4: [Miya twins (NOT A SHIP)] lactose intolerance

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Sick: Atsumu caretaker: Osamu

(Atsumu has lactose intolerance)

3rd pov:

Atsumu and Osamu had woken up late due to their alarm not going off, the two had a practice game against Shiratorizawa. As if on cue, Atsumu shot up in bed and climbed off the top bunk as cursed himself under his breath as he got down. "Samu. Samu. SAMU!!" Atsumu tried his best to wake his brother up. "What the fuck do you want, dumbass?" Osamu hissed as he sat up slowly. "We are late, stupid." Atsumu said as he hurried into the bathroom to get ready as fast as he could.

After each twin had taken their turn in the bathroom they hurried into the kitchen. Their mother had left each a carton of milk, Atsumu's was dairy-free, and each a piece of toast. They thought they had grabbed their respective kinds of milk but they didn't. They hurried and drank the milk and ate the toast before throwing the garbage away. They practically ran out of the door locking it up behind them. Kita called Osamu while they were running to the school. "Where are you and Atsumu?" he questioned over the phone. "We are almost there," Osamu said as they ran through the school gates and ran to the bus station. As they approached the bus Osamu hung up the phone. "WE ARE SORRY, KITA-SAN!" both Miya twins said in unison.

The team loaded up on the bus but something was off, no one had noticed except Atsumu since he was the only one feeling it. his stomach started cramping up, an early sign he had eaten dairy. They soon all found their seats, they sat in pairs. Aran and Kita sat together, Asumu and Osamu sat together, Kosako and Akagi sat together, Riseki and Suna sat together, and finally, Ginjima and Omimi sat together. The time it would take to get to the game was four hours and eight minutes, by this time, Atsumu had put two and two together and was cursing under his breath. "What the fuck are you saying, pain in the ass?" Osamu questioned. "Nothin', Samu." Atsumu mumbled as he curled up into a ball against the window.

That was the first warning for his brother, he knew something was up when he didn't retort with an insult. He also never wanted to sleep on bus rides, he always tried to drag Osamu into playing some stupid games.

The whole ride to the practice game Atsumu had snaked his hand around his waist and was slowly applying pressure to his upset stomach. He thought it went unknown but unbeknownst to him, Osamu saw. When they were less than an hour away Atsumu could feel his stomach doing flips, he was going to tell Osamu but he didn't want to be a burden to his younger brother.

As they pulled up Atsumu's stomach was not settling down. They walked into the gym and the two teams introduced and interacted with each other. As soon as he could Atsumu asked the redhead on the Shiratorizawa team where the bathroom was.

As soon as he got into the bathroom he kneeled in front of the toilet and began to dry heave into the toilet. After a couple of minutes of nothing coming up he lowered his head into his head in defeat, he needed to throw up but something was holding him back, his fear of throwing up. As he kneeled in the bathroom the team noticed they were missing someone. This immediately alerted Osamu, the same redhead on the other team spoke up. "He asked me where the bathrooms were," Tendou spoke up. With that Osamu headed to the bathrooms, only Osamu and Aran knew that Atsumu was lactose intolerant.

Osamu approached the bathroom door, he knocked on the door before entering since he didn't hear a response and he was getting worried. Usually, Atsumu would take advantage of the excuse to be babied by him and their mother. As he walked into the bathroom he was faced with a fragile and weak looking Atsumu. "Tsumu, what is wrong?" he asked as he kneeled next to his sickly looking brother. "Are you okay?" Osamu continued to question Atsumu. "Tsumu, answer me." He was getting more worried. "Damnit Atsumu! You need to tell me you are okay!" he grabbed his twins' shoulders so he could face him. That is when he saw his twins face, tear stained cheeks, and red puffy eyes.

"Tsumu did you drink my milk?" he questioned as he pulled his older brother into a tight hug. He didn't know what else to do, he knew that his brother was in pain and he couldn't do anything about it. He held him tightly as Atsumu's tears fell. "Samu, it hurts." Atsumu mumbled as he held onto his brother. "Did you throw up?" Osamu questioned. "I can't," Atsumu whispered.

With that information Osamu moved away and positioned Atsumu in front of the toilet, "you can, I know you are scared of throwing up but you'll feel better." Osamu said trying his best to not be a dick. As Atsumu began to gag again finally he threw up and couldn't stop. Osamu sat next to him and rubbed circles on his back. once he finished he laid back on his twin, after he did Osamu let it happen and just held him for a minute before there was a knock at the door. "Osamu? Atsumu? You in here?" Aran questioned. "Yeah, you can come in" Osamu answered since it was Aran and they had known him since they were kids.

As Aran walked in the smell hit him like a truck, "what happened?" he asked as he laid his eyes on Atsumu laying in Osamu's lap. "He drank my milk this morning instead of the dairy-free one" Osamu mumbled as he played with his twins' hair. "I'll get Kita," Aran said calmly. "Feel better, Atsumu," he said as he made his exit.

Once Kita found out about where the twins were and he walked towards the bathroom. He may have had a calm look on his face but he truly was worried for his underclassmen. He knocked on the bathroom door before entering "Atsumu is sick." Osamu said, he almost looked guilty. Atsumu had passed out in his brother's arms. "How did he get sick?" Kita questioned. "he is lactose intolerant and he drank my milk on accident instead of his." Osamu said quietly. "Okay well you'll have to play setter and can you carry him to the gym? I will sit with him during the game." Kita said as he wiped Atsumu's face with toilet paper before flushing the toilet.

Osamu put Atsumu on his back and they walked with Kita to the gym, as they entered the gym all eyes were on them. Everyone stopped what they were doing while they watched the twins walk in, Atsumu passed out on Osamu's back. Ushijima was the first to speak up, "what is wrong with, Atsumu Miya?" he questioned, no emotion present on his face, he was hard to read. "He will not be playing today, he is sick" Kita responded. Kita sat down on the bench opening his arms. Osamu was hesitant to give his brother to their captain, he knew when he woke up he would want him or their mother. "He will be in good hands, Osamu" Kita persuaded. "As soon as he wakes up he will be upset and clingy, he will want me so tell me when he wakes up," Osamu said as he put his brother down. Kita wrapped his arms around the setter gently. "Okay, I trust you know him best." the team had never seen either of the twins act so protective over each other.

The game went on but during the third set Atsumu began to stir, "sir, you need to switch Osamu and Kosaku." Kita said to the coach, and that's what he did. Osamu got pulled out and was replaced with the pinch setter, Kosaku. "Is he alright?" Osamu asked as he approached. "He's waking up," Kita said. "Okay, switch places with me," Osamu said as he grabbed his brother. They switched and Atsumu began to wake up. "Morning, Tsumu." Osamu laughed. He knew that Atsumu would be feeling a little better. "Shut yer trap, Samu." he hissed as he covered his eyes with his arm, "drink some water, idiot." Osamu grabbed his water and helped drink it. "Thanks, Samu." he whispered as he continues to lay there still sick to his stomach but he was starting to feel better.

(word count: 1444)

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