Chapter 4: Life of an Avenger

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As you open your eyes, you see Nat resting on the chair next to your bed. "Hey!" You said startling Nat. "Hello, gorgeous! I hope I didn't disturb you. I just didn't want nobody to be there when you woke up." She said, hugging you. "Look I am sorry that you had to listen to Tony and Bruce's conversation. Tony is very stubborn, but he is very caring about his family, don't worry we will get your brothers back safe." You smiled at her. 

"I am sorry I overreacted with the whole thunderstorm thing and threw Tony across the room but what happened, everything when dark?" 

Nat looked down "Yeah I am sorry about that, you would not calm down no matter how much we tried so I had to give you the tranquilizer." Nat said looking down. 

"WHAT? it's okay and I am sorry the last time I had that was- when he died, but she doesn't have to know that, a long time ago." You hugged her.

"Is little Ms. Thunderstorm okay now?" Tony said standing at the door, his hand in a cast. 

"Oh my god! Tony, I am so sorry about that, I didn't mean to do that." You sucked in a breath. "It's just the last time Thor and Loki were like this, my mother, Frigga, passed away. I am not really in the mood to lose anyone else" You said with a sad smile. 

"Hey, don't worry kid, me and Bruce figured out how to get your brothers back, I will need your help so please get well soon and we will get you briefed. Ok?" Tony nodded to Nat. 

"How about we spend today just getting you back to your normal state," Nat said holding your hand. As you look down you see your hands slightly burned out. "Why did this happen?" Nat said trying to understand why your hands were blackened. "Although I am like a thousand years old I am still new to getting used to my powers I don't have them in total control. My powers unlike Thor or Loki are actually a curse more than a gift. If I use too much at once It burns me, the visible burns will reduce over time but the pain and the nightmares stay." You said as you used your magic to bring your hands back to normal. "Y/N, I am so sorry you know what let's skip the training and go to the park today?" Nat said as you get up. 

13 hours, Heimdall, Odin's orders. 

"No, 13 hours I have to get back in 13 hours. How long have I been here?" You asked as you both walked towards the elevator.

"13 hours? Honey, you have been here for 3 days. You were unconscious for 2 days when you first came. Why do you have to go back in 13 hours?" Nat said stopping at the elevator.  You explained to her everything that happened, realizing that she wasn't there when you told Tony what had happened. 

"Well, I think now it wouldn't matter, but first we have to get you to change, I feel uncomfortable for you. I have a few extra clothes that you can use." She took you to her room. You guys spend time in her room just talking about everything that happened when Thor and Loki visited Earth, and how you lived in Asgard. 

 At the lab

"So, when do we start?" Clint sat on the lab tables. 

"We will start in a few hours and meet Rogers there," Tony said as you walked into the room. "I have been waiting for you guys, we will be leaving here in a few hours to the HYDRA base. You will be briefed on your way there, get ready, and be back in 3 hours... Ah Y/N, can you stay back for a second." As everyone walked out you stayed back to talk to Tony. 

"What is it Tony?" you looked at Tony, a little worried. 

"I realized that your suit is very uncomfortable and where we are going it is going to be cold and I don't want you to freeze so I designed this new suit based on your old one, here you should go and try it on and maybe hit the gym so you can get used to it." He pointed to a dark purple suit on the lab table. You took it and headed to Nat's room to change. "Wait, you can stay in one of the spare rooms on Nat's floor I will get F.R.I.D.A.Y and Nat to help you with that," Tony said as you walked out. 

Nat was waiting in the hallways. "So, new room and new suit! Welcome to the life of an Avenger. You are going to love it! Not the fighting part but the rest is pretty good." She laughed while pushing the button on the elevator.  

"Yeah, I'm not so sure I can stay here that long, I will have to go back to Asgard once we save them. I have to make sure the banishment is only for me. My brothers or at least Thor is a good person and will be a great king, they are what Asgard needs, not me." You said walking out of the elevator. 

"Hey, don't say that you are such a caring person, Asgard is lucky to have you" She walked towards her room. "You know what, I know just the room for you." She took your hand and walked to a room 2 doors away from hers. 

As she opened the door a strange hit you, the feeling went straight to your bones. You shook it away trying to listen to her. "Okay, I have always wanted this room because of the view I mean look at that," she says pointing out the window to the other side of the room. The room was well furnished, it didn't look new tho, though it had a weird sense as tho someone has used it before, even tho were no pictures or anything too personal in the room. "I will get you a few clothes for your stay and call me if you need anything, alright?" 

She went to her room and came back with a few clothes and an extra towel. "I have to go and train for some time but you can stay here and get comfortable with the room. We can go out to the control room together, okay see you in a bit" You smiled and nodded as she left the room. 





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