Chapter 39: The Carters

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Picture credit - @Kpanchal98 - Pinterest 

It's been a few months, since you decided to stay at the compound again. It was a good distraction, with the daily argument with Sam and Tony to spending time catching up with Steve. You best memory though was then Steve told you about how he first found Bucky. 

Steve, Nat and Sam were driving somewhere with some hydra personnel, when all of a sudden someone pulled him the hydra agent out of the car. And then they sat on top of car so he pulled the car into parking making them tumble in front of the car "Oh! How he landed though! His metal hand was scratching on the road to stop him, and as he loosened the grip from the floor, the way his arm clicked back" He exclaimed. Then a car from behind pushed them forward towards him, and without hesitation he jumped on top the car again, gripping on the edge where the roof met the window, he reached through the roof and yanked the steering wheel out, scaring the shit out of Sam. 

When Steve saw that they were about to crash he pulled Nat and Sam together and busted the passenger door, using his shield as a sled as she glided across the road. Then Bucky tried shooting them and somehow they ended up on the street below the highway. And they fought some more. You most favorite part however was when he tried to tell you how he first saw that he was fighting Bucky. "I flipped him over removing the mask he had around his face, he tumbled to the floor and took a second to get up, when he did and turned to face me, I saw it ws Bucky, my Bucky, confused I was Bucky? And he stood there thinking about what I just said, he was about to say something before-"

"I came in and saved his ass" Sam teased him. 

You guys talk about that at least once a day, teasing Steve that he turned into the 16 year old boy from Brooklyn when he saw Bucky. But it always ended with Sam teasing you that you were drooling when you first saw him, and not letting Sam kick his ass one more time.


You get ready and head outside for a walk around the compound. As you walked into the woods but stopped when you say a big, blond figure sitting on the bench alone. You walked closer to them, trying to figure out who it was. "Steve?" You asked as you approached him. He turned around and met you with teary eyes, "OH my god, Steve what happened? Are you okay?" You walked closer and sat next to him, letting him lean on you as he quietly sobbed. "I just don't know why she did all of that" You tried to think about how he was talking about, "I never thought I could like someone after you." 

"Steve, I"

"No, it's okay, I mean Sharon. Why would she do all of this?" He looked up at you from your shoulder like you would actually have an answer. You tried to think of a way to let him down gently. "Bad is never born, it's made. Maybe she had enough of getting pushed down and getting hurt."

"Yeah, but-"

"But, nothing Steve, everyone has a limit, maybe that was hers. We can't do anything about that now." You let him lay down on your lap as you stroked his hair. "I really liked her, you know? Something about her reminded me of you" He spoke, looking at the view.

"What?" You push him up, he turns to you and laughs "Well not now, but when I first met her" He leaned back on your lap, you allow it, resuming playing with his hair. "She was strong, independent, and very stubborn. God! if she wanted to do something, it would be done, no other option," He paused for a second, "just like you" He said looking up at you. You both look at each other for what felt like hours, He slowly leaned up to you, "Steve" You whispered, frozen in your place as he moved closer. His face just a few inches away form your, his minty breath fanning on you, his lips inched closer. "Steve" You said again, before his lips grazed over your, his hand gliding up your jaw holding your face. You lean into his touch for a second before flinching away. "I- I can't" You get up, "I am sorry" You turn to leave, but he holds your wrist stopping you in your traces "Y/N wait, I- I am sorry"

In love with a MONSTER ~ Bucky Barnes  (Completed)[Republished]Where stories live. Discover now