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"I'm sorry, bab---" the shoe landed hard on his face.

He was a little glad it was just a tiny pump and O'Brian didn't wear heals or he can't even begin to imagine what would happen to his face.

Before he could say something else or even stop feeling the pain from the shoe on his face, a small pillow smacked his face.

Her habit of throwing things in anger will continue to exist so before she could throw something dangerous on his face next, he rushed forward and grabbed her wrists.

Her angry eyes stared back at him.

He grinned and leaned down to smack a loud kiss on her lips.

And then his lips were almost bit apart from his mouth.

He just grinned through the pain because he knew he deserved it.

"How kinky of you, baby." He said while leaning his face away from her to check if it was bleeding or not. It probably was because he saw her eyes, those angry, glaring eyes lose their fire and turn guilty.

So of course, he was very willing to play the part of victim to gain some more sympathy and considering how many years he had spent while waiting for her love, he had every right to.

Did that make him desperate and pathetic?

Yes, it did but he was far from caring about thoughts that weren't needed in his and Sara's relationship. He had always believed in taking full advantage of others weakness and the fact that O'Brian sees him as hers was a cause worthy of celebration.

He had no excuse to actually play a pitiable person because he was much more then deserving of everything thrown at him. In his defense he never thought their very first date would turn into a life-threatening situation and since he panicked, he had carelessly pushed his own baby to death. Actually, if they had more space or something to climb over, he would have actually tried to save her as well but in front of spider, he had very little mind or sanity for others. And considering it was O'Brian who actually saved them, he who should be feeling ashamed of himself was simply grateful and actually told her to take care of spiders for him for the rest of their lives. He was actually trying to be romantic and propose to her except it turned out into this. She had made Drake driver her back as he followed in his car. It already took her an hour to open the door of her room so he was desperate to end their first date on a make out session.

"Let me see." She said and grabbed his face to pull it to her height. Those eyes of hers were staring hard on his bleeding lips, dancing in worry and guilt at the same time and he was shimmering in their glory.

He felt her brush her finger against the open skin, cleaning the blood. The shiver that run down his spine was enough to make him lose to his shamelessness once again and land a loud kiss or her mouth. Leaning from his mistakes, he grabbed her face from his both hands in case she tried to run away.

Her hands struggled to push him away but Dean was a professional outrageous being of a man. He simply stuck his tongue down her throat to taste her mouth except he should have known that O'Brien was too used to his tricks. If she couldn't defend herself, she would go for attack so she punched his family jewel, making him twist in pain.

"Fuck, baby! This is our life support." He groaned while slipping on the floor to lay down and take deep breathes.

"I don't need it!" She snapped while lightly kicking him in the gut and turning away to sit on the bed, her eyes waltzing in happiness while seeing him churn in pain.

"Think of our kids, sweetheart." He whined while slowly rising up to sitting position.

"Who the hell wants kids with a sissy like you?" She flared up once again.

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