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"Hey! Sarah wake up!" I heard Shawn call as he shook my shoulder.

"Go away..." I mumbled.

I heard him chuckle.

"Wake up! We're gonna be late!" He yelled this time.

I quickly opened my eyes and jolted out of bed.

"Hurry and take a shower!"

I ran into the bathroom and stripped my clothes down before stepping into the bathroom and taking a shower. I quickly got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I took out my white tank top and black jeans. I quickly wore them before doing my hair in a messy bun and walking out of my room.

I walked into the kitchen where I saw Shawn, Carly and Nash waiting there. "Your such a deep sleeper." Carly whispered into my ear.

We all walked out of the house locking it behind us. We stacked into Shawn's car and he started the engine. He parked the car and we all got out and ran into the airport. I looked at the time.

"We made it just in time." Nash said.

I nodded as we went through security. Once we were done with security we all went to the seats and sat down.

"We have ten minutes till we have to board the plane." I said. They all nodded still panting for a breath. We sat there for five minutes in complete silence. I broke the silence by sneezing. All three of them stared at me before turning and looking back towards the direction they were looking at before.

After a while we were called to board the plane. To my luck I had to end up sitting next to Nash. I sat on the window side and he sat next to me.

I could feel him staring at me. I turned around and looked at him. He was still staring at me but this time with a smirk.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked.

"No reason." He said as the smirk on his face got bigger.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window again.

It was only 6am and I was still tired. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep not knowing that I had placed my head on Nash's shoulder.


I woke up when I felt Nash move.

"Sorry. I didn't want to wake you up gorgeous." He whispered.

Did he just call me gorgeous? He wouldn't have. Maybe I'm just tired since its 7am and I'm thinking crazy. I got up and Nash handed me my bag. I thanked him before walking off the plane with Carly.

"Anything happen between you and Shawn?" I whispered. I watched her as she smiled to herself.

"We might of kissed." She whispered back. I smirked at her.

"Use protection in the hotel." I said with a giggle. She punched my arm before laughing. We waited for Shawn and Nash to catch up.

"Are the other boys here?" I asked.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist causing me to jump. I looked to see who it was and saw Jack G.

"JACK!" I screamed as I turned around and hugged him.

"Hey Sarah." He said in his raspy voice.

"Are all the other boys here?"

"Yeah they're all over there" he said pulling away from the hug and pointing to bunch of boys.

I smiled as I ran over to them and jumped onto Taylor's back.

"Woah! Who is that?" He asked as he held my legs. He turned his head a bit and saw me.

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