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Dean has been in many life-threatening situations in his life, knife fights to gun fights to fist fights- he has done it all. Yet there never has been a moment where he had feared for his life. Bleeding, bruised, he has always known that he would make it.

But at this very moment, he was very scared for his life. He had woken up in a blissfully painful position. O'Brian had her one leg draped over his thighs. Her hand was on his bare stomach from where the shirt had slide up. Like a meal set against a hungry man, and he was starving. She looked too mighty delicious to not eat. In the shadow of the rising sun which was peaking from the window, she was a sight so damn beautiful that he couldn't breathe.

It was terrifying.

Gulping as quietly as he could, he tried to get her hand away from his bare skin. The skin was burned too much for him to not make a sound. She mumbled something but let him do it. Next step was the most dangerous one, to get her leg away. Picking it up very gently, he put it on the bed. This woke her up.

Startled, she grabbed his hand. Her wide doe like eyes stopped time for him and his lungs function.

"Dean?" She whispered, half asleep. A yawn escaping her mouth. She stretched her arms and curled into a ball on his side, her eyes still close.

"Morning kitten." He whispered back, kissing her head. He wanted to take her in his arms but his restrain was on its last rope. Restraining from even kissing her forehead again, he mumbled something about bathroom, quickly rose and rushed away.

The time he had come out, he was shivering due to the cold shower he had taken and knowing his future, there were many more to come. The sight of once again asleep O'Brian was tempting enough to make him almost get into the bed with her again but he managed to control himself to get her some breakfast.

O'Brian had come back a day before from the hospital and he had as his promise, not left her sight though his offer to keep her company in bathroom wasn't well received by any of the O'Brian's.

He hadn't had time to wrap his head around the fact that O'Brian was finally his in terms where both O'Brian and he himself were fully conscious that they were in a relationship with each other and not just him alone which of course he would deny to admit to ever being not true. To him she was always his and yet, hearing those words from her mouth had rushed all his blood to his head.

And he had fainted.

Not his proudest moment but he hadn't exactly minded. He was too happy to care about such minor details like the large bump on his head. It was a proud battle wound. Not exactly attractive but still, beggars can't be choosers. And he has desperately begged for too long.

It was also true that he had never doubted that O'Brian would ever not accept him. Whether it was the narcissist in him or he was just delusional, he didn't know or care. The point was that he wasn't worried. And of course, this stubbornness has made him reach this point for he was a shameless man who would bounce back up after being rejected every damn time. It was O'Brian, the woman he has loved and desired for so long, could anyone expect any less?

He did still think it was dream. Or maybe he died in that accident and was granted heaven.

But the reminder that there was no way in hell he was going to heaven, eased his mind that he wasn't dead and this was reality.

Though their time together the past day haven't been exactly much different from before, mostly because he had been acting like her boyfriend for his own life now and O'Brian was injured- he wasn't dissatisfied with it. Just the thought that she wasn't glaring at him all the time was enough.

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