23: [tsukiyama] asthma

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sick: tsukishima - caretaker: yamaguchi

3rd pov:

tsukishima had never thought of himself as sick, nor had he even given thought to the idea that he could one day be diagnosed with a serious and life threatening condition. he had made it all the way to his teen years so he just assumed he was fine. he didn't see himself being the sick kind. he understood that it was possible but it was highly unlikely. he rarely even got sick with the cold or the flu.

he had gone sixteen years without having any issues with his lungs. but that all came crashing down at one specific practice. it was nothing different. nothing special. nothing out of the ordinary. it was the same routine that they had all been doing as a team for the past few months. but today he found himself getting winded a lot more easy. he was losing his breath and it was noticeable. he brushed it off until after they finished warm ups. when they started to do practice serves and receives, thats when he got much more nervous. he was on the receiving side since coach wanted him to improve on that part. but when he was doing it he felt his chest start to tighten. it felt like someone was constricting his airway, cutting it off. it made him nervous but he tried his best to show it. he didn't want them to think he was sick nor did he want them to take him out of the practice.

he kept up the act until he physically couldn't anymore. he couldn't get air in his airway anymore. it was like he was choking on nothing. he started to wheeze and pant, it got the attention of nishinoya whom was next to him and giving tips on his receiving. "yo, your lips are a bit blue." the libiro commented as he stepped closer to the wheezing middle blocker. the sound also got daichis attention who was also giving tips on recieves. daichi jogged over and set a hand on the middle blockers back, but he was soon shoved off. he couldn't hear anything, everyone's voices were fading away and mixing with each other. all except for one. tadashi yamaguchis stood out. as soon as he heard that voice he looked up. "kei!" tadashi had been calling tsukishimas name but he only just got his attention. tsukishima finally was coming to again, he looked around and took in the surroundings. daichi, suga, and takeda were at his sides. ukai was off making a phone call which he presumed was to get an ambulance. yamaguchi was next to him, helping him balance. he couldn't see the other team members but all he knew was that he was running out of air and quick.

the ambulance got there within a few minutes but it felt like years for tsukishima. when he was finally loaded onto the stretcher and he felt the relief of ventilator, he couldn't help but sigh. he was safe. he had yamaguchi and takeda in the ambulance while the medics worked on him and got his oxygen levels back up.

he had passed out apparently because when he was awoke, he was in a hospital bed. there was yamaguchi next to the bed, clutching his hand tightly as if his life depended on it. takeda was on the couch on his computer. it was peaceful, although he couldn't see too well without his glasses. that peace was soon interrupted when his room door slammed open and a tall..blond..? stood in the door way. then it clicked when that tall blond came rushing to his bedside table. akiteru was there. "kei! i was worried sick! i got a call from mom saying you had to go in an ambulance! you- you could've died!" he scolded his younger brother. "how was i supposed to know i have asthma?! i didn't know. there was nothing i could do!" tsukishima got defensive but it was honestly rather funny to watch. kei couldn't see so he was squinting and yelling but he wasn't even looking at akiteru. he was only facing his general vicinity.

"yeah, well- you have asthma!" akiteru argued. "wow, thank you so much for telling me." tsukishima responded, the sarcasm very, very prevalent in his voice. "whatever, i'm gonna go get a coffee. you almost caused me to have a heart attack." the older brother said as he shook his head. he walked out of the room with takeda following close behind. keis attention soon turned to yamaguchi. he grabbed his glasses and slipped them on as his lips fell into a frown. he looked at the male next to him with his tear stained cheeks. "tadashi.." he whispered quietly. "hm? do you need something?" yamaguchi asked eagerly, wanting nothing more than to help tsukishima. he wanted to be the hero this time. the taller males knight in shining armor, just like tsukishima had done for him when they were younger. "nothing. just come here." kei said quietly, opening the blanket for the male in front of him. tadashi didn't argue and he slowly slipped into the bed with kei. he was welcomed with warm arms. kei was comforting him even though tsukishima was the one that had the asthma attack and not him. "are you feeling okay?" tadashi muttered, glancing up at the male next to him. "i'm better now." he hummed, rubbing tadashi back gently.

yamaguchi could hear the males heart beating, feel his chest rise and fall. all of that brought comfort to the pinch server, he knew his friend would be okay. he knew kei would be just fine.

((not my best work but i'll start working on commissions soon <3 word count: 962

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