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once I told the rest of the guys and girls everything, they all just stared at me with their jaws dropped.

"You- he- she-" Cameron stuttered.

"So you and Nash broke up over a fake baby?" Sally asked as she rubbed her temple.

I nodded not being able to speak. I couldn't even breathe from all the crying I did.

"Do you know where he went?" Jasmine asked.

"He-he- he w-w-went o-out and s-s-slammed the d-door be-behind him." I sniffled not knowing if they just understood a word I said. After a few more minutes I stopped crying.

Why doesn't Nash believe me? Oh wait yeah I forgot I was that suicidal girl he once used to bully and now he doesn't care about anything I say because he's gotten one of the school bimbos pregnant. But the pregnancy is fake. Why can't he believe me? I need to stop crying over him. That's it. I've had enough of Nash giving me pain and ruining my life. I wiped my now half dried tears away and got up. Everyone's eyes shot up and they looked at me.

"You know what guys? I don't care if Nash doesn't believe me. It's his choice. He's going to end up finding out himself at the end. All I'm going to do is ignore him. He's given me too much pain." I said sounding more confident than I should be.

The girls all smiled at me.

"And that's Sarah Sanders aka my cousin everyone!" Shawn winked making me laugh.

The girls came up to me and hugged me telling me to get over him and that I'll find someone better than him in the next 3-4 months that I'm staying here. I might actually.

I turned around to grab my flip flops.

"I'm going out to the park for some fresh air!" I called out to the group. I heard a few mumbles so I just shrugged and put my flip flops on before turning the door knob.

Just as I opened it someone else came in front of me. I looked up into his eyes. They were darker than usual. I rolled my eyes as I pushed past him and kept walking. I heard him curse under his breath and huff.

His fault for not believing me.

Nash's POV

I walked inside and went upstairs. I wanted to ask Lily if it was true. I was scared of what she was going to say. I turned the door knob to my room and saw Lily laying in the bed on her phone. She looked up at me and gulped. Weird?

Lily's POV

Had Sarah told him? Did he know? Was he here to ask me some questions? I was scared. Too scared.

"Is it true?" He asked. I knew what he was asking. What I told Sarah was a mistake. I don't want to loose him. I mentally smirked as I realised what I had just done. Nash won't believe Sarah because he doesn't think I'm that selfish to make up a fake pregnancy scheme.

"What are you talking about?" I asked making it look like I was confused.

"The pregnancy. Is it real or fake?" He asked.

"Baby! Of course it's real! Why would I make up a fake pregnancy? Only selfish people do that." I said.

He sighed in relief.

"I knew she was lying," he mumbled under his breath. I should of thought of this earlier fuck.

Sarah's POV

I was walking through the park, of course not looking where I was going when I bumped into someone making they're drink spill all over both of us.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I gasped.

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