10: [daisuga] cold

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sick: sugawara - caretaker: daichi

3rd pov:

suga was known to put his health and well being below most things. those things included his friends, school work, family, and practice too. after all, he had been benched his third year, he had to work hard just to be able to get on the court for part of a set. so, when he woke up the morning they were scheduled to leave for a training camp, he ignored it. the pain and sickness wasn't unbearable. he had a sore throat and a slight dry cough. seriously, it couldn't be that bad, right? after all, he could've just slept with his mouth open. that explains it. it was a good enough excuse, at least for him.

he gathered his things and headed to the school, being one of the first people there. "hey, suga!" asahi called out, waving to the setter. "hi, asahi," he responded, a smile forming on his lips. they got to go to another training camp thanks to takeda. "kōshi! asahi!" daichi called out, jogging over to the other third years. "ukai said that we will be there before lunch time. we can start practicing today." he informed them, both nodding along to it.

once the entire team had made their way to the bus, they got on and started the drive to the camp. "you aren't gonna barf on me again, right?" tanaka teased and poked fun at the first year seated next to him. "it was one time!" hinata defended, crossing his arms with a huff. "take it easy on him! no fighting!" daichi scolded but kept his voice down since he had a certain setter curled into his body, fast asleep.

as they arrived at the camp, they filed out single file, soon greeted by kuroo with his hands on his hips. "karasuno!" he exclaimed, shaking daichi's hand while the team stretched out their legs. "come on, the other teams are waiting for you. same thing as last time. sets, loser has to do the same punishment." he informed the team as they walked. "see you guys in the gym!" kuroo called out as he split away from the group and went to the gym while the karasuno team went to put their things away in their room.

throughout the day, they practiced with many amazing teams. even when they had to do the losing penalty, they were still learning and taking everything in. "noya~ i heard kiyoko is making dinner with the other managers!" tanaka whispered to the libero but they were both quickly shut down by suga. even when he felt unwell, he was good at controlling the team. and he was good all day. all day he stayed sharp. not as sharp as usual but he still was sharp and it wasn't noticeable that he was off his game.

all was well until late at night, in sugas seemingly peaceful night of sleep, he gained a high fever. when he awoke in the morning, it wasn't completely obvious something was wrong, even daichi didn't notice. he just looked tired. he still got up though. he wouldn't miss practice. no. he had an amazing chance to play with some amazing players, he wasn't going to skip and give that opportunity up. "third years turn!" a voice called out and he didn't pin point who it was exactly right away. it turned out to be daichi, trying to wake both asahi and suga up. neither of the other third years were morning people, especially suga, which was why no one had found it strange that he was groggy looking.

suga stood up and felt his legs weaken under him. his head started to spin but he ignored it. he was a big boy. he could do it. well, that's what he told himself to get himself to the shared bathroom. all three karasuno third years made their way to the sinks, the dizziness was getting worse. shit. his hands were shaky. he couldn't get the toothpaste out. "suga..?" asahi mumbled but the voice seemed to fade out as he slowly stumbled a few steps, dropping the toothpaste and the toothbrush on the floor. he fell into asahi side and the ace was quick to catch him, looking down at the setter worriedly. "suga-" he basically shouted which immediately got the captains attention. "kōshi!" daichi said quickly, putting his own toothbrush down and taking sugas unconscious body from asahi. he immediately felt the heat radiating off his boyfriends body as he held him, bringing the back of his hand to his lovers forehead and feeling the fever. "get ukai! he's burning up!" daichi said quickly which sent asahi running out of the room.

when the setter finally awoke, he was face to face with a very concerned looking group. takeda, ukai, kiyoko, and most importantly; daichi. they were all staring down at the dazed setter. he was on his cot again. when did he get here? daichi must've carried him.

he tried to speak up but nothing came out at first. he reached up and placed his hand on his neck, god, it was killing him. it just so bad. "suga, you need to rest." ukai said, his hand firmly placed on the setters shoulder. "but-" suga started but was cut off by a dry cough. "no. sugawara. stay." ukai repeated, using his full name to emphasize the worry and concern. "suga, we need you healthy. no point in pushing yourself to exhaustion." kiyoko said, being gentle and trying to reassure her friend. "daichi already agreed to stay with you." takeda chimed in as he stayed knelt next to the laying down setter. "but who will run practice?" suga asked, trying to sit up only to be pushed down by both ukai and daichi. "me. what am i? chopped liver to you? kid, i'm the coach. me and takeda have this covered." ukai teased the sick setter which got a small chuckle from the grey haired boy. "fine, fine. i'll rest, but you don't have to stay, daichi. i'm okay." he said, momentarily glancing at his boyfriend. "i want to." daichi responded and that was the end of that.

the rest of the team went to play practice games against the other schools but it wasn't the same without their captain and vice captain. but, back in karasunos room, daichi found himself caring for his sickly boyfriend. "why didn't you tell me, kōshi? you could've gotten really hurt." he whispered, placing a cold cloth on the setters forehead before getting into the cot and pulling suga close. suga nuzzled his head comfortably on daichis biceps, his face buried in his chest. "i didn't think i was sick.." he whispered back, already dozing off in his lovers arms. "i was scared. you passed out and wouldn't wake up." daichi continued to talk, his hand resting on the back of sugas head, gently rubbing his head while he pressed soft, sleepy kisses to the top of his head. it was heaven to be cuddling daichi. it was just what he needed. "i'm sorry, daichi." he whispered, pushing his face further into his boyfriends chest. "no. it's okay. you were sick. just- just be more careful next time. i don't want you hitting your head." he whispered to him, his hand slowly trailing down and starting to rub comforting circles on his back.

suga ended up falling asleep with daichi but daichi didn't sleep. he was too anxious. what if he needed him? daichi was a heavy sleeper. he slept like a rock and it was hard to wake him. he didn't want to risk it. so, he stayed up and held suga close, comforting him the best his could. thank god he did because not even an hour and a half later, suga woke up in tears. he didn't know why he was crying, but he was. "kōshi?" daichi whispered, unsure if his boyfriend was asleep. when he saw the teary eyes looking back at him, he knew he was awake. "oh honey..what's wrong?" he asked, his hand finding it's way to sugas cheek, holding it gently. "it hurts, daichi.." he whispered though his silent sobs. daichi leaned forward and softly kissed the corners of his eyes, kissing the tears away.  "it's okay, my love. i know. i know.." he whispered. all he could do was comfort him when he needed him most. and he did, he did it until they both fell asleep in the small, cramped, slightly uncomfortable cot. ukai came back to check on the two with kiyoko and when he opened the door he couldn't help but smile at the two peaceful teens, curled up in each others arms, fast asleep.

(word count: 1459!! request any pairings or sicknesses you'd like to see! :) ))

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