Chapter 28: Sokovian Base

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You arrive at the base you first came to, but now the building was half destroyed, one half in complete debris while the other stood dedicatedly as if one blow were to send it crumbling down too. You walk around the building trying to find a way in, when something hit the back of your head, everything started to spin as you lost consciousness and blacked out.

You woke up to the sounds of two kids talking in some foreign language. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you people? I came here because you asked me, and complied with your rules, the shit was that for?" You struggle to get out of your restraints. You heard another voice from behind you, "We didn't want you to cause any more trouble. I suggest you stop resisting- "

"You know I have powers right? I can literally blast this whole room into smithereens." You smirked, as you still struggle to get your hands out of the cuffs. 

"Yeah, you do that and the avengers will get a box with your boyfriend's head in it." He walked next to you and stood in front of the two kids. ZEMO

"Zemo, of course, this was you, what do you want from me? Why did you bring me here? And where is Bucky?" Anger filled your veins as you saw his smirk. 

"So many questions, why don't I introduce you to someone, maybe that will answer all your question." As he spoke you heard footsteps from behind, you tried to turn but all the machines around the chair blocked the view. The clicks of their heels got closer, "Well, well, I thought I told you to keep me updated about what was gonna happen?" A woman stood in front of you with their hood down. 

"Sharon?" You were confused out of your mind. 

"Surprise!" She squealed. 

"What are you doing? You're with Hydra? What have you done to Bucky?" A million questions filled your mind. 

"I told you she wasn't quite," She turned to Zemo and turned back to you. "Oh, honey! You still don't understand what's going on? I know you're smart, so I'ma let you figure it out." She walked over to an empty wooden chair and sat down waiting for you to piece together what was happening. 

"You're with Hydra, but why? how?" You just hoped that nothing bad happened to Bucky. 

"Oh, Babe! I AM Hydra. Well, actually I am the power broker. But yeah Hydra was just a ruse for my works." She stood up.


"Well, like I said after I lost my job, my boy toy, and my entire family, because of some b.s kid fight between the avengers. So once I got to Madripoor, I did a little digging to help get revenge on the Avengers, but during the process, I found him, Nagel, and a few other people." She said pointing to Zemo. "And I though what better way to get back what I lost than having total control over everything. Girl Power, am I right?" She smiled as she when back to the chair. "Anyway, I thought using Hydra would make everything make more sense." She looked back at you.

"Why did you need Steve? I mean you already had Bucky, this moron, and Nagel. Why Steve?" You tried to think about the first time you were here. "Well actually I mean, how were you planning on getting Steve on your team?" You knew that's why she wanted him, not to talk to him, or hurt him, but to join her wicked team of wackos.

"See I told you, she was smart," She looked back at you, "Well, once you left him here, Zemo was gonna bring him in and show a beaten up, worn down me, sitting lifeless here. Seeing that, he would have lost his stiffness and softened up, like the human teddy bear he is. And then knock him out, so pretty much the same thing we did to you." 

"Wait, to you? What did you do to me?" 

"Oh right! I forgot to tell you. So, after your little magic show here, I though why not see what else you can do, and wanted to see if you could help me-"

In love with a MONSTER ~ Bucky Barnes  (Completed)[Republished]Where stories live. Discover now