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Walking have never been more difficult. Ignoring the arm which hung lightly over her shoulder and the stare of the owner of the arm drilling hole in the right side of her face was already making it hard for someone like her to walk. She wasn't used to it. Wasn't used to hearing her heart beat so fast that she could feel its vibration in her throat. Though the temperature wasn't warm, her face felt like it was on fire.


"Hmm?" She hummed without looking at his face.

"Stop being so pretty."

She almost chocked.

All she did was breathe.

"Dean, shut up!" She snapped, finally turning to glare at him. Meeting his eyes knocked her breathe. Crap!

He continued to stare, without looking ahead to see where he was going. His hard, unflinching eyes was making heat crawl all over her body. They were bare, intense and very honest about the thoughts of their owner. She wanted to so badly look away.

"O'Brain...please look away." He almost spit out the words. His face changing expressions like fast pace wind change the shape of clouds.

She unwillingly looked away. His eyes just made it difficult to look other than in them. Without words, he made her feel like she was the sun his earth revolved around.

Nobody could look away from something like that. Even her reflection has never made her feel like she worth that much.

They walked like loyalty through the crowd that opened for them towards their class. Dean looked so out of place in these braces wearing, backpack hanging flocks. These scrawny teenagers made him seem like he was god. She was one of those scrawny kids except she had some privileges.

"Here." He handed a printout to her when they took their seats.

She looked at it confused, not even recognizing the words written on it. Which subject was it?

"Literature assignment was due today. Conflict of past language and expression....remember?" He asked, grinning. Knowing very well she didn't. How the hell was she supposed to remember something the teacher gave a month back? She would forget her mother's face if she doesn't see it for three days.

"Thanks." That was all she could say while glaring at him.

"That's it? I worked so hard to write your homework and you give me an empty thanks? How about a kiss?" He cheekily asked and then pouted his lips to wait for the kiss.

Sara blushed.

Was he a child!

Despite being embarrassed, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek instead. With so many people staring, she didn't had guts to kiss his lips and knowing him, a peak won't be enough.

When she leaned back, he was frowning. His face was crinkled in a sulk as if he had been betrayed.

And Dean Woodland just can't stand being betrayed. So, he did the most obvious thing which honestly speaking, should have not surprised Sara at all.

Grabbed her from her neck, he pulled her towards his face and kissed her straight on her lips.

She was still not over the shock when he pulled away. The kiss had lasted for only few seconds, Sara was both confused and relieved and it must have showed on her face because Dean chuckled.

"Sorry baby, since you are mine now- your every expression is also for my eyes only." He said softly, possessively, eyes looking deep in hers, brushing the skin on her cheek. His fingers were hot and rough and it felt like he was grazing her, leaving permanent traces behind.

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