Chapter 21: Bucky is alive?

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You wake up to see Steve sitting in the chair in the corner of the room, reading The Hobbit. "Really good book!" you smile, stretching before getting out of bed. 

"Good morning Y/N!" He said looking up. "Yea, read it like a million times." He stood and walked to you. "Why don't you freshen up, I will get your breakfast up here okay?" He said placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. 

"Okay," You said as you got up and walked to the bathroom. When you came out the smell of freshly cooked bacon and sweet pancakes filled the room. "Pancakes and slightly burnt bacon with strawberry syrup." Steve pointed to the plate of breakfast on the nightstand. "Just like you liked them." He said. Before he could say anything else you ran and hugged him tight. 

"You won't believe how long it's been since I eat a proper breakfast like this!" You unlatched you hands and walked to get the plate. Both of you sat on the floor as you talked about how much you missed the food there. "If I ever rule Asgard, I'ma upgrade the food-" You notice Steve looking around at the room. "What is it Cap?" You asked.

"This room, the hoodie you're wearing, and the leather jacket ." He looked at you. "They're Buck's." As he said that you finally realized why you got a strange feeling about the room. "I don't know how you got this room, after we left Stark didn't let anyone enter our rooms." 


"When I joined the avengers, Shield was compromised. We tried to figure out who was behind all of this. When we found out it was Hydra we slowly started taking down their agents in Shield, when they found out. They sent their most deadly assassin to take me, Nat and another Avenger Sam Wilson, or the falcon. They sent the Winter Soldier. Not knowing he was Bucky we fought him, then when I flipped him removing his mask and saw none other than my best friend from 70 years, Bucky." He turned to see you confused face as worry and sadness filled your eyes "Remember when you guys were captured?" You nodded your head. 

"So, then they kept injecting him a similar super solider serum as me, which is why he survived the fall, and because of the ice. But later the Soviet Union and Hydra found him and took him in. They trained, tortured and brainwashed him to become the Winter Soldier. He went on killing sprees and destroyed cities for them." He looked down to your horrified face as you sat there in disbelief. 

"Bucky would never do that, he was the sweetest and kindest person, Steve." Your voice was shaking as you were trying to digest all the things Steve had said about Bucky. Your Serge. "That can't be him, Steve. It just can't." You sobbed. 

"I know it wasn't him Y/N, I told you he was brainwashed, multiple times. They tortured him into doing those things. It wasn't him." Steve pulled you close as you sobbed quietly into his shirt. 

"When I saw it was him, I tried to stop him from hurting people, I tried to get him back." You felt his tears fall on your head. "I did get him back. After fighting him a couple of times. He joined us and we fought together again. I finally had my friend." He paused. 

"What do you mean HAD Steve?" You pulled away to look at him. "What happened to him?" You try to pull Steve's attention back to you. "Steve, where is he?" You forcefully turn his face to see you. "Steve, just tell me he is okay. Please tell me he is fine!" You wailed as you leaned into Steve again. "Where is he? Steve?" You sobbed into his shirt.

"When he lived here, when we lived here, Tony got a video from someone." He held you close. "It was a video of Bucky, as the Winter Soldier. H-he killed Howard, Tony's parents. We tried to tell Tony that it wasn't actually him that he changed, but he wanted to fight." You looked up at him. "We didn't want to fight, but when presented we couldn't back down either." He got up and brought you up. He helped you to sit on the bed. "We were doing fine, staying away from all of these. We were waiting for Nat's conformation so we could come back but before it happened," He held your hands in his. 

"One day, Bucky was out getting groceries, and on his way he was taken in by some Hydra agents." His voice broke. "Sam and I are still trying to find him, and get him back. We know he is with Hydra but they brainwash him, so it is going to be harder to find him. We are trying to find a way to get him back. That's why I came when Stark called me. We will get him back." 

You brain almost exploded from all that Steve was saying, you tried not to imagine what they would have done to him, tried to think back to when you were together. Your brain was too overcrowded to think straight. You eyes turned pitch black as a violent purple flame ringed your pupils. You wanted to hurt everyone who hurt Bucky. You wanted to hear their desperate screams for help. You wanted to see them pray to god that they just died and didn't go through all the pain. You sprung up from the bed and stormed out to find Tony. 

"Y/N, hey where are you going?" Steve called out as he ran behind you. 

You walk into the lab to find Clint and Bruce on the side talking about Clint's kids and Tony sitting in front of a computer. 

"Hey Y/N!" He says as he looks up. "Wait why are you eyes like that?" He sees Steve ran behind you. "What did you do, Rogers? Why is she angry?" He said getting up and backing up. 

You see Clint and Bruce run towards you, you use your magic to pin them to the wall and close the lab doors so Steve couldn't come in. Then you look back at Tony. "I could have seen him, I could have finally told him that I loved him. I could have finally have my happy ending." You use your powers raise Tony in the air. 

"But you had to push him away, you guys were his only family and you pushed him away for something that wasn't even his fault." You said as a small wicked smile crossed your face. "Now you will pay for that." You position yourself as you tighten you grip around his throat. A room was now filled with purple darkness. Steve breaks the door open and pushing you, dropping you and making you to lose your grip on Tony. As Tony falls down his suit comes into the room in pieces and gets up around him. You get up with Steve's arms around you holding you down. "Steve I don't want to hurt just him, but everyone who hurt Bucky." You as you break away from his grip. 

"Now Tony, where were we?" You use your powers to hold him from shooting you as you slowly crush his suit, squeezing him inside. 

"Y/N, no stop let him go, please. Just calm down for a minute!" Steve yelled as he walked closer. "Please, just look at me." His voice broke as tears rolled out. As you turn to see Steve you slightly loosen your grip on Tony, who takes the chance and blasts you away. Before you could clearly see Steve you were pushed away as a sharp pain hit your abdomen and spread through out your body sending chills everywhere. 

"Stark!" Steve rushed to you. "Hey look at me!" He said as he tapped you cheek trying to keep you conscious. 

"If you find him, tell him I love him." You said holding your hip. "Just tell him I love hi-" You let out a finally painful scream before falling unconscious.

"What the hell was that?" Steve asked standing at the foot of the your bed. He moved closer to Tony. "You could have killed her!" 

"Hey! She is the one who tried to kill me first!" Tony said backing up. "But I didn't," He sighed, "I just knocked her out. She will be up in a few minutes, so if you could not be so tense." He looks over at your rested body. "She will be fine" He said walking out. 





In love with a MONSTER ~ Bucky Barnes  (Completed)[Republished]Where stories live. Discover now