moms gonna be home late so we can order food." she said from the couch, not looking up from her phone. "alrighty! me and keiji are gonna go upstairs." he called out, already walking towards the stairs, akaashi close behind him. "don't have too much fun~" she called out in a playful tone which flustered bokuto. they got to the room and both put their bags down. they had a routine already. akaashi came over so much that they had it down to a science. they came home, practiced volleyball, ate, and then went to his room and cuddled while watching movies. today though, today akaashi just wanted to curl up in bokutos huge bed and cuddle his boyfriend. he had caught a stomach bug and just wanted to sleep. and that's exactly what happened. bokuto might not have been the brightest bulb in the box, but he was perceptive of the people he cared about. he caught onto akaashis sluggish behavior and the way he just wanted to rest. bokuto had no problem with that. he got right into bed behind akaashi, wrapping a firm arm around his waist. he didn't put any pressure on his stomach, he was gentle. "bo," akaashi whispered the nickname, a new one that bokuto had never heard, but he still perked up to listen. akaashi grabbed bokutos hand and placed it on his stomach with a uncomfortable sigh. "pressure, please." he whispered to bokuto. "you got it, keiji." he whispered back, his voice much softer now they were in bed. he pressed gentle kisses to akaashis shoulder, keeping his hand on his stomach and applying constant pressure. akaashi soon drifted off, sleeping in the males arms but bokuto stayed awake, wanting to keep his lover comfortable.
((word count: 1383 ))

haikyuu sickfics
Short Storydifferent haikyuu ship sickfics. - i take requests - all fluff in this book - not my characters - art is not mine - i don't have a schedule, i write and post like three one week and then disappear for a week. i write when i have free time. - no ch...