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He had planned to wake up early that day to make breakfast for O'Brian except his alarm didn't go off. No, his alarm probably did go off but his cellphone was dead when he woke up at 10 am. He was busy watching videos on how to make birthdays special and didn't realize that his battery was low enough to die somewhere in the middle of the night. When he had switched on his cellphone after charging it, he saw multiple missed calls and text messages from O'Brian which made him curse out loud. He dialed her number but even after many rings she didn't pick up which meant she was in class.

Still half asleep he went downstairs to see Drake playing video games in his underwear. He frowned and smacked his head.


"Why didn't you wake me up?" Dean demanded while dropping himself beside Drake on the couch.

"Since when had it become my job to wake you up?"

"Since I didn't wake up for school." Dean snapped. He knew he was taking out his frustration on Drake but he wanted to wake O'Brian with some flirting and breaking fast.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Drake asked, his eyes focused on the screen.

"It's Sara's birthday today." Dean murmured regretfully. Though he didn't care about him not being the first to wish her, he wanted to wake her up himself.

"It is? She is finally turning 18?" Drake asked with a whistle and smirk which made Dean smack him harder.

"Shut up, stop talking about your sister-in-law in such manner." A growl warned Drake who still looked ready to make another stupid remark but listening to his warning he laughed and asked, "Aren't you too cocky too soon?"

Dean just glared at him and sighed. He wanted to take her out for fancy dinner but consider O'Brian would just curse at him for waste money on food which didn't even fill her stomach he had asked Britney to prepare things at home for her. The brat liked simple things so he didn't want to push her onto something she wouldn't even enjoy. Her gifts were already prepared and delivered to Britney's closet. This time they had gone a bit out of hand but it had been a long time since he was able to celebrate her birthday with her so he got too excited.

Standing up he went back to his room and noticed his cellphone flashing. He quickly opened it and saw Sara's message which stated she was in class and where the hell was, he? Dean grinned at texted he would be coming in few minutes. After that he quickly jumped into the shower.

When he was done changing, he called Britney to ask if any help was needed. She simply sent him a list of things quiet bluntly which made him laugh.

When he reached the school, he texted Sara to come outside so they could ditch. He might not have enough time today to spend some alone time with her so he wanted to use this opportunity and play around with her.

Sara came out within few minutes but not to ditch school with him but to drag him inside.

"Baby, no. We are leaving." Dean refuse to come out of the car and tried to grab her from his window to kiss her 'good morning' but was easily smacked.

"I am not ditching school, Dean. Not again. And neither should you." O'Brian snapped; her angry eyes were seducing him into doing something stupid.

"O'Brian you have a busy day ahead. I want to spend some time alone with you on your birthday." He softly reminded her and once again tried to grab her. His words had probably surprised her because she let him touch her. He didn't push her forward to kiss her in case she loses the bit of mercy she was having on him and punch him in the face. He brushed her face with his fingers and smiled happily at her red cheeks.

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