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Nash's POV

I woke up extra early this morning. I just couldnt stop thinking about what could happen today. I didn't want Sarah to get hurt or my reputation to die. What was I going to do? I didn't know. If I let her get hurt I would never ever forgive myself. I love her too much to do that. But at the same time I had a reputation to keep up with. I'm such a jackass!

"NASH! HAYES! YOUR GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" my mother yelled from downstairs. I took my bag before running down the stairs. I ran outside and saw Sarah walking out of her house. She smiled at me and waved before getting into Niall's car. She was wearing a really cute outfit.

She had on a white crop top, high waisted jean shorts and was wearing a grey cardigan on top. I don't know how I could let anyone hurt her.

Sarah's POV

I got out of Niall's car. He said goodbye to me before running into the school and tackling his girlfriend with kisses. I took a deep breath and looked around the school. I started to walk towards the doors of the school. Once I was inside I walked towards my locker. I didn't get pushed. Maybe coz there wasn't anyone in the hall. I put my books in and walked towards my first class. History. I hated it. But Nash was there.

I sat right at the back. None of Nash's friends were there so I was relieved. Just then Nash walked in by himself. He smiled at me and sat next to me. He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Did you bring the project thingy?" He asked with a chuckle.

I nodded just as the other students poured in. Our teacher walked in. She asked us to give her our assignments. I got up and walked over to the teacher handing in the project. I sat back down next to Nash and tuned out for the rest of the lesson.


The bell rang and everyone rushed outside. Nash and I waited behind. The teacher walked out. I was picking my books up when Nash grabbed my hand and spun me around. He placed his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck.

He leaned down and kissed me. Soon we pulled away.

"Just remember that whatever happens today I love you." He smiled. What the hell was gonna happen today? Weird....

I nodded my head slowly. "I love you too." I said as I pecked his lips.

"Well I'll see you soon kay?' He asked.

I nodded as I watched him walk out. I shrugged picking my books up. I walked out of the classroom towards my locker. I put in the combination and placed my books inside. Just as I was closing my locker I got pinned up against the wall. Great! (Note my sarcasm)

Tom smirked at me. He was such an ass. The group of sluts who followed him everywhere closed up on me.

"Well, that magcon tour shit sure as hell made you hot." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and brought my knee up and kneed him in the balls. He let go of me. Just as he did the group of girls around us gasped. They looked up at me all angry like. Soon I felt a burn in my cheek. I stumbled back hitting my head on the lockers. One of those bitches slapped. Then someone punched me. I fell to the ground, only to get kicked. I held my sides as they all puched and kicked. Just then one of the girls moved out of my way. I caught a glimpse of someone just standing there watch me get beaten up. Nash. I looked at him and mouthed out a 'why'. He looked away with his eyes full of guilt and sorrow. The girls and Tom laughed before walking away with Nash and some others following by.

Now I knew why he told that no matter what happened today he would always love me. I tried to get up but my body hurt too much. Just then I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh god! Are you alright?" I looked up to see Austin holding his hand out. I was more than happy to see him. Even if Carly wasn't here I still had Austin. He helped me up before engulfing me into a hug. I cried into his chest.

"What happened?" He whispered into my hair.

"Can we just ditch school? I'll tell you everything when we get home." I cried

He agreed. We started to walk towards the doors of the school. Austin wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I kept my head in my hands as we walked out of the school.

Nash's POV

I'm such an asshole. Which guy in their right mind watches they're girlfriend get beaten up like that? Oh right me. Why? Because im such a dick and all I care about is popularity. I kept running my fingers through my hair.

"Dude you alright?" Tom asked as he looked at me weirdly. I just nodded my head and turned to look at the school doors. Just then they opened. Two people walked out. The girl had her head in her hands, crying, the guy was looking at her. I looked more closely and recognised the guy and girl. Sarah and Austin. I clenched my jaw and balled my fists. Just seeing that guy touch her made me angry. They walked out of the school. I knew Sarah wanted to ditch. If she ditched alone then I would know she would go home and harm herself. I was angry that Austin was with her and also happy that he was with her. If I helped her and protectd her she wouldn't of been beaten up. UGH I'M SUCH A DICK!

"oi! Nash look at that new kid and Sarah!" Tom chuckled. I tensed up a bit. I held myself back from punching him in the face. I gave him a fake chuckle.

Sarah's POV

Once we made it home I told Austin everything as he put bandages on my cuts. He stood in front of me with his lips slightly apart.

"What kind of boyfriend watches their girlfriend get beaten up?" He asked throwing away some tissues.

"Mine does." I whispered matter of factly before jumping off my bathroom counter and walking back into the bedroom. I sat on my bed followed by Austin.

"Anyways, how come I've never seen you at this school?" I asked with a smile.

He chuckled.

"Well I transferred here because my parents wanted us to move. Apparently our neighbours didn't like us and this new neighbour that moved in was dangerous and all." He told me rolling his eyes all sassy like. I giggled. He took his phone out and looked at the time.

"I better get going. My mum will kill me if she finds out I ditched school." He chuckled.

I nodded and thanked him for helping me. I led him to the door and he walked out. Just as I was closing the door, someone pushed it open making me scream. I stumbled back but held onto the dining room chair so I didn't fall.

I looked up to see Nash standng at the door way with his mouth slightly apart.

"Oh god I'm so so so sorry babe." He said as he came over to help me.

"Don't touch me Nash and don't call me babe either!" I yelled.

"Please I can explain.." He whispered as he took my hands.

"Explain what exactly? That your sorry for watching me get beaten up and not helping me?" I yelled as I stormed upstairs.

I ran into my bedroom and slammed the door shut. Good my parents or Niall weren't home. I jumped on my bed and started crying.

I heard the door open. I knew it was Nash.

"Get out.. I don't want to see you anymore.." I cried as he sat on my bed.

"Please let me explain. Don't do this to me. I'm sorry. I love you so much Sarah." He whispered.

I cried even more.

I sat up.

"No Nash! Get out! We're over!" I yelled.

He sat there staring at me as tears brimmed his eyes.

"GET OUT!!" I yelled again.

"I'm sorry." He whispered before getting out. I fell back on to my bed and and cried into my pillow. I couldn't believe this was happening. I should of known something like this was gonna happen. I'm such a bitch.

ooooooo drama! drama! I really hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. Comment what you guys think about this story

- Tara

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