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-3 weeks later-

I was on my way to the airport. After what happened in the car with Nash and I, we haven't talked. It's been pretty awkward but I finally got through the 3 weeks of being in North Carolina.

I got out of the taxi and thanked the driver before paying him. I walked into the airport. The cold air conditioned breeze hit my skin making chills go down my spine.

I shivered as I kept walking. I went through security and sat on one of the chairs.

Five minutes went by and my plane was called.

"Flight 2336 boarding to Toronto, Canada."

I sighed and got up before walking towards the plane that was situated outside the airport.

I walked into it and found my seat. Great. I was sitting in between a fat guy and a stinky man.


I rushed off the plane. I couldn't breathe. That stinky guy stunk so bad and wouldn't shut up about the time he went to Greece and nearly choked on cheese.

I walked towards the doors of the airport. Just then Shawn and Carly burst open the doors and ran in. Shawn took one of my arms while Carly took the other and they dragged me back towards a different gate.

"Woah guys I've already had a crazy ride here, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Well Cameron told us to come to his place early so," Shawn told me.

"Oh, so we're going to Cali?" I asked.

"Yep!" Carly squealed.

I sighed before going through security again. We sat down on the chairs and waited for our flight to be called.

"Flight 4576 boarding for Los Angeles California!" The loud speakers called.

We got up and started walking towards the plane.

We got in and I need to thank god that I ended up sitting next to Carly and Shawn.

"Why? Did you sit next to people you don't like on the way here?" Carly asked.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked.

She giggled.


The plane ride to Cali was really funny. I ended up sleeping for most of the ride because I couldn't sleep on my other flight.

We got off the plane taking our bags. As we got out I searched for one of the boys. Then I saw the back of Cameron's head. I smiled widely as I dropped my bags for Shawn to pick up and ran jumping on Cam's back.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled as he held my legs in place.

"Hi Cammy." I whispered.

"Sarah!" He squealed. I giggled at how childish he was acting. I kissed his cheek and went to hug the other boys.

We all told each other how much we missed each other.

"Jasmine! Ariana! Camryn!" I screamed as we all cuddled into a group hug.

"I've missed you girls so so much!" I squealed.

"We've missed you more!" They all said in unison making me laugh.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"They've all gone to Cam's place to settle in." Johnson said as I turned around to look at him.

I nodded. I took my bags from Shawn.

"Well should we go?" I asked.

They all nodded as we went outside and got into different cabs.

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