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Sarah's POV

It was around 7 in the morning when we all had to get ready to go to the airport. I wasn't in a really good mood. I didn't want to leave the girls and guys. Especially Carly. Carly was allowed to move in with Shawn so that meant I couldn't see her anymore until either I went to Toronto or she came to visit North Carolina.

I wasn't bothered to put make up on. I was wearing a sweatshirt and leggings. I was already crying. Nash gave me a side hug as we left the room. Everyone was waiting outside near a bunch of chairs and tables. They all looked really dull and down. I sighed really loudly causing them to look up at me. I sat down on chair and looked at the wall in front of me.

"I'm really gonna miss you guys. Make sure to visit." I finally said. All the girls were crying. I hugged them all as we said our goodbyes. We were all going in different cars so that's why we said goodbye then. I hugged Shawn really tghtly. "Make sure to visit me soon." I whispered as we pulled away from the hug. He nodded his head, obviously too tired and upset to say anything.

I hugged the rest of the boys. "Hey, before we go can we all just take a selfie so it lasts longer?" Johnson asked waving his phone up in the air. We all nodded before taking a group selfie on Johnson's phone. He sent the photo to us.

Nash came over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I smiled up at him as he leaned down and pecked my lips. We all walked out of Cam's and got into different cabs. I groaned loudly as I sat in the taxi causing the taxi driver to look at me. I just rolled my eyes. I felt like this morning kept dragging on and on and on.

Soon, we made it to the airport. I got out with Nash. I smiled as he interwined our fingers together. We walked into the airport and went through secruity. Just as we passed our flight was called. We walked around the place to get to the plane.


The plane ride was really boring but Nash made me laugh a few times before going on his phone and creeping on some fans. I guess he really likes to creep when he's on social media. We both walked out of the airport. We stopped and he looked down at me.

"Why couldn't Niall just let us go home together?" Nash whined pouting.

"Maybe because my brother doesn't know your my boyfriend?" I giggled.

"Oh.." He muttered. I went on my tippy toes and kissed him.

"I'll see you soon." I said as I pulled away. "Bye baby girl." He replies letting go off me as I walked towards the kerb.

I looked around for my brothers car. Then I saw it. He was standing in front of it, kind of leaning actually. I crosssed the road and walked towards him. He engulfed me in a big hug when I approached him. Weird. I thought he was ashamed of being my brother. I decided to ignore it and hug him back. We got into the car in total silence.

"You remember that day I told you I was going to change?" He asked me as he started the engine.

"Yep," I smiled.

"Well I think today is the day." He chuckled.

My eyes widened. But I thought he cared about his popularity more then his own sister. I choked on my own spit.

"WHAT?" I blurted out.

"Yep." He said popping the 'p'. I smiled at him. Finally he wasn't going to act like a douchebag towards me. I decided to tell him about me and Nash.

"Niall...." I trailed off. He looked at me before turning back towards the road.

I hesitated but then...

"Nash and I are dating and we already said our 'I love you's'." I blurted out. Niall knew I was a big fusser when it came to saying 'I love you' to someone because when I said it once they totally took advantage of that and I don't think you want to know the rest of the story.

Niall pulled into our driveway. He turned the engine off and looked at me.

"Wait.. As in Nash Grier? The most popularest guy at school?" He asked.

I nodded not sure how else to reply.

"But didn't he bully your like 3 months ago?" He asked looking at me weirdly.

"the story is that he's only bullied me for popularity and all this time he's liked me and when we were at magcon he asked me out and told me the whole story and I forgave him but told him I didn't want to rush into the whole girlfriend and boyfriend thing but he told me he didn't want my friend Austin asking me out so I said yes and now we're dating." I made sure he heard everything.

"I'm fine with that but if that asshole hurts you he's head won't be on his shoulders the next day." He threatened. I chuckled at his remark before getting out of the car. I walked in to the house to get a bone-crushing hug from both of my parents.

"Mum... Dad... I- I c-an't b-breatheeeee." I tried to squeal.

"Oh sorry sweetie." They both said in unison. I laughed before hugging them indvidually. I was really tired so I told them I was going to bed. I plopped myself down on my bed thinking about what could happen tomorrow. What will happen to Nash's reputation? i was so so so worried. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Sorry for such a short chapter but I'm hoping you're liking it so far! byeeeeeeeeeeeee

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