Chapter 13: Back Home

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It's been a few months since the airport mission. You moved out of Brooklyn to Manhattan. You quit the army because being around all of that gave you nightmares. So after you left, you started working at a local coffee shop and volunteered at the public library. You shared a small apartment with Peggy, one of your friends from the army. She was the only one who knew you from the time you joined the army. She also helped you deal with your nightmares.

 It was Wednesday so you headed to the park for a walk. As you walked around in the park something felt off, so instead of waking your normal route, you walked a little deep into the wood so no one would see you. 

"So, this is what you are doing now, sister?" Loki! You turned to face your brother standing there with his arms out. "I have really missed you, you know?" he said pulling away from the hug. 

"I am sorry! I just didn't want to get married away at such a young age." You said walking a little back. "Odin doesn't see me as his kid more like his servant, and I didn't like being used around like that." You said looking down. 

"You could have at least told me, I was always there for you and when you left all hell broke down on Asgard," he said stepping forward. 

"I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't want Thor to know. If Thor knew, Odin knew." You looked up at him. "But I knew you would find me. Like you always do" Saying that made you realize. "Wait, you knew when I left, didn't you? You knew exactly where I was." 


"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked

"Because I knew what Odin would have done if I told him. I couldn't afford to lose you forever. I'd rather you be far and safe than near and imprisoned." He looked into my eyes. "But now, Y/N... You have to come back." 

I stepped back, "No, I am not going back to that hell. Not after all of this. He will kill me, brother." You said walking away.

"No, he won't, he just wants to make sure his daughter is okay, at the end of the day he is your father, you know?" He said trying to walk behind you.

"Oh really, then why did he never act like it... He made me train like a soldier, treated me like one too. You know, I would look at how the other fathers in Asgard would carry their daughters on their shoulders, or walk around holding their hands, giving them kisses, and looking at them with so much love towards their kids. Tell me! When did he ever look at us like that." Tears started rolling down your eyes. "He never actually cared for us, all he ever cared was for Asgard. That was his child, not us brother." You said walking away.

"It's not his fault. He was raised like that. You can't blame everything on him." He said holding your hand in an attempt to stop you. " You know out of all of us he loved you the most, that's why he did all those things. The reason he made you a soldier is so that you can defend yourself when we are not around. He knew you were the strongest out of all of us." He let go of your hand. 

"Is that why he took my powers away? Because he loved me?" You turn back to face him, letting out a sardonic laugh.

"He did that so you won't get hurt, you know your powers aren't exactly in your control. He didn't want anything to happen to you. " He looked at you. "Y/N, you have to trust me, he just wants his daughter back" Loki came closer. "And if he tries to do anything to you, you know I won't let it happen. Now come on sister, we have to go" He said.


Before you could say anything the Bifröst took you two to Asgard. "Welcome Loki, and lady Y/N," Heimdall said. 

"No, No, No. Loki what have you done" Thor came running to the Bifröst. "Father will imprison her. You have to take her back."

"A little too late for that, Thor!" You said walking past him. "He already knows I am here, and you help me, you guys will get in trouble. This is my battle with him, so I have to fight it" You said walking towards Asgard. As you walked away, you heard Thor and Loki arguing behind you. "You guys still have stopped squabbling after all these years. Come on we have to get to him before he gets angry."

You make your way to the palace. "Y/N! Oh my god! I have missed you so much. Why did you have to leave darling? You could have told us how you felt, we could have done somethin-" 

"No mother, the one option I had, was fleeing. And ohh! have I missed you. I have to first make things right with father, then I will explain everything to you." You hugged Frigga and walked up to Odin. 

"Ah! Y/N, you have finally returned." Odin sat on his throne, looking down at you. You kneeled at the bottom of the stairs 

"Yes father, I am here" 

"Do you know why you're here?" he said standing up.

"Well, Loki said it was because you missed me, but I am guessing that isn't so true after all." You said standing up.

"You were always so smart, always ahead of everyone, careful about everything." He walked to the side. "SO WHAT MADE YOU PULL THIS IRRESPONSIBLE ACT?" he said turning back to you. 

"FATHER! I told you I didn't love him and didn't want to marry him. But what did you do, WHAT DID YOU DO?" You said as tears formed around your eyes. 

"So you left Asgard?" he said trying to calm himself. 

"What else was I supposed to do, I wasn't going to marry him, I had no other way out. So, I left. And it's not like you listened to me. You forced me to leave. And as if leaving wasn't bad you took my powers away." You said forcing the tears down. 

"I only did that because you had no control over your powers," Odin said stepping closer. 

"I could have saved him, I could have saved THEM." You fell back down. You looked up with the tears now falling freely out of your eyes. "YOU! You are the reason I lost them. They were all I had left and I had to watch them die in front of me... ON THE SAME DAY." Thor and Loki ran to you trying to comfort you. 

"Y/N, hey! you have to calm down" Thor said. 

"I have nightmares because of that every day. I haven't slept properly for months, do you know the torture of seeing your loved one die in front of you while you sit there not being able to help them." You pulled away from Thor and looked up at his face. "I loved him, brother, I loved him. And I couldn't even tell him that." You leaned back into him. 

Thor looked at Odin. "Father, did you know about this?" Odin didn't answer, he just looked at you and looked down. "FATHER! ANSWER MY QUESTION. DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?" Thor leaned you against Loki and stood up. 

"Yes, yes I did" He finally spoke. 

"You knew?" You looked at him. "That's why you brought me here," You said standing beside Thor. 

"I didn't want you to get hurt anymore, I couldn't take it anymore," Odin said trying to step closer to you, but Thor stood in his way blocking you.

"You brought me here so you can wipe that part of history, so I wouldn't remember all about that." Pushing Thor away, you started piecing together everything. "You feel my pain don't you? The curse. The curse was actually on you. So that's why you took my powers away because whenever I use it, it hurt you." You walked up to him. "Father, why didn't you tell me. I would have stopped, I would have given it all up." You said holding his forearm. "Father, I-I am sorry" You ran out of room away. 





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