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Hey everyone!

Now, before you all lose it and wonder why the hell I'm creating another chapter in a book that was published literally years ago, I just wanted to come back on here and let you all know that I am working on a new and better book.

This book was written by me when I was in year 6. I was 12-13 years old when I wrote this book, believe it or not! It's been so long since I've checked on this book to see how it's going and I am honestly shocked at the amount of views it's received.

Obviously being written at such a young age, this book isn't the best of my work. It's been a rough few years but hopefully I can get back into writing and produce something amazing!

I've read over this book and I'm honestly so disappointed in how it was written. It's kind of understandable however, because I was so young, this book does lack description and I personally feel like it goes SO fast. It doesn't dwell on any part of the plot which I don't like.

I would like your opinions on whether I should write a completely new book with a similar plot (bad boy and the broken girl) kind of story or if I should re-publish this book with new characters (I've grown out of Nash Grier and I've recently heard he's having a child with Taylor?) and a way better plot line? Please let me know in the comment section.

Thank you for your support thus far.

- xoxo Sietara

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