21:[ushiten] nightmare

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sick: tendou - caretaker: ushijima

it was not an uncommon occurrence for people to have nightmares. after all, almost everyone experienced them once and awhile. tendou was no different, he was human after all. but that was the ironic thing about him. his nightmares often included people finding out he wasn't human and he truly was some kind of monster. as a kid he was taunted and made fun for his looks, often being compared to a lizard. when he would have nightmares, he would be pushed back into that time where he was just a little kid. but thankfully, he hadn't had a single nightmare since he came to shiratorizawa and started rooming with ushijima. ushijima seems stoic and he seemed like nothing could bother him or scare him. hell, tendou was the males best friend and it was still rare to see him crack a smile.

that night it hadn't been overly stressful. nothing seemed out of the ordinary to the red head. it was like every night, him and ushijima talking for a little bit, ushijima falling asleep in the bottom bunk, tendou reading his manga with his little lamp, and tendou finally going to sleep at two in the morning. the only difference was he didn't get the usual peaceful sleep. instead, after he fell asleep, he tossed and turned on the top bunk, trying to find a comfort position. nothing. nothing was comfortable. he still ended up falling asleep but it was restless sleep. even then, a nightmare crept its way into his dream. he was taken back to when he was a young kid. when the bullying was at an all time high. he could remember the taunting. the name calling. the pointing. the kicking. the vandalism. he remembered it all. he remembered hanging his head in shame as he had to walk home and tell his father that he needed a new binder again because it broke. he remembered walking home and looking down at the broken pencils, all his pencils had been snapped. he remembered when he would see the hideous insults on his cubby at school. the teacher tried to clean it off before tendou got there but it wouldn't come off and the poor red head saw it.

tendou sat straight up in bed, clutching his heart. without realizing, tears had formed in his eyes and started to fall down his pale cheeks. he felt so vulnerable. he thought about everything that had come back to him in the dream, frowning at the feelings. he slowly tried to lay back down, muffling his cries with his hand. "satori, you can come lay with me if you want." a deep, groggy voice spoke up from the bottom bunk. satori? he called him by his first name. he had never done that. tendou stayed frozen for a moment before he slowly slinked down the ladder and looked at the ace to make sure he was actually awake and not hearing things. low and behold, the ace was in fact awake. tendou had bolted up with quite a lot of force so it woke the ace up.

"come," he grumbled, his voice deep and raspy. his normally neat hair was a complete mess and his eyes had trouble staying open. tendou slowly got into the bed and laid on his back stiffly, feeling awkward but he didn't want to leave. he didn't want to be alone. ushijima, the stoic and seemingly emotionless man, reached over and wrapped a single arm around tendous body, pulling him closer. "sleep, satori. i got you." he mumbled, still very much half asleep. but there it was again. his name. he was saying HIS name. his actual name.

before they knew it, both were back asleep, ushijima holding his friend tightly. he was protective over tendou. he didn't show it often, he didn't show much often, but he was protective of the middle blocker. he was his best friend and the man he wanted to date. date one day. one day in the near future.

the next morning ushijima turned the alarm off and just held tendou still. he was a rule follower through and through, especially when it came to volleyball. but today he felt that tendou needed the rest. he turned the alarm off and just held his friend, playing with the males hair. it wasn't spiked up, it had no gel in it so it was actually very soft. he had soft and vibrant hair. ushijima loved it. his hand traveled down and touched the bridge of tendous nose causing the male to stir in his sleep a little, letting out a quiet hum. wakatoshi didn't mind though, he kept touching his nose. so soft. so gentle. so pale. so..perfect. that was the word, tendou was perfect. perfect in any way in his eyes.

the entire time that practice was supposed to be happening, ushijima was busy admiring tendou. that, or he was resting his eyes. tendou slept through the entire practice, only waking up around ten. he opened his eyes and glanced over, ushijima seemed to still be asleep. he wasn't though, he was just resting his eyes. tendou rolled over to face him and kissed his shoulder gently. "what did i do you deserve you, miracle boy?" he whispered, closing his eyes and bringing his arms around to hug ushijima. it took every muscle in ushijima not to smile as he just tighten his grip on the middle blocker.

a knock was heard on the door but both third years ignored it. "ushijima-san! tendou-san!" goshiki borderline screamed from the other side of the door. "how did he get up here?" tendou laughed to himself, after all, the grades were separated. "stay here." ushijima spoke up, causing tendou to jump since he didn't know he was awake. he rolled over so his back was facing the door, he didn't need anyone seeing the blush on his cheeks. "we thought your were dead!" goshiki shouted again as ushijima opened the door. tendou had a smile on his lips from the first years concern. he was cute. "oh, i apologize. we must've overslept." ushijima responded, lying through his teeth. he was a horrible liar, all the third years could tell when he lied. but thankfully it fooled goshiki. "okay! well- coach is mad-" goshiki said, bowing to his upperclassman. "bye!" he added before leaving, leaving a slightly awestruck wakatoshi. he turned slowly to see a giggling tendou. "are you feeling better, tendou?"he asked, going back to calling him by his last name. "i am, wakkun." satori said through stifled laughs.

((woah- i'm not dead 🤯 word count: 1114

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