sick: hanamaki - caretaker: matsukawa
3rd pov:
hanamaki had been having fainting spells since he was pretty young. it was more common when he was young, but he started to grow out of them during middle school. he hadn't had one since middle school so he had no reason to tell his team or his coach about the spells. he figured since he had grown out of them, there was no logical reason to have to tell anyone. if anything, it would just cause unnecessary worry among the people he knew and he didn't want that.
it was their last year, it was almost over too. it was definitely weighing on the main third years. during practice they tried to keep up with the underclassmen but they didn't have the motivation. oikawa was the only one going professional so the rest of them were slacking a bit. that slacking and laziness also carried into the third years work. hanamaki and matsukawa had been plagued the worst with this. they had virtually no motivation at all. they both did the bare minimum and when they did do a little extra, it was just to get a little bit of a better grade.
"you know that test for chem?" matsukawa spoke as the pair stood in the lunch line, waiting for other people to get their food. "yeah, i totally bombed that shit. did you see the third problem? i gave up after it. i was like super confident going into it but as soon i got to the third question i knew i was done for." hanamaki responded with a small chuckle. he was a little bit in front of his partner, standing and waiting for his food. he was starting to feel lightheaded but it had been so long since he had a fainting spell that he assumed it was because he hadn't eaten anything all day. it was the first bit of food he would be getting all day.
"honestly..i think the chem is stupid. like- why do i need to know this shit!? i'm not gonna be a goddamn scientist. honestly, stupid. no person our age needs or wants to know this. no one likes the class. and don't even get me started on the goddamn teacher. like- who hired her? huh? she doesn't teach us shit. we literally have to teach ourselves. it's so stupid. imagine getting paid to show slides and then that's it. she prints paper and makes us figure it out. she doesn't even help. i ask, she doesn't help. she's too wrapped up in her computer. like- hello? i am the student. i need help. it's ridiculous...." matsukawa was ranting but hanamaki was having a hard time concentrating on the males voice. he couldn't help it. it kept fading in and out as his ears rang slightly. he squeezed his fists tightly to try and concentrate but he couldn't. he stood there for a second, trying to ground himself.
before he knew it, his vision went completely black and he fell against matsukawa. his entire weight falling against the unsuspecting boy behind him. matsukawa thought his boyfriend was just joking around. why wouldn't he? he didn't know the boy in his arms fainted often. he wasn't told. he thought hanamaki was just joking around. maybe being dramatic. "wow, i didn't know my talking bored you that much." he laughed and teased his boyfriend, still not realizing he was holding his actually unconscious boyfriend. "okay- okay- get off. you're heavy as hell-" he grunted, trying to push the boy off him. but he wouldn't budge, his head hanging low.
mattsun reached over and grabbed his boyfriends jaw, realizing hanamaki had actually passed out. he panicked and looked around quickly. he spotted oikawa and iwaizumi at a table near the line. "iwaizumi!" matsukawa shouted loud enough to get a few students heads to turn. iwaizumi turned and saw the sight, thinking the two were pulling yet another stunt. "iwaizumi!" he shouted again. "he passed out! i need help!" he yelled for the other third year since oikawa was off in his own world talking to people. iwaizumi reached over and smacked the boys head to get his boyfriends attention. "owww iwa-chan!" oikawa groaned as he rubbed the back of his head. "go get a teacher." iwaizumi spoke, his tone rather serious and it got the point across to the boy next to him.
iwaizumi got up and hurried over to the other third years, grabbing one of hanamakis arms, pulling him over and helping support some of his weight. "what happened?" iwaizumi asked, hoisting hanamakis arm up a little to hold him better. "i don't know! i was talking and all of a sudden he passed out on me- i thought he was joking but he wasn't-" mattsun spoke as he hold the other arm. they started to carry their limp teammate while oikawa had gone off to find a teacher. it wasn't hard of course so he brought the teacher back to the pair who had taken hanamaki out of the line and were just holding him up.
"what happened?" the teacher asked and mattsun had to explain again. "okay, bring him to the infirmary. we will call his parents and you can take him home when he wakes up. he needs his vitals checked before he goes home." the teacher spoke, letting the three other teen boys basically drag their teammate to the infirmary. they got him there and hoisted him into the bed, mattsun having to explain once again what had happened. it was getting old at that point with how many times he had repeated it. but he digressed. he got into the bed, pulling hanamaki to his body protectively. his boyfriend looked so peaceful when he slept, or in this case was passed out. he held him gently, moving hair out of his face while the nurse checked his vitals and made sure everything was okay.
he laid with his boyfriend for twenty minutes, oikawa and iwaizumi also keeping him company. but soon the boy started to wake up, letting out a small and groggy groan. he rolled over and was faced with the familiar chest in his face. he let out a context sigh and moved closer, burying his head in boyfriends chest with a yawn. mattsun realized the boy was awake and reached down, gently running his fingers through his hair. "are you okay?" he asked quietly, leaning down and kissing his head softly. "yeah, you passed out." oikawa chimed in. "i think he knows that, dimwit." iwaizumi insulted his boyfriend, gently smacking his arm. "i'm fine.." hanamaki muttered, still out of it. he slowly moved away from mattsun and sat up, rubbing his face gently. "jesus..." he muttered again, rubbing his face more to try and wake himself up. "honey? how are you feelin?" the nurse asked, taking notice he was awake. she moved over and looked him over. "i'm good. it's happened before. it's nothing new.." he whispered against his hands. "you have fainting spells?" mattsun repeated in disbelief. "you have fainting spells?!" oikawa repeated but he seemed much more offended. "why didn't you tell us?!" oikawa added as he stared at hanamaki. "i'm your captain- i need to know these things-" oikawa added, still sounding utterly offended. "i'm your boyfriend! i should know these things, babe." mattsun spoke, looking at his partner, passive aggressively stepping up and putting oikawa in his place. of course his boyfriend should know before the captain."it hasn't happened since middle school." maki responded, looking over to him, still acting nonchalant.
"then let's get you home. you scared the shit out of me, takahiro." mattsun spoke, standing up and helping his partner up. "thanks for staying with us. i'm gonna take him home, we won't be at practice today." matsukawa spoke to the two other third years. "okay," both responded to mattsun. "feel better, maki." oikawa spoke up before the two turned and left the room.
hanamaki signed out of the nurses office before him and his boyfriend walked home. matsukawa kept checking on hanamaki, his eyes staying glued to him to make sure he wasn't going to fall or get hurt. when they got to matsukawas place, he unlocked the door and let them both in. each took off their shoes and put their bags down. hanamaki didn't get to choose what they were going to do, matsukawa was going to make them lay down. he was convinced hanamaki was going to pass out again and he didn't want his boyfriend to get hurt.
matsukawa got into bed, opening his arms for his lover. hanamaki didn't argue and climbed into the bed, cuddling up to his boyfriend quickly. he laid his head on his partners chest, yawning softly as he did so. "i'm sorry i scared you." hanamaki spoke up, glancing up at his partner. "it's okay. i was just worried for you, babe. i thought you were joking at first but you weren't. i was really scared, hiro." matsukawa spoke, running his long fingers through his boyfriends hair. "why didn't you tell me?" he asked, his voice soft and almost like he was going to drift off to sleep. "i thought i grew out of it. i hadn't fainted since i was in middle school." hanamaki answered, his fingers tracing over his lovers body. " are you feeling?" mattsun asked, looking down at him. "tired," hanamaki responded. "and you sound tired too." maki added, picking up on the tone of his boyfriends voice. "nap?" mattsun asked and suggested and got a small nod from the boy on his chest.
((word count: 1616

haikyuu sickfics
Short Storydifferent haikyuu ship sickfics. - i take requests - all fluff in this book - not my characters - art is not mine - i don't have a schedule, i write and post like three one week and then disappear for a week. i write when i have free time. - no ch...