Chapter 14: Father's love

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Loki followed you out. "He didn't have to carry you on his shoulders. He carried your pain." He said standing behind you. 

"Brother, I am so sorry. I want to tell him I am sorry,  but I can't show my face to him ever again, not after what I said to him." You cried turning towards him.

"Leave home again, are we?" He said walking closer. "You can't keep doing this Y/N. You have to just talk to him. He will understand." He stopped and turned toward the balcony. "You know, if you would have waited a few hours, you wouldn't have left. That day after you talked to him, he sent me and Thor to talk to the groom to break off the wedding. If only you waited." He turned to see you on the floor sobbing. 

"I can't believe I kept hurting him, every single time I thought he was being a bad father, h-he" Your sadness grew a lump in your throat. "But, why? Why did he keep doing all these things even after I kept hurting him?" 

"Because I love you. More than anything in the world Y/N" Odin said standing at the door. 

"Father!" You ran into his arms like a little kid when they see their dads come back from work. "I a-am so sorry!" 

"It's okay love, I am your father I will always love you no matter what," He said pulling out and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. 

"The procedure for the memory removal will be in a few hours. Why don't you take some rest and get ready later." 

You stepped back "No, father. I can't. I am sorry I left but I can't forget them. I know the pain hurts you too, but the pain is what's keeping me alive. Without the memory, I will lose my will to live. Please! Let me find another way to at least relieve you from the pain." You looked at him with newly formed bright red circles around your eyes. "Give me a few days. Please, father!"

"Fine, you will have 5 hours to come up with something. But if you find nothing, this is how it will be" Odin, then looked at Loki. "Take care of her, Loki" He walked out. 

"How are you planning to stop this?" Loki asked stepping out of the balcony. 

Anger filled your views. "I don't know brother" You looked down. "After all these years, all that I have been through, he is the only thing that brought color into my life. I loved him more than anything in the world, Brother" You said as tears started to roll down your eyes. 

Thor came into the room, seeing you cry. "What happened, did he do anything?" He said holding you close as he pointed Mjölnir at Loki. "NO, no. It's just, father said I only have a few hours to come with a way to take away the pain." You looked up at Thor then Loki. "Or, my memories from Earth get wiped out." 

"So, how are you planning to do that?" Thor said looking at Loki, who was equally confused. You walked back and forth in the room, with Thor and Loki standing there in shock at how all of this is going to play out when the idea hits.

"Mother!" You looked up mid-stroll. "Mother will know what to do," You said as you ran off to the other room to find Frigga. Thor and Loki followed behind. You walked into your mother's chamber yelling for her as Thor and Loki ran after you yelling for you to stop. 

"Mother, Mother!" You yelled trying to find her. Thor and Loki abruptly stop right behind you gasping for air. 

"Even though we have had years to settle since you left Y/N, it seems like nothing has changed since your arrival," Frigga said walking into the room. 

"I am sorry, mother. I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye, but I thought if I had come back I will be bound to marry that ogre." You said hugging her. "But that's not why I am here, I have 5 hours to figure out a way to not make father feel the pain of my powers anymore. And I was hoping if you could help me."

Frigga looked at you then at the boys, then back at you. "I am sorry darling... But I don't think there is any other way. I really wish I could help but there really is nothing I can do." She said as looked at Loki and backed away. 

"No, NO!" You look up to her looking at Loki. "No, what are not telling me. You're hiding something from me, what is it." You looked back at Loki "TELL ME!!!!" You fell on your knees.

Thor crouched down to you trying to comfort you when Loki finally spoke. "Look Y/N..." He looked at Frigga who shocked her head no. "Mother, please we have to tell her, I can't see her like this. I know how much that mortal means to her, she can't lose him, at least not his memories." He said pulling you up and to the bed. 

"But doing it might kill her, are you okay with losing her forever?" Frigga had toughened her voice, the motherly tone had left. 

"What is it, that it is so bad?" You looked up to Frigga. 

"Fine! The curse, the powers, if you gain full strength of the powers, you can break the curse. Stopping your pain to be affected on your father." She walked closer to you and lifting your face and tracing your cheekbone. "If you harness the full strength of the powers it can destroy you before you can destroy it." A single tear dropped out her left eye. "but I can't let that happen." She said. 

"And when you do harness the powers and break the curse, the powers will take over your body, causing you to get hurt when you use too much at a time," Loki added on. 

You stood up trying to take everything in. "Will it help father?" You looked back at your mother and your brothers. "If it helps him, then I will do it," You said with a stern voice. 

"Y/N, no you will get yourself killed-" Thor said standing up. 

"Really brother, when has that ever stopped you from fighting for Asgard." You said looking dead in his eyes. "The memory wipe will only be a temporary fix, I can't keep getting my memory wiped every single time I get hurt, brother. I have to do this. For Odin" You said walking out. 

You walked around the palace searching for Odin. As you walk out into the garden you see Odin sitting on a bench admiring the view of Asgard. "You know, the purity of things can make you do the unexpected." He turned back to see you and signaled you to sit down with him. "I do everything I do because I love this place and I love my family."

 "Love is the purest of anything, so pure that it will cause cloudiness around it. Do you really love him, Y/N?" He looks at you.

"Yes, father, with all my heart. That's why I can't do this." You look at him, something about him feels different. 

"The reason I look new is that you aren't looking at me with hate but love. For the first time, your eyes filled with love when you look not distaste or hatred." He said as he slowly looked down.

"I-I" You stutter trying to tell your dad what you are doing to do.

"You can't do it, child. And I can't make you forget your memories either." He said looking back at Asgard. 

"But what about the pain, father?" 

"I can take it, I have for so long, what's a few more years?" He chuckled. 

"NO! I can't let this happen to you, not anymore. I can't just watch someone else suffer from my agony. Whether I make it or not I can't have you carrying my burdens anymore." You stood up. "I am sorry father but I have to do this." As you walk into the building you turn.

"That cloudiness is just a reminder that helps to make sure the love never escapes."





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