Sick: Hanamaki - Caretaker: Matsukawa3rd pov:
Makki had been feeling under the weather for the weekend, he had been trying to hide it from his parents. His parents had always been very protective over him and his sisters. He had been keeping it up pretty good until late Sunday night, after everyone had gone to sleep he laid awake unable to sleep due to not being able to breathe properly. After a few hours he got up to get some medicine but he wasn't quiet enough to not wake up his mother. "Sweetheart, what are you doing up this late?" she asked. "Oh mom!" he jumped slightly, his voice came out raspy. "Oh you're sick, sweetie, you are staying home tomorrow." she stated. He did not have the energy to fight back so he just nodded.
Once he got medicine and could breath better he laid down and quickly fell asleep. His mother turned his alarm off in the morning before calling the school and the volleyball team coach, informing them about Hanamaki's sickness. She let her son sleep while she made him some food before taking his sisters to school and heading to work. She left a note for when he got up, "hey sweetheart, feel better!! There is food in the fridge, don't go to school, rest. -mom"
When Hanamaki didn't turn up at morning practice Mattsun got worried, he walked over to Oikawa and Iwaizumi who were talking about practice in the clubroom. "Have you guys heard from Makki?" he questioned, his voice laced with concern. Both Iwaizumi and Oikawa picked up on the concern. "Wait, he didn't text you today?" Oikawa asked. "No, the last i heard from him was on Saturday." Mattsun said, "do you think he's mad at me?" Matsun couldn't help his mind from wandering. "I'm sure he is not mad at you, we can ask the coach if he heard something from him." Iwaizumi stated. Mattsun nodded in response.
The three third years made their way over to their coach, "hey, have you heard anything from Hanamaki?" Iwaizumi asked their coach. "Oh that's what i was forgetting." that coach cleared his throat. "His mother called saying that he had come down with some kind of sickness and he couldn't get out of his bed. But that's all she said before hanging up." the coach said nonchalantly. With that all three of the third years became worried. In the three years they had been on the team with Hanamaki had he ever missed practice without texting one of them personally. They thanked the coach before walking away to get changed.
Once they walked into the club room they turned to each other, "I'll go over to his house now and you guys can visit later." Mattsun mumbled as he changed and grabbed his things rather quickly. It was clear to the other two that Mattsun was worried. "Okay but when you get there let us know that he is alright" Oikawa commented as he watched his friend frantically grabbing his things. "Sure thing, bye." he said as he rushed out and began to run to the store.
He picked up his boyfriends favorite things such as food, drink, a small plush along with an assortment of medication. He then ran all the way to his boyfriend's house with his bags in hand. He pulled his spare key out and unlocked the door. He was expecting to maybe see his significant other's parents home with him to help him but they were nowhere to be found. He slipped his shoes off and left his school bags by the door. He then quietly but quickly walked up the stairs to the room where his boyfriend stayed. He slowly opened the door. "Angel?" he whispered as he walked in and set the bag full of goodies on the foot of the bed.
He walked around to the side of the bed and gently placed a kiss on the others forehead, he felt the fever almost immediatel. "Angel," he whispered as he moved the blanket away from his partner's face. The older one began to stir, "Issei?" he mumbled. "Yes? I'm here now" Mattsun said. The smaller just opened his arms waiting for his boyfriend, the other laughed softly and laid down with him behind him. "What hurts? I got you all types of medicine and other things to make you feel better." Mattsun said, placing soft kisses on hiro's shoulder. "My head feels like someone is hitting me with a metal bat over and over. And i'm not going to lie, my stomach feels like it's trying to kill me." he mumbled already drifting off in the others arms. "Go back to sleep, Hiro." mattsun began placing gentle kisses along his partner's neck.

haikyuu sickfics
Short Storydifferent haikyuu ship sickfics. - i take requests - all fluff in this book - not my characters - art is not mine - i don't have a schedule, i write and post like three one week and then disappear for a week. i write when i have free time. - no ch...