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I woke up with a small headache. i didn't feel to well. i got out of my bed and took a shower. i walked out and took out a crop top and high waisted black shorts. it was my first time wearing a crop top at school. i put on my black converse and curled my hair.

i walked downstairs and got greeted by a rather very excited mom and dad. "Hey guys." i said slowly.

"sweetie?! guess what?" my dad squealed like a girl. "we're moving?" i squealed back sarcastically.



"BUT SHAWN IS COMING!!" My mom screamed.

my eyes widened and I screamed.

Shawn was my cousin. yes Shawn Mendes. the dude from Magcon.

"you get a day off school." My dad said with a small smile.

Yes! A day without getting bullied. A day without seeing Nash. I hugged my parents tightly as I plopped down on my couch. I heard a knock on the door and I ran to it.

I opened it with a big smile. My smile quickly faded when I saw Nash standing there.

"I think I left my phone here." He said.

I let him walk past me and I watched as he awkwardly waved at my parents before walking upstairs and looking for his phone. I followed him upstairs. He was looking everywhere but didn't find it.

"Maybe its under the bed." I said as I gulped the big lump in my throat.

He looked at me then down my body. I quickly moved away from his sight. He sighed before bending down and looking under my bed.

"Here it is." He said as he pulled his phone out from under my bed. He looked up at me then smiled. He smiled at someone for once wow new record for him I guess.

He walked past me downstairs. I followed him as he walked out the door.I closed the door behind him and sat on the couch again. I sat there looking at the door and waiting to hear a knock.

I decided to turn the TV on. I flicked through the channels. I heard a car pull up in our driveway. SHAWN!!!

I jumped off the couch and ran to the door. I opened it and ran outside to see Shawn standing in front of his car. "SHAWN!" I screamed as I ran and jumped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck.

"Hey Sarah." He whispered into my hair. "I've missed you so much." I said holding in my tears. I jumped off him.

"How did you find out I was coming?" He questioned.

"Mom and dad told me." I said.

"It was meant to be a surprise." He said with a laugh.

"Who cares. At least I get to see you again." I said hugging him.


"Shawn?" I heard Nash's annoying voice call as I pulled away from hugging Shawn. Shawn turned around and smiled."hey Nash." He said as they did their weird handshake.

Once they were done doing their handshake Nash looked at me confused. "You know Sarah?" He asked Shawn with a confused look on his face. "Yeah. She my cousin." He said smiling. "Oh..." He said as he gulped.

"Well I've got to go." He said as he turned around and walked back to his house.

Shawn walked back towards me.

"I should hook you and Nash up"

"No way!"

He just chuckled a bit before hugging me again. Once we pulled away his eyes fell on my arm. I quickly hid both my hands behind my back. He grabbed my arm and pulled it back towards him. I winced at the pain when one of his fingers slipped onto the cut I had on my wrist.

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