Chapter 30: What about us?

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Even though it has been a couple of weeks since you got back. You spent almost every minute with Bucky, training with him, going on long walks with him, not wanted to leave each others side, wanting to cover all the time you guys missed together. If felt like a dream, every time you talked to him, his touch, his smell, his taste, the way his lips felt on your, how your hand fit perfectly in his, everything felt too really, you were constantly pinching yourself seeing if this was just another sweet dream or was this actually real. You saw how Bucky was going through the same thing you were. Trying to tell if this was all true? If this was real? Had you really found the final piece of the puzzle?

Since the time that Bucky came back, your nightmares reduced, each one being less gruesome, less painful as the one before. You were finally able to sleep happily, with sweet dreams and in the arms of your soulmate. You couldn't say the same about Bucky though. He was constantly getting up, from the memories coming back to him, the faces of everyone he murdered, their voices screaming, begging for his to stop, for him to leave them. Out of all his nightmares, the one that gave him the most trouble was the one with you, memories of how he tried to kill you twice, seeing you lay on the floor lifeless, it broke his heart. He would wake up in the middle of the night, out of breath, he would rush to the bathroom to hide his panic from you, not wanting to wake you up or scare you. He would come back and get in bed again, he would pull you into him holding you close, squeezing your waist with his huge hands, holding your body close to him, breathing in your scent, it helped calm him down. You were worried that he was scared to be himself around you, but you didn't want to push him. You did everything you could to show him that he was allowed to be himself around you. Slowly his nightmares calmed down too, with all the therapy, the walks, the long talks, it really helped him stay calm.

There was still one thing that bothered you, Pietro and Wanda. You noticed the twins being a little distant with the rest of the gang. Not really talking to anyone else except you and Bucky, they were like toddlers not wanting to do to school on the first day, hiding behind their parents, hugging their pants. They were either cooped up in their rooms or just stuck beside you. You tried to get them to socialize with the others but every try was always a bust, they would just sit there not speaking just starting daggers at everyone. 

Everyone was sitting in the living room when you came down with the twins just behind you, you told them to sit with Bucky as you got them something to eat. 

"How are they doing?" Nat asked as she prepared food for everyone. "I tried to talk to them but they just stared at me awkwardly" 

"You should talk to them in Russian, they might feel a little bit more comfortable around you." You said trying to cheer her up. You knew how hard Nat had been trying to get them to talk and engage with the rest of the team.

"Yeah, but they love you and Bucky. I mean they really don't hang out with anyone else, unless they have too, but with you guys they are free. It almost like they are your kids." You turned to Nat with a pale face and shook body. 

"What?" you shake yourself out of it, "No, come on. They are just comfortable with us because of the trainings and therapy sessions." 

"Yeah, and who other than parent will take you to training and therapy sessions?" Nat had a point you did feel responsible for them, even though they really weren't your responsibility. You just never thought of it as being a parent. 

"Y/N? You there?" Nat's voice brought you back. 

"Um, yeah, yep what's up?" 

"Dinner is ready, can you call everyone?" Nat asked setting everything in the kitchen counter. 

In love with a MONSTER ~ Bucky Barnes  (Completed)[Republished]Where stories live. Discover now