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She looked around once again but saw no sight of him. Where one part of her was relieved that maybe he had left, a bigger part was racing with fear of him leaving again. Why, why could she not just get over him? Forget maybe but even she knew it was impossible.

"What's wrong Sara?" June asked.

"It's nothing, I just had a bad night." Lies.

"It was because of him, wasn't it?"


"No. This is absurd, Sara. He left, without a letter or note or call. He has no right." June snapped.

"I know."

She was lying but what choice did she had? She didn't want to argue, didn't wanted to talk about it and the mostly, she didn't understand June's attitude. June never presses anything so why so suddenly she was pressing for her to leave him alone, making sure that he was away from her or was she imagining everything? She probably was but she was tired. A week had passed since she last saw him. She knew he was still in town; knew he was around. She had felt his eyes everywhere, she felt them now but she also knew that if she looked around, she won't see him. He was good at hiding but she searched anyway.

She sipped her chocolate milk and again did a quick swipe of her surroundings but it went down in vain. There was nothing to see. He wanted to remain hidden.

People have yet to stop talking. Usually, people were afraid to talk to her but now, they were terrified. Some girls have start showing their true colors and asked her if she was together with Dean, she had replied she wasn't which resulted in another million questions like where he was from last two years? How he was and why did he kiss her? Questions which she wanted to ask herself.

But did she have a right?

She never really talked to guys before but now, they seem to run a mile when they saw her. It was obvious to everyone except her.

"You think you can walk home today? I need to leave early." June asked while clearing up her papers.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Sara replied absentmindedly.

"Okay, I am going to hand my paper to Mister Foe now, I'll see you tomorrow." June said and after giving Sara a small hug, went inside the school doors leaving her alone outside.

The rain which was falling slightly, speed up till the last bell. Sara wasn't happy but like she had a choice but to walk but yet, of all the days it had to be today. She picked up her bag from her locker and stepped outside in the rain while frowning. Again, she felt his eyes on her but this time she ignores the urge to look around. It was cold and Sara didn't have her jacket with her because it was warm enough in the morning so she just pulled her upper closer and crossed her arms tightly over her chest as she walked her way from school.

She had just walked out of the main road when he appeared in his car. She didn't know it was him till he stopped the car in front of her, blocking her way.

The curse was stuck in her throat when he grabbed her from her wrist and dragged her to the passenger side only to open the door and push her inside. After slamming her door shut, he walked to the driver side and got in. Sara was still frozen in her seat trying to believe what happened.

After the passing of five minutes, she found her voice.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" she demanded, her heart racing.

"Driving you home." Was his reply

"I can walk!" Her voice came out angry.

"You'll get sick." His voice in return was casual.

Her, To HomeWhere stories live. Discover now