25: [miya twins (NOT A SHIP)] flu

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sick: miya twins - caretaker(s): aran & kita

3rd pov

atsumu and osamu often got sick at the same time. they shared a room and were almost constantly with each other. if one got sick, the other was bound to catch it at some point. on thursday, atsumu had a sniffle all day. no one batted an eye at it. but that sniffle would soon take a turn for the worst.

that night, atsumu started to feel incredibly ill, so did his brother. when the two went to sleep, their health rapidly decreased. osamu woke up at one in the morning in a cold sweat. he attempted to be quiet as he went into the bathroom to get himself some medicine and a cold cloth. although his attempts were successful, atsumu still woke up. it was for a different reason though. atsumu woke up hacking his lungs out. he couldn't seem to get a good breath in.

osamu popped his head out of the bathroom so see his twin sitting up in bed with his hand on his chest. "you good?" osamu asked before his face contorted into surprise, taken aback by his own raspy voice. "yeah— grab me a cough drop, will ya?" atsumu asked through his coughs. osamu obliged and brought his brother a cough drop out and placed it in the other males palm. he sat next to him, the lamp next to the bunk bed illuminating the bottom bunk just enough for him to read the dosage on the bottle. he took some for himself before he handed it to atsumu. he was hoping to break the fever they both had.

"i can't believe ya got me sick." osamu muttered, his voice was strained as he teased his brother. "fuck you— i didn't mean to! i didn't know i was sick, dickwad.." atsumu defended himself. "yeah well— you got me sick." osamu shrugged as he leaned against the wall while atsumu was sitting against his pillow.  both brothers sitting  in atsumus bed because osamu simply did not want to climb up to his bed.

for the next four hours the two chatted, simply trying to distract themselves from the annoying stuffy noses and achy feelings. but once it hit five in the morning, both had fallen asleep again, absolutely exhausted from lack of sleep and from all the medicine they had taken. in the deep sleep, neither heard the alarm blaring next to the bed. the twins mom popped her head in and was about to wake the two up but stopped when she saw the medicine bed and multiple cough drop wrappers in the bed. she turned the alarm off before she left them alone and headed to work.

the two didn't end up showing up to practice. that did not go unnoticed.

it wasn't uncommon for the two to be a few minutes late so it didn't raise any red flags for the first ten minutes. but after that, kita started to get a little concerned. he walked over to aran and pulled him aside. "did atsumu or osamu text you? i haven't heard from them and they aren't here." kita mentioned. "no, maybe they just overslept." aran responded with a shrug. kita sighed as he looked down at his phone. he was the captain. he was supposed to be in charge of the team. "i'll give them twenty minutes. if they aren't here and haven't texted, i'll stop by their house." kita concluded, just talking out loud. "i'll come with, i have a key to their place." aran shrugged while walking off. aran had known the twins since they were young, he wasn't as concerned. he really did just think the two overslept, they were probably up late playing video games.

after a smooth and weirdly calm practice, kita got his things packed. the practice had been eerily calm and smooth, no bickering, fights, nothing. it was calm.

aran found the quiet practice unsettling. he thought he would like the break but that was the opposite. he found it unsettling.

both third years packed their things and started on their way to the twins house. the silence was comfortable, the two weren't too talkative but they enjoyed each other company. plus, kita was worried for his teammates so he wasn't in the most talkative mood to begin with.

when the pair got to the house, aran knocked once to see if there was an answer. when there wasn't a response he pulled his keys out, sorting through them until he got to the miya household key. he unlocked the door carefully before walking in. "osamu! atsumu!" he called out while slipping his shoes off. kita followed suit and took his shoes off as well before taking a step into the house. it was quiet, no talking.

aran took the lead to the twins bedroom since he was the only one who had been in the twins house before. he slowly opened the twins bedroom door, peaking in and seeing both boys fast asleep in the bed. atsumus bed was littered with cough drop wrappers and an almost empty medicine bottle.

"found what happened." he whispered to kita who was a little bit behind him. he opened the door more to show the captain, kita almost frowning when he saw his underclassmen asleep. "here..go to the store and get this list for me. please." he told aran, immediately jumping into a leader role. aran was a little surprised and taken aback but he obliged and took the test. "o-okay?" he muttered, still a little shocked at the authority all of a sudden. he walked off and got his shoes back on, heading out and walking down the street to the store.

while aran was gone, kita got into cleaning mode. if the twins were sick, he needed to make sure they got better. they had a game in a few days and he couldn't lose two of his best players. he walked into the room and quietly started to clean the wrapper up. he straighten up all the medicine the twins had gotten out, neatly putting it on the nightstand. surprisingly, the twins slept through it all.

when aran came back, he put the bag on the counter. he walked into the room to see kita placing cold washcloths on the twins foreheads. he looked over to aran and gave a soft smile. "im going to make them a small batch of soup." he spoke softly to aran so he wouldn't wake the sleeping boys. "alright, i will help." aran responded. "you sure? we still have school." kita brought up as he walked into the kitchen. "that's okay, one absence won't hurt." aran shrugged as he washed his hands with kita.

the two older boys started to cook, making chicken noodle soup for the twins. while aran was more in charge of that, kita made onigiri for the two. both were filling and would help get the sick teammates back on their feet.

while the two cooked, atsumu woke up a little. he looked around and saw the straighten up room. his tired gaze then fell on his sleeping brother. he reached up and felt the washcloth on his forehead, furrowing his brows in confusion. "what the fu-" he muttered before he heard a clatter coming from the kitchen. he sat up and put the washcloth on the nightstand as he stood up. his whole body was achy so he moved slowly. he started to slowly walk out of his room, shuffling his way to the kitchen. "mom..?" he called out before he rounded the corner and saw his two upperclassmen. "what—? what are you doing here?" he asked, his voice raspy and hoarse from his coughing fits. "you didn't show up to practice. we got concerned. turns out you two dipshits are sick." aran spoke with a chuckle.

"is osamu up yet?" kita asked the setter quietly while he finished wrapping the last onigiri. "no he's still sleeping." atsumu responded before walking over to the counter. "...which is a good thing, that means i get first pick." he smirked mischievously as he reached over and grabbed one of the onigiri.

as atsumu was busy eating his onigiri he looked towards the clock. his jaw dropped. "oh fuck—" he cursed.  "it's noon! shit! we've slept so long!" he exclaimed, his voice becoming strained as he laughed. "it's fine, you need rest. go lay on the couch." kita instructed. osamu shuffled out into the kitchen after hearing his brothers voice. he didn't even pay any mind to his classmates, he went right for an onigiri. he grabbed one and shuffled to the living room, flopping down into a chair. he curled up and turned on a movie while he ate. he hadn't said a single word, he was just content eating his food while he was in his fever state.

atsumu walked over to the couch and sat down, looking towards his twin. "ya look like shit." he smirked with a small laugh. "shut up. yer the one that did this." osamu responded, his mouth still full of rice.

kita walked over with two bowls of soup, handing one to each off the twins. him and aran ended up staying for the rest of the day until the twins mom came home, just taking care of their teammates.

(( word count: 1567. i wrote this months ago and haven't proof read it but oh well ✊😔

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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