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the boys and Austin were getting along pretty well. to be honest we were having the time of our lives. Carly and I were talking while the boys were blasting music on my phone. Carly and I were in the middle of talking when Cameron played a Justin Bieber song. okay. let me get one thing straight... I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!

He's just so hot and his songs are omg. they are so good. i jumped up.

"oh my god i love this song!" i screamed as i started dancing to the song.

the boys just chuckled as Carly joined me. it was seriously so funny.

all of a sudden Jack G stopped the music. i looked at him confused. He walked up to me and grabbed my arm. oh shit! he noticed! i thought those stupid scars were gone!

"y-you cut?" he gulped.great. just great! Now all the boys know! the only people that knew were, Cameron, Carly, Nash and Shawn.

i gulped the big lump in my throat.

"I-I used too b-but now i don't. these scars are just healing." i said.

he looked me in the eye. i couldn't hold it in anymore. i felt a tear drip. i moved my arm around so i could get out of Jack's grip. I managed to get out. I ran towards the door and opened it before running out and slamming it behind me. i jogged down the stairs before speed walking out of the hotel. I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

Once i was out of the hotel, i walked a few metres away and just stood there. Wow what a way to ruin the night. it was pretty cold outside. i just stood there looking at New York. I looked down at my arm and felt a tear drop onto it.

Jack knew... so did the other boys. What was i going to do now? i bet they thought i was some suicidal freak... just like nash and cameron thought. i was lost in my thoughts when i felt a jacket touch me. i quickly wiped my tears and turned around to look at the person. Ah Nash. Just the person i wanted to see. (note my sarcasm)

"nash go away." i said.

he didn't reply.

"nash please..' i pleaded.

he still didn't reply. I turned around and looked into his eyes.

"they all know now.." i whispered, "they're all gonna think i'm some suicidal freak like what you think."

"I'm sorry Sarah. I regret everything I've done to you.." he said softly. Wait What?

I chuckled. "Really Nash? I don't think you actually regret it." I said.

"Look Sarah, I mean it. I do regret it and I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me."he said again.

Seriously? Was he actually asking for forgivness after all the things he has done to me? No.. I can't forgive him.

"Nash seriously do you really think i would forgive you after all the things you've done to me? You hurt me since grade 7 Nash!" i yelled.

"Sarah please! I was stupid for listening to Tom. I shouldn't of hurt you.' He said as I saw a tear slip down from his eyes.

"I don't know Nash.. Why did you hurt me in the first place?" I asked.

"I know this sounds stupid and idiotic but... but I did it for popularity." He said. I looked at him in disgust. Wasn't he already popular enough?

"Just for popularity? Just to be everyones favourite person at school you ruined my school life?' I asked.

"i'm sorry Sarah." he said.

I shook my head at him in disgust. I bit my bottom lip holding me from crying but i couldn't.

"are you happy now?" I asked.

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