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He could feel himself started to sweat again, heat palming itself to his skin. Looking at the clock, he decided he still had time to take the third shower of the day.

Pulling fresh clothes, he jumped into the shower- taking his time to scrub himself off the imaginary dirt and sweat. After almost dumping half of the contents available in Drake's bathroom on his body, he was satisfied. He dried himself, and decided to go with a full sleeve t-shirt this time.

The deodorant bottle was gasping for air when he was done with it.

"Hey, you wan----holy shit. How are you breathing?" Drake demanded when he entered the room, his hands going towards his nose to cover it. The room was smelling so strongly of the spray that it was watering the eyes.

Dean ignored him and was looking with quiet deadly intent towards the bottle of the cologne when it disappeared from his sight.

"Sara will run away if you keep going. Enough, you smell fine."

"No, the magazine said woman like men who smell good." Dean frowned and made an attempt to get back the bottle.

Drake was too shocked to even realize when the bottle was taken from him. Magazine? What magazine? What has been this idiot reading? Looking around the room, he found a pile of girl's magazines on his mattress. Some opened to different pages where dating tips were mentioned, other mentioned grooming tips and how to impress your date.

Drake wanted to smack himself in the face. But before that, he needed to rescue the cologne bottle from Dean's hands before his best friend ruins his future.

"For God sake, no! You already stink of happiness. Anymore and I will stab you." Drake pleaded, again taking the bottle from Dean's hands and hiding it behind his back.

"I stink? Should I take a shower again?" Dean was defiantly not listening for he was pulling away the shirt again to get into the shower.

Drake grabbed him before he could take it off.

God have mercy on my soul. Drake prayed.

"Dude, for fuck's sake! You are fine! And why the hell are you already ready? Isn't the date still two hours away?" He tried his last attempt to distract Dean away from that stinking bottle.

"The magazine said to be ready early." Dean replied like it was the most natural thing in the world. He wasn't usually the kind to read such crap but it was actually useful. According to the magazine, he should be clean, smell nice. He even washed his car from inside out to make sure it didn't smell. He also changed the tires too. And went as far as to get one of those fancy haircuts which men have in those magazines.

Sara wasn't exactly the outdoor, adventurous type so he decided on a long drive instead and maybe to hit the arcade and then get some food.

He was well aware that it wasn't the most romantic or charming and that he was capable of doing huge but he wanted it to be comfortable for both of them instead. Sara wasn't up for wasting money on food which doesn't even fill you and hated over the top places so he decided to recreate the memories they already had, just in the way he had dreamt them to be. And as much as he wanted to see Sara in a sexy dress, he wanted it more to be just for his eyes to see. He can always make her change into one and gawk in private.

"Dean.....did you actually did all these things?" Drake couldn't believe it. His best friend, his manly ass mate was this crazy. The whole town knew that Dean was crazy about Sara but this was a whole new level, to actually listen to fashion magazines. How crazy was this guy to do this much?

"Yes, do you think it would look better with the jacket or without it?" Dean answered while emptying his bag from clothes and trying out jackets. His eyes watching the image in the mirror with very criticizing eyes.

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