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-A week later-

It was Monday. I don't even know how I survived last week. Nash would annoy me and try to get me late for class. I was really sick of it. At lunch time he'd always be around Lily, making out with her. He really disgusted me.

It was a Monday afternoon and I was walking home. I had my earphones plugged in and I was listening to Stitches by my cousin, Shawn. I really missed Shawn and Carly.

Niall didn't come to school today because he was sick so I had to walk to and from school. I crossed the road towards my house and unlocked the door.

"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" I yelled through the house. I walked towards the kitchen because they're there most of the time.

"Hey honey." My dad said as he walked over to me and kissed my forehead. I smiled at him.

"Can we talk to you sweetie?" My mum asked as she came towards the island and sat on one of the chairs.

"Uh yeah sure. Is everything alright?" I asked kinda getting worried.

"Yeah, definitely. It's actually good news." My mother said.

"Okay?" I looked at my parents weirdly waiting for them to go on.

"Shawn called this morning and asked if you could go and stay there for the winter and then go to Cameron's place for the summer." My dad said.

I'm pretty sure my face lit up like a little kid at a candy shop.

"Really?! That's great news! Why did you make it sound like someone was dying?" I asked with a giggle.

"Well Niall, your mum and I won't be able to see you sweetie." My dad said scratching the back of his neck.

"Aw dad. Don't worry. I'll be safe and I promise I won't get into any trouble." I said as I gave him a hug.

"Shawn knows about you and Nash." My mum blurted. I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Wait what? How did he find out?" I asked confused. Then it hit me. Carly must of told him.

"Well he read your texts to Carly." She said.

"Oh." Was all I could say. He was going to kill Nash next summer. I decided to change the subject a bit.

"When do I have to leave?" I asked.

"In about 2 days." My dad said with a half smile.

I nodded.

"Well can I go pack?" I asked.

They both nodded before I gave them a hug. I walked upstairs and dragged my suitcase out of my closet. I hummed Stitches by Shawn as I placed my clothes in my suitcase.

I put in a few dresses for special occasions, shorts, tank tops, a pair of sweatpants, sweatshirts and few other things that I needed. Once I was done I zipped up my suitcase and placed it on the floor near my closet.

I sighed really loudly. I think I packed a bit too much. But I am staying there for winter and spring maybe. I laid on my bed. I was thinking. Thinking about everything that I was going leave behind here in North Carolina. My mum, dad, Niall, Hayes, Skylynn, Nash. Nash. I jolted out of bed. I was going to leave Nash. My mind was racing. I didn't know what to do.

I tried to calm down but I couldn't. I grabbed my flip flops and headed out my door. I walked downstairs and out of the house before my parents questioned me on where I was going. I walked towards Nash's house thinking about how he would react to this situation.

I knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again. The door creaked open and I saw Nash standing there. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"S-Sarah?" He stuttered.

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