Sick: kuroo - caretaker: kenma3rd pov:
Kuroo had been up until early hours in the morning the night before studying for one of his midterms, he didn't get enough sleep so he woke up with a horrible headache. The problem with the fact that he had a headache was that Nekoma was going to a training camp with Fukuradani, Karasuno, and Aoba Johsai. He rolled out of bed and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and took a quick shower in hopes it would help with his headache. Unfortunately, it did not help so he took some medicine and ate a small breakfast before grabbing his things and leaving to meet up with the team.
Contrary to popular belief, Kenma is very perspective and can tell when the littlest thing is off, so when he didn't get a text from Kuroo to get up he noticed immediately. Kenma got ready for the day and packed his things, he made sure to grab multiple games and chargers for the different devices he was taking. He then left his house to meet up with the team, usually, Kuroo and Kenma would meet up in the morning but they decided not to this morning since Kuroo had to get there a little bit earlier than the team.
Kuroo arrived earlier and made sure everything was set up for the team so things could go smoothly when the team arrived. Soon the team started trickling in, Lev and Kai came first, followed by Yaku and Yamamoto, then the rest of the team, lastly Kenma came dragging his feet with his eyes glued on his game. As bad as Kuroo's head was pounding he made sure to act normally. One thing you could count on was the team being their normal rowdy selves, Lev was bothering Yaku and Yamamoto trying to make everyone excited.
Kenma made his way over to Kuroo and stuck himself to Kuroo's side, like usual. "Are you alright?" Kenma questioned quietly. "Of course I'm alright," Kuroo said with his usual smirk. That did not convince Kenma. As the team and Coach Nekomata boarded the bus they all took their respected seats. Like always Kuroo sat near the front by a window since he would get car sick if he looked at anything so he would spend the time looking out the window. Kenma sat next to him and nuzzled himself into Kuroo while playing his game, Kuroo wrapped an arm around him with a small smile. No matter how shitty Kuroo felt Kenma could make him feel better. Kuroo softly placed a kiss on the top of Kenma's head, "pudding head, I'm going to try and sleep, wake me up if you need something." Kuroo whispered, he was hopefully sleeping the pain off.
About an hour later the bus arrived, Kenma gently woke Kuroo up. For a split second as Kuroo woke up, his face contorted into pain but was quickly replaced with his normal look. But it wasn't fast enough to go unnoticed by the setter, as they exited the bus Kenma broke away from Kuroo, he made his way over to the libero and the middle blocker that were arguing. "Yaku," Kenma mumbled as he walked over, the two immediately stopped arguing as their attention was turned to the setter. "What's up, Kenma?" Yaku asked, "yeah, what's up, Kenma-san?" Lev looked over to the shorter teen. "Kuroo is sick but he won't admit it. He needs to sit out." Kenma said never looking up from his game. "Oh okay, I'll see what I can do."
Kuroo was walking to the Nekoma room to drop his things off, as he walked in he heard yelling from behind him. "HeY hEY HEY, KUROO!!" Bokuto yelled from behind him which was soon followed up by, "quiet down, bokuto-san." The two teens from Fukurodani came walking over to the captain of Nekoma.
Kuroo turned around with his signature smirk, "hey, Bokuto and Akaashi. How have you been?" he asked as he continued walking to the Nekoma room. "Well, we've been good. Wanna play some two on two volleyball later with tsukibro?" Bokuto questioned. "Maybe if I'm up for it," Kuroo said bluntly, even just talking to Bokuto was exhausting. "Kuroo-san, are you alright?" Akaashi asked as he followed close behind Bokuto. "Yeah, no need to worry," he said, quickly fixing his expression.
After all the teams got situated in their respective rooms they had a couple of practice matches, by now almost everyone on Nekoma could tell something was off about Kuroo. His blocks were slower, he couldn't jump as high, his spikes were definitely not as powerful, but as much as people would ask he always told them he was fine. He pushed through the games with all of his energy, he knew they were catching on so he needed to act like he had more energy than he did, so he accepted the extra games with Akaashi, and Bokuto VS him and TSukishima. He accepted even though his head was pounding and he could feel a growing pain in his chest from the pressure.
"Kuroo, don't go, you are obviously sick, even if you don't want to admit it, you are sick," Kenma muttered as he played his game. "Don't worry, kitten," he said gently, kissing the top of his head. "If you feel too shitty, come back and rest, okay?" Kenma whispered, not looking up from his game. "Okay, pudding head," Kuroo said as he walked out of the room.
Kuroo walked into the gym where Bokuto and Akaashi were waiting, "Tsukishima will be here soon." Akaashi said bluntly. "Okay," kuroo said with a smile. A few minutes later Tsukishima walked in and they started their game, Akaashi and Bokuto on one side, and Tsukishima and Kuroo on the other. About a couple of games in, Kuroo could feel the pain in his chest grow, it was getting harder to breathe as minutes passed by, he decided to ignore it though, he pushed it to the back of his head. That was until he jumped to block one of Bokuto's powerful spikes, he jumped and the ball hit his hand but instead of stopping it he fell backward with the ball. As he fell he began coughing uncontrollably.
Akaashi wasn't an idiot so he had realized that Kuroo was not feeling too good but he didn't want to point it out. "Kuroo-san, do you need water? Are you alright?" Akaashi asked his voice rising in concern by the minute. Kuroo couldn't even get a word out he was coughing too much. With that Tsukishima looked over to Bokuto, "go get a coach, Now!" he said as he got down on his knees next to Kuroo. Even if he acted like he didn't care for the other, he truly did care about all of them. Bokuto ran out at full speed, he ran into the Coach room in sheer panic. In the room, he saw Coach Ukai, Coach Nekomata, Coach Irihata, Coach Takeyuki. "I NEED HELP! NOW!" Bokuto screamed, it was loud enough for the teams to hear. Most ignored it but Kenma had a gut feeling it was about Kuroo. He ran out of the room to meet up with Bokuto, No one had seen him run so fast. "What is it Bokuto?" Takeyuki sighed. "IT'S KUROO!! HE COLLAPSED AND CANT BREATHE-" before he could finish his sentence, Ukai, Kenma, And Nekomata were all rushing over to the gym where there were practicing in.
As the Coaches, setter, and ace walked into the gym Kuroo was still coughing his lungs out while Akaashi was trying to talk him through it and Tsukishima was trying to help the best he could. The Adults immediately took action, they grabbed water and Nekomata sat him up and patted his back. Kenma walked over to him with a horrified look on his face. "Kuroo, you promised," he said as he sat down next to him. As Kuroo began to breathe normally, he leaned back on Nekomata. "I'm sorry," is all he could get out. He had coughed his throat raw and could barely breathe but was getting better. "You are sitting out for the rest of the week, kid." Nekomata said as he held the captain up. "Let's get the kid back to the rooms," Ukai said as he looped one of Kuroo's arms around his neck, Bokuto did the same to the other arm. "Clean the gym, okay," Ukai said as he and Bokuto walked him to the Nekoma room. Coach Nekomata walked over to the short setter, "he'll be okay, kid, he's strong, just like his will." the coach said before making his exit with the setter following him.
Akaashi, Tsukishima, and Bokuto cleaned up the gym. Everyone knew Kuroo already felt shitty enough for not telling anyone that no one scolded him. The team felt kind of guilty for not realizing sooner, Kenma stayed up and kept an eye on Kuroo as he slept. He slept for a good portion of the training camp so he could feel better before school.
(word count: 1527)

haikyuu sickfics
Short Storydifferent haikyuu ship sickfics. - i take requests - all fluff in this book - not my characters - art is not mine - i don't have a schedule, i write and post like three one week and then disappear for a week. i write when i have free time. - no ch...