Chapter 37: The story of the Power stone

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"I think you should stay here for some time" Loki said as you guys walked out of the lab. "Maybe not here, but with the avengers, I don't think it would be such a good idea to go back just yet." 

"You can stay here too, if you want" Shuri added catching up to you, you turn to her "I don't think I can, at least not just yet." You give her a small smile from the corner of your lips and turn to Loki. "I will call up Nat and tell her." 


You arrive at the compound a few hours later, as you walk in you see everyone in the meeting room, listening to Tony and Steve talking about something. "Look who came back to visit us low lives" Tony said walking towards you. "What can I say, I missed you guys to much!" You hug him and walk around the table to Steve. "How you been Y/N?" Steve asked as he wrapped his hands around your head. "Where is Bucky?" You stay silent, not able to talk about him. "Y/N, what happened? Where is Bucky? Is he okay?" He pulled away to see you in tears. He looked up to Loki, 

"James wasn't himself, after they came to Asgard. He became high tempered, and distant." Loki looked around the room to see everyone's face drop, "He was afraid of turning into the Winter Soldier again, so"

"So he left and came here," You look up at Steve "to Wakanda"

"But, doesn't that mean-" 

"Yeah" You leaned into him again, not able to bare the pain. "I know it is supposed to help him, but I just miss him so much. I haven't properly talked to him in months. Every single time we spoke it would always end is a fight. I hated him angry, I hated knowing that I was the one that caused it, knowing that I wasn't able to calm him down anymore."

"Y/N that's not true-"

"No, Steve, it is you should have seen the way he used to look at me, he wasn't himself, I was supposed to help him, but I made it worst."

"Y/N, you have to stop blaming yourself, he was like this before too. Hydra really messed him up, you were just trying to help him. I know how he is, how he acts like he is fine. You should know better than anyone that Bucky acts like everything is fine even when they are not." He lead you to sit at the table, "He will be fine, he is the best hands, I can promise you that Shuri will do anything to make sure he is fine." Something about Steve made you want to believe that it will all be fine, even though deep down you felt something wrong was gonna happen. You look up to him, and give him a weary smile. 

"Now come on, I see you after almost a year and you start crying, I can't let that happen. How 'bout we have a movie night tonight?" He looked around the table "Wanda it's your turn to pick something to watch right?"

"No, don't let her pick, she always pick sitcoms." Pietro whined, next to Wanda, who got up from her seat and hugged you tight. "Y/N can pick."


Hour later after Loki left back to Asgard, you all sat around the tv to watch the friends, for like the millionth time according to Sam. You, Steve, Sam and Wanda sat in the couch right in front of the tv, while Pietro and Bruce sat on the floor right in front of you. Nat and Tony sat across each other next you. As you were watching Chandler and Joey were talking Ross into doing to the hockey game, Wanda got up from your shoulder and turned to you "How did you get your powers?" You looked at her confused "What?"

"I want to know how you got your powers, I got mine because Hydra experimented on me and then Sharon took me in and that's how we got our powers so what about you? How did you get them."

"Um well, I was actually born with some of my powers, but most of it comes from the power stone" 

"And?" Sam asked, looked at you around Steve.

"And what?"

"Ah, you can't just end there, explain what that is and how you got them" 

"No, right now I want to see Ross get hit by a hockey puck" Sam took the remote and turned to tv off. "Yeah Ross can wait, now explain"

"Okay, when I was younger like a thousands years ago,"

"Wait how old are you?" Sam asked.

"I don't know 1050 years maybe?"

"What? But you look like, like" Pietro asked.

"Like I'm 30, yeah I am 1050 years old in asgardian time, but in human years I am 32. Anyway when I was a kid I used to go with my father when every he visited the other realms. One of which was Morag. At that age without knowing I touched the staff of Eson the searcher. He was at the time the owner of the staff containing the power stone. Although it didn't harm me or anything, when Eson saw that I was capable of yielding the staff and the stone, he cursed me so whenever I used the power of the stone I would get hurt, causing unbearable pain. Because of the curse it was super hard to use my powers as they were in high intensity and I had no control over it. When Odin found out he banished Eson, and thought it would best if the stone stayed in morag in the temple of the power stone. Eventually, Odin helped me gain more power over it by putting restrictions or something like that on how much power I could actually use. And you guys know the rest."

"Wait, you touched the power stone?" Tony turned to you,


"Like absorbed it's energy?"

"I mean, I guess? Why?"

"That's why I got the notification" He sat back down again. 

"What notification?" You and Steve asked at the same time.

"Well, when you first came here, the way I was able get to you before you went into the base was because Friday said there an unusual energy was detected around the base."

"So your plan was to knock them unconscious, and bring them to your lab?" You asked.

"Well, yeah?" He said throwing his hands

"Your crazy" You laughed as you thew a throw pillow at him. "Ok Sam, I told you my story, now turn the tv back on" You said as you snatched the remote away from him. 





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