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"I'll miss you so much Shawn!" I said hugging him tightly. He chuckled.

"your only leaving for 3 weeks Sarah not forever." He laughed.

I smiled as I pulled away. "Yeah but I'm still gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too but at least Carly will shut up for a while and not talk to anyone except me."

I shook my head as we bid our goodbyes.

I had already said goodbye to Carly before we came here. She didn't come to the airport with us because she was sick.

Xavier and I walked through security. Just as we did our flight was called. I turned and waved to Shawn before boarding the plane.

Nash's POV

I was getting ready for school when Hayes came into my room.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Um-uh Sarah-" he hesitated.

"What about Sarah?!"

"She's coming back for a couple of days to visit."

My eyes widened and I looked at Hayes.

"Really?!" I asked as a smile came to my lips.

"Uh yeah. I - I don't really know how to tell you this, b-but she's not coming alone..." He trailed off.

"What do you mean?"

"She's- uh- she's coming with her boyfriend."

My lips slightly parted as I stared at Hayes in disbelief. He just stood there scratching the back of his neck.

Had Sarah moved on so quickly? But why? I still loved her. What the fuck am I saying? Of course she moved on. I'm going to be the father of a child that isn't hers. She's got every right to move on.

"And by the way Mrs Sanders describes Xavier, it," Hayes hesitated "it sounds like he treats Sarah better than you ever did."

"Hayes shut up! Get out before you get hurt!" I yelled at him as jealousy and anger fumed through my whole body. He slightly nodded before leaving my room.

I didn't like him already. I haven't even seen the guy and I already want to shoot him. Ugh! Why am I such a fuck up?

I sighed loudly as I got up and took my bag off my bed and dragged my feet downstairs. I left the house without saying goodbye to my family. I drove to school and parked my car.

Just as I got Lily came walking towards me holding her stomach.

"Good morning baby," she smiled at me.

I hated how she thought we were in relationship when I just wanted to dump her slutty ass and leave to go find Sarah, but I didn't. That baby needs a father.

I just frowned at her and kept walking towards the schools main door.

"I can't wait till this little girl or boy inside me is born nashy." Lily giggled.

I was going to mumble something really mean to her but I stopped myself.

"See you in class Lily." I said as I rolled my eyes at her. She looked disgusting today. Short shorts and a bright yellow crop top that looked so tight I thought it was going to burst.

I walked into my History class and took a seat at the table where Sarah and I always say since we were partners. She still had some of her belongings that she had left here. Now since she was gone, I sat alone.

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