Chapter 29: the siblings

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"If you guys are done with your little reunion, it would be really helpful if you could help us fight these people," Tony yelled into the intercom, breaking you and Bucky apart. 

"Bruce, I am on the East side of the building with Bucky, can you come and get him?" You said, trying to find the Quinjet, you took Bucky's hand and ran out of the bridge. 

"No, I will not sit up there while you guys are fighting here. These are very dangerous people," Bucky stopped. You turned around to see him stubbornly standing there, you tried to pull him but he shook your hand off. 

"They will turn you back again, I can't lose you again." You walked closer to him, not wanting to leave him, You looked into his stubborn eyes as tears filled yours. "Please, Bucky! I can't lose you again." You hugged him and looked up at him. "I am sorry, I am really sorry!" Tears rolled down your cheeks as you held Bucky's confused face in your hands. You moved your hands up to his head and held it for a second, knocking him unconscious. You held him before he fell, trying to hold him up. 

"Sam, a little help!" You called as Sam flew over to you, you gave him Bucky to take to the Quinjet as you went back into the building. 

You find the girl from before trying to sneak up on Nat so you push her away from Nat and go to her. You hold her down with your magic as you spoke, "Hey! I don't know why you're with Sharon, but they are really bad people, you guys won't be safe with them." You struggle to keep her down while fighting the other soldiers that are coming towards you. 

"I don't want to fight you, I won't hurt you, I just want you guys to be safe. I just need to know that you won't attack me as soon as I let go. Can you promise me that?" You say a bit of innocence in her eyes, something in her reminded you of yourself. "I promise to keep you safe." You said looking dead in her ice-blue eyes. She stops struggling and nodded. "All right, I will get you to the jet." You turned around to find the other kid. 

"What about my brother, Pietro? Will you help him, I have to find him" She said as she stood up.

"Yeah! I will get him to you in the jet, okay?" You called for someone to come to you to get her to the jet. You looked back at her "Hey! You see the man walking this way with the bow, he will get you to the jet safely all right? I will get your brother and-" before you could complete Pietro came rushing and knocked you down. 

"Pietro! она пытается нам помочь" She said as she held his back, trying to stop him from attacking again.

"Yeah, what she said," you said getting up, holding your stomach, "Ouch, bro. I am trying to help you and you are trying to hurt me?" You looked at the girl and assured her you're were fine. You let Clint take them away, while Pietro kept asking the girl what was going. 

You walked around the cell where they held Thor and Loki, "Doesn't it look familiar!" A voice said walking up behind you. 

"I though we were friends, Sharon. Then you tell me you kept my boyfriend and my brothers hostage." You turn around to see her. "Is that any way to treat a friend?" You smirked, making the veins on her forehead clearly visible. 

"No, but keeping secrets like, I don't know, doing next-level magic tricks, isn't either."

"Touché, so, what now?" You say as you blast her away. "Wow, dude for someone who is at this high position, you really didn't see that coming" You smile as you walk towards.  " I can't believe Steve believed you, he cried for you, he cared about you and you call him your boy toy" She struggles to get up, but you step on her hand making her scream in pain as she stays down. "You don't deserve him" you kick her, then pull her up and let her rest her tired body on your shoulder, and walked away with her. 

In love with a MONSTER ~ Bucky Barnes  (Completed)[Republished]Where stories live. Discover now