Chapter 25 - Alternate Plan

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You, Nat, Steve, Sam, Clint, and Tony trained for 3 months and went on multiple missions to get the Hydra to unleash the Winter Soldier so you can get him. But every mission you sit in the Quinn jet waiting for Bucky to show up, hoping that it would be the last time you saw Steve, Sam, and Nat get beat up. But every mission has been just that, they go in, get a royal ass whopping and come back. 

"We can't keep doing this!" Tony said, sitting on the other side of the table. 

"Tony, come on," Steve tried to persuade Tony to continue the mini missions. 

"No, no Steve. You guys keep getting hurt over one person." He gets up, "And only God knows where he is or what he is doing. 

"Tony, don't say that in front of Y/N." Steve walked closer. 

"No, I am sorry, but we can't be walking on eggshells around her. She has to understand the ground reality. This is a dead-end mission. Either you guys find another way to get him or we call quits on all of this." He walked out. 

"He is right, Steve," You get up from next to Sam, who tried to hold you back, "No, Sam." 

You turn back to Steve. "He is right, we can't keep doing this there is no point, we have to find another way. I want to find him but not at the cost of any of you guys." You try to walk out, but Steve holds you back.

"So what, you're just going to magically find him, take down a whole hydra base if not more, and bring him back?" His anger showed in his voice, as he stood towering in front of you. 

"What else do you want me to do, Steve?" You look back at the tv, "You want me to stay here and watch you guys getting hurt? You want me to just wait till he shows up, sit idle while the love of my life is out there getting hurt?" You collapsed right there. Sam came running to help you, as Steve stood there not even looking down at you. 

"We can and will find him," Sam assured, pulling you close. "If not this way then another, but we will get him back." He walked you out of there and into your room. 

"You have to understand how hard this is on Steve, too. This is his best friend, too. You guys are his family, you guys are all he really has left, and if something happened to you too, I don't think he will be able to take it." Sam sat on the floor as he placed you on your bed, your hands in his. You knew what he was saying was right. You knew the pain of losing the only things keeping you alive. You just didn't think that Steve would have to go through this. You look at Sam still sitting there with your hands in his, waiting for you to respond.

"I will go talk to him. I know how he feels, hell I have felt it when I thought I lost them the first time, I just couldn't bear to go through that again." You stood up and helped Sam. "I need him to understand." You walk around the compound trying to find Steve. 

You walked outside into the little pond to see him sitting on the bench staring at the calm scenery in front.

"Do you have a min?" You startle him, he wipes his tears and looks back at you. "I am sorry, Steve, I was just so angry about not being able to find him," You walked up to him and sat down next to him. "I guess I forgot how much my actions would be hurting you." You lean in on his shoulder, "I went through that pain, already," You look up at him "I can't bear to see you go through it, too." A single teardrop from your eyes and lands on his shoulder. 

"I am sorry too, for the last 70 years I thought I was alone, although I had the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D, I didn't have Bucky." He looked at you. "I didn't have you," He stared into your eyes for a moment, then looked back at the trees. "I finally got you guys back and now both are in constant pain and sufferings." You knew Steve had a crush on you back then but the way he looked at you, you knew he loved you more than a sister. You tried to push that away and trail back to Bucky. 

In love with a MONSTER ~ Bucky Barnes  (Completed)[Republished]Where stories live. Discover now