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*One Month Later*

Nash and I were going so well. I was rebuilding my trust for him. It was the last couple of days of magcon in California. We were all staying at Cam's house. It was huge! Along the way of Magcon Taylor, the Jacks, Cam and Matthew had met some girls so it meant that Carly and I weren't the only girls now.

We were all currently sitting in Cam's living room just talking.

"Girls make us lunch." Cam demanded as the boys all agreed. I rolled my eyes at them as we got up and walked into the kitchen.

"We're not actually making them lunch right?" Ariana, Cam's girlfriend asked.

"Definitely not." Camryn, Matthew's grilfriend replied.

"How about we pull a prank on them?" I asked.

"yeah we can but how?" Sally, Jack J's girlfriend asked.

we all huddled up and I whispered them my plan. I earned a few giggles from them. "Get me all the raw meat in this house." I whispered to the girls as they ran around in circles trying to get everything. I took the blender out of the cupboard and threw all the meat in it. I added some milk to it before blending it. The girls were all laughing as i poured the meat smoothies into the glass.

"SMOOTHIES ARE SERVED!" Jasmine, Jack G's girlfriend screamed as we all giggled. We all walked into the living room and passed the glasses of smoothies down to the boys. They all took a sip out of it and made weird faces making us giggle.

"EW WHAT IS THIS?!" Matt screamed as he spat out the drink.

"RUN!" I screamed as all the girls and I ran out of living room through the kitchen and up the stairs.

"GET THEM!" I heard Nash yell. We ran as fast as we could into a room.

"shhh" I whispered to the girls as they giggled. I heard knocking on the door. We all stopped giggling. "They're in here." I heard one of them say.

"Open the door or I'll kick it down." We heard Cameron say. I looked around frantically for a another hiding spot. "Look for a new hidding spot in here." I whispered. Everyone went around looking for a place. I was about to go into the bathroom when the door got kicked open and the boys poured in. We all screamed trying to get away.

I was about to run into the bathroom when I felt Nash's arms wrap around me and throw me onto his shoulder.

"NASH PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled. He just kept walking down the stairs with the others following. The girls were screaming as the boys carried them all weirdly. I kept kicking and punching but Nash wouldn't give in so I decided to give up.

I felt water touch my skin as Nash threw me into the pool. I screamed as i surfaced. "Nash!!" I yelled. He just stood there laughing as the other girls got thrown into the water. We all got out soaked. I went over to Nash. "Jerk." I said as I walked back near the edge of the pool. "aw baby I'm sorry." He said as he he walked towards me. I turned around to face him before giving him a smirk and pushig him into the water.

I started to laugh as all the boys fell into the water one by one. The only ones who didnt fall were the ones who didn't have girlfriend's. They slowly backed away. I ran towards Aaron and pulled him by the arm before pushing him into the water. Just as I did that Nash pulled my leg and I fell into the water.

"Nash!" I yelled as he pulled me close to him. "Sorry babe." He said as all the other girls jumped into the water. Nash leaned in to kiss me but I moved my head. "Come on baby." He whined making me giggle. I turned back to face him. He had his bottom lip jutted out. "Your so cute." I said kissing him on the cheek. "your such a tease." He said as he roughly pulled my face towards his and connected our lips.

I tangled my fingers in his hair. Our lips were moving in sync. We heard one of the boys fake cough causing us to pull away. Everyone was looking at us with a smirk. I just giggled as Nash gave them the middle finger and kissed me again. I pulled away. "We better get out of the water. I know its Summer and all but its getting cold." I said as we all jumped out of the pool. I was shivering and I guess Nash noticed because he tossed me his dry sweater and took his shirt off. Gosh, shirtless Nash was fucking hot.

I put his sweater on after taking my shirt off. I knew Nash looked at me once or twice when i took my shirt off which made me laugh. "I'm going to go change my shorts because its soaking." Carly said as all of us girls agreed.

I walked up to Nash and I's room and took out sweatpants. I put them on and walked out of my room. Just then the rest of the girls walked out of their rooms. We all laughed at what we were wearing. All the boys had matching Magcon sweaters that they had given to us after we got out of the pool and we all were wearing matching sweatpants. We all walked downstairs and joined the guys on the couch. I cuddled up next to Nash who wrapped an arm around me. "Lets watch a movie." I suggested. They all agreed and we all decided to watch Mean Girls.

Matthew brought popcorn that we all had to share. We watched the movie and in between some parts Nash would randomly kiss me. I'm pretty sure all Carly and Shawn did was make out throughtout the whole movie.

Once it finished we decided to go to bed since it was getting late. Nash and I walked up to our room. He took his shirt off since he always sleeps shirtless. I walked into the bathroom and changed into some night clothes before walking out and laying in bed next to Nash. I took my phone and started scrolling through Twitter. Usually, there would be a lot of hate on my Twitter but I wouldn't take note of them. I put my phone beside me and cuddled with Nash. "I love you so much, Sarah." He told me. I smiled. "I love you too Nash." He kissed the top of my head before I slowly fell asleep in Nash's arms.

"Get away from me!" I yelled as Tom came closer and closer. "I thought you loved me." I whimpered. "I'm not a toy that you can just play with!" I yelled. "Babe I only wanted you for your popularity.' Tom said. "YOUR A JERK!" I yelled as he slowly took my clothes off. I was chained up to a wall. I couldn't stop him. 'Help.." I whimpered. I was about to get raped.

"Sarah!" I heard Nash yell as he woke me up. I sprung up on the bed. I was sweating and panting. "Babe don't worry it was just a bad dream." Nash tried to calm me down. He hugged me and kissed my temple. but he didn't know that this dream had happened in real life.

"Let's go back to sleep.' he said as he tightened his grip on me. I soon fell back asleep.


Sorry guys this was a filler chapter kind of. but i hope you're enjoying the story so far :)

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