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-2 Months Later-
(lol I skipped again)

"Shawn's making me come back home too visit don't worry." I told Tanya.

"Are you sure your coming? It's really boring without you here and you really need to explain why you left without telling us." She replied.

"Yes I'm sure and you should already know why I left."

"Yeah okay I get it. Let's change the subject. Any boys yet?"

"Maybe one...."

"Sarah don't lie to me."

"Okay there's this guy named Xavier and I might just be dating him."


"Yes really and he's really hot and cute at the same time."

She giggled on the other side of the phone.

"Will he be coming with you?" She asked.

"Maybe, I'm not sure though." I said.

"When are you gonna get here?"

"Well I'm supposed to leave tomorrow at 6pm but don't tell anyone I'm coming. I want it to be a surprise."

"I won't, don't worry."

"Well I'll call you when I get to North Carolina. I'm going to go see if Xavier is coming."

"Okay sure. Have fun."

That's when I hung up.

It had been two months since I left North Carolina and now Shawn was pushing me to go and visit. In the two months that I have been here I've made new friends and even a new boyfriend. Xavier is literally the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. He might be a little overprotective but he's every girls dream boy.

My style had changed as well in the past two months. Carly and I now are more of the dress type of the girls then the shorts and a t-shirt type.

I got up off my bed and took my phone off the table. I walked to my closet and took out a pair of black comfy high heels and put them on. I was already dressed. I was wearing a floral skater skirt and a button up shirt. I had put on eyeliner, mascara, foundation and blush.

I walked out of my room and downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Shawn asked as I stepped on the last step of the stairs.

"I'm going to go see Xavier and check if he's coming with me tomorrow." I told him.

He nodded before walking back into the kitchen. I took my purse off the table I had left it the last time I went out before walking out of the house.

I strolled to my car and sat in it. I had bought a new car as well. It was a white Benz Mercedes. I got in and placed my purse next to me on the seat.

I started the engine and drove a few streets down to Xavier's place.

Once I got there I pulled up in his driveway and got out of my car locking it behind me. I walked up to his house and rang the doorbell. Minutes later Xavier opened it. He wasn't wearing a shirt, he looked really attractive.

"Hey baby girl." He smiled as he let me in.

"Hi Xav," I said as I pecked his lips.

"I was just packing for tomorrow."

"You're coming?"

"Yeah definitely. I wouldn't let you go by yourself babe."

"I love you so much Xavier."

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