Chapter 11: Captain American to the rescue

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The next morning you get up with your arm around Bucky's neck and Bucky's right hand on your ass. You smile at how gorgeous he looked even when he was asleep. You ran your fingers through his hair trying to set it back so you could see his face better. "I love you, Serge!" You whispered under your breath, then you gently kissed his lips to wake him up. "Good morning sleepyhead!" You said. 

"Good morning beautiful" He tried to push the sleep away, "had fun last night?" He asked rubbing the sleep of his eyes. 

You got up and put on your clothes and picked up Bucky's clothes and when to him. Sitting on his lap, facing him, "Could have done better." You smirked. 

Bucky threw you on the bed, pinning your hands to your sides, and climbed on top "Really? Maybe we can try again now?" He said placing kisses all over your face. 

You push him off, "Maybe after we come back from the mission." 

"Shit the mission!" Bucky frenetically got up and put on his clothes. 

"Calm down, Serge. We still have a few hours before we leave." You adjusted his uniform and set his hair right. 

"I guess then, see you in a bit," Bucky said kissing you on your forehead and the both of you sneaked out of the base and into your tents. 

The mission was going pretty well. You, Bucky, and the rest of the members took down most of the hostiles. But before you guys could walk out of there, you noticed that Bucky was missing. You told the rest of the men to start moving out while you go check where Bucky was. 

"I don't think you wanna go back in there, If you go now I can't promise you that you will get out. And I am not losing any more men Y/N" Charles said holding you back. 

You look at the building and then back at him "I have to go in there, I have to get him, you guys can leave. I wouldn't want any men to sacrifice their lives on my responsibility." 

He looked at your bloodshot eyes and let go. "Try to be safe, and come back," He said letting you go. 

You rushed into the building and tried to look for Bucky. You searched every hallway and room you were in when finally you saw him. "Bucky!" You ran to his unconscious body on the table. "Bucky, no please wake up. Hey! Here look at me" Tears spilled out your eyes as you gently slapped his cheeks. 

Bucky sightly gained consciousness again, "Y/N?" he said. 


That was the last thing you remember. 

You woke up with your hands stretched away from each other, tied with metal chains. You tried to loosen the grip but it only made it hurt more. Bucky, you looked around the room seeing Bucky lay on the examination table. "Bucky, Bucky can you hear me?" You cried. 

Bucky slowly woke up. "Y/N, Y/N! Oh my god, thank god you're fine." He tried to move but his arms were tied down. 

"What happened, what did they do to you?" You asked trying to figure out a way out of there. 

"They took me into some lab and ran tests on me all day. Then they would draw out my blood and they made me take some pills" His tone didn't sound afraid or in pain, it was just plain as he just looked at the ceiling and described what they did to him, making your blood boil. A few minutes later 3 men came in, one took Bucky away, the second one beat you up a couple of times while the third stood outside and watched. This continued for days. 

"Bucky, stay with me," You said trying to pool up the little energy you had. 

"Don't let them take me again" Bucky said staring at the ceiling while tears dripped to the side of his face,

"I will try... I promise I'll try" As you said that you heard footsteps coming into the room. "No, no please don't take him again." You cried.

 "Y/N? Bucky?" Steve's voice. 

"Steve! Help Bucky!" You said gaining hope. 

"Hey! I got you" Steve ran to Bucky trying to figure out what happened. 

"You got me?" Bucky's eyes shot with confusion.

Holding Bucky, Steve rushed to you and releases you as well. "What happened Y/N?" He said helping you up. 

"I don't know, they kept taking him away!" You said trying to pull yourself together. 

As you guys were running out, "Are we just not gonna talk about the fact that you're like 6 feet tall?" You said trying to find a way out. 

Steve lead you and Bucky through the building, when suddenly the floor starts shaking, you looked down to see the whole floor explode. "Was that you?" You asked turning the Steve. "Come on!" He said walking up the flight of stairs. You and Bucky follow him up the stairs as he runs. 

"This will not be the end of us" A man with a red face standing on the other side of the railing said.

"Steve, be careful," You said trying to hold Steve back.

"Yes, Steve, listen to the little lady,"  The red man said again.

"Show some respect," Steve said as he punched him. Just then the railing started to break and you and Bucky pulled Steve back. 

You followed Steve as he leads you and Bucky and some other men who were captured, back to the base. As you arrived Phillips came up to you guys. 

"Put together a team captain. I got a job for you" Phillips said looking at the men. 

"Yes sir!" Steve said then looked back at you guys. 

"Hey give it up for Captain America!" Bucky yelled, making everyone chant his name.

For the next few months, you guys went on multiple missions, taking down many HYDRA bases.  You and Bucky managed to not let anyone know you guys were together, especially Steve. He would completely freak out so you tried to keep it low and after this whole thing was over, you can finally tell him. 





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