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I walked off the plane and outside of the airport. I never told Carly and Shawn that I was coming, I had decided to surprise them.

I walked towards the kerb and called in a taxi. Once the taxi stopped I put my suitcase in the trunk and opened the passenger seat to sit down.

"Where are we going maa'm?" The driver asked turning his head to look at me.

I gave him Shawn's address and he nodded.


The taxi driver took out my suitcase and handed to me.

"Thanks." I smiled as he got back in the car.

I looked at Shawn's house. I sighed. It was really, really big. I walked towards the door. I smiled before knocking.

"I'll get the door!" I heard Carly yell. I missed her so much.

After a few seconds I heard the door unlock and open. Carly stood there with her mouth open. She blinked a few times.

"Sarah?" She asked as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I've missed you so much Carly." I said.

"I've missed you more. You weren't meant to be here till Wednesday."

"Well a lot happened when my parents told me about me coming here."

We pulled away from the hug.

"Shawn is gonna be so surprised when he sees you." She said. The smile on my face grew wider.

I walked into the house and gasped. It was so gorgeous inside. Once you stepped into the house there was two stairs that led upstairs.

"This place is beautiful." I told Carly as she led me towards the kitchen.

"I know."

"Is it just Shawn and you that live here?" I asked.

"Yeah. He bought this house when we came back from Magcon."

I nodded my head as she led me past the kitchen and too the living room.

"Babe who is it?" I heard Shawn ask.

He turned around and his jaw dropped.

I dropped my suitcase and ran into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso as he spun me around.

"Oh my god Sarah." He whispered into my hair.

"I missed you so much." I said as I jumped out of his arms.

"Weren't you meant to come on Wednesday?"

"I was but something happened."

"Tell us everything."

I sighed before sitting on the couch as they sat next to me.

"Well it all started when we came back from Magcon..."


I told them basically everything there was to tell. The bullying, Xander, the party, Nash, Lily and how Nash was becoming a father.

I turned and looked at Shawn. His mouth was hanging open. I then turned to Carly. Same as her.

"I can't believe he'd be so self centred." Carly finally said. I shrugged.

"I don't get it. Didn't he say he loved you?" Shawn asked.

"He did. Before I left he kept saying it too but I don't know what happened." I told them as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Don't worry about him anymore. In pretty sure you'll find someone else here." Carly winked at me.

I laughed before giving her another hug.

"She gets two hugs and I don't?" Shawn asked pouting. I laughed as I gave him a hug too.

Nash's POV

"I know. I'm so stupid." I told Cameron as tears fell out of my eyes.

"Don't worry Nash. You'll eventually see her this spring or summer. Just take care of the baby just like she wants you too man," Cameron said back as she he gave me a small smile.

I was currently on FaceTime with him.

"Yeah I will. I'll talk to you soon, man. Bye."

"Okay bye."

I ended the call. I threw my phone on the floor and ran my hands through my hair. I groaned in frustration. I can't believe what I did. I was becoming a father. The mother of my child was someone I didn't even care about. I screamed in frustration before laying back on my bed and placing my hands on my face.

I'm so stupid.

Lily's POV

As I drove back home I had a big smirk plastered across my face. I had Nash wrapped around my finger now, just where I wanted him. He wasn't going to go back to that bitch Sarah because he thinks I've got his baby in my weight. I laughed as the thought of Sarah crying her eyes out came to my mind. I wasn't actually pregnant. I just made it up so I could have Nash close to me. He was so so drunk at the party he doesn't remember anything.

I just hope he doesn't find out everything is fake.

Sarah's POV

"Guys I'm gonna go to bed early." I told Shawn and Carly. "I'm really tired."

"Yeah okay. Follow me and I'll show you to your room." Carly said.

I nodded as I followed her to my new room for the next 3 months.

We walked up the stairs and she led me through a long hallway towards the end of the house.

"This is your bedroom." Carly told me.

I smiled as she opened the door. The room was 2 times the size of my room back home. The walls were a shade of light purple and there was a king sized bed on one side of the room.

I turned to Carly. I gave her a hug.

"Thank you for understanding and being here for me." I whispered.

"Not a problem. Anything for my best friend." She smiled as we pulled away from the hug.

She walked back downstairs as I dragged my suitcase inside. The room was absolutely beautiful.

I decided to unpack. I pulled my suitcase up on top of my bed and started to unzip it. I took out a few pieces of clothing and walked into the walk-in-closet that was in my room. It was really big. My jaw dropped when I walked in.

It was 4 times the size of my normal closet. I placed the sweatshirt and sweatpants that I had in my hands onto the shelves. I then went back to get some more clothes to put into the closet.


I was finally done packing. I sighed as I put my suitcase away. I threw myself on my bed tired than ever. I quickly got up and went into my new bathroom to brush my teeth. I brushed my teeth and cleaned off my makeup.

I then walked back to my bed and collapsed onto it. I had already changed into my night clothes. I pulled over the covers. I slowly dozed off to sleep.

Hope you guys liked this chapter so far. Sorry if you think I keep skipping parts by saying "two days later" or "a week after" it's just that idk what to write for those parts and if I did write for those parts it'd be really boring. I hope you guys like the book so far

- Tara

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