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The words were banging in her head, it was physically painful to not shout them out loud when she saw Dean but she had somehow managed to wait. Somehow managed to make sure that he promises her before she admitted, any longer and she would have had blurted them out.

But hearing them come out of her own lips still left her startled. She felt like a weight lifted from her chest, the pain suddenly disappearing like finding warmth after ice cold. While she still wasn't over the shock of admitting that she was in love with Dean, this was definitely a difficult situation. She was confused between laughing or calling for help but the giddy feeling made her fall over the edge and she burst out laughing. She couldn't believe her eyes but yet it was too hilarious to not laugh at.

Dean had fainted.

He had actually fainted.

The sound of her laughter was loud enough for Jamie, June and her mother to come rushing in. She was too busy laughing and moaning in pain at the same time to notice anything else.

"What happened to him?" Jamie asked, his eyes held mild confusion towards the unconscious body on the ground.

"Did he finally die?" June was saying but Sara had a hard time forming words.

"I probably gave him a shock, waking up so suddenly." Sara lied, trying not to break into a grin but her cheeks were hurting due to the effort it was taking. It was more surprising to slip a lie from her tongue so easily.

Jamie brought some water from the bathroom and poured all of it over Dean's face who woke up, startled. Looking around his eyes stopped on her and she could see he wasn't breathing anymore. His stare was burning her skin, it was heated, intense or just a stare but yet she felt like her pulse was dancing to it, flushing her whole body. It was like tango instead of waltz, flying instead of walking.

"Are you okay?" Mum asked him, worried, helping him stand with Jamie.

"I am never been better in my whole life." Dean replied, eyes still not leaving her face. She wished she could read his mind right now because she had never seen him so...real. Had never seem his eyes dance or smile.

"Its getting late, doctor said you can go home tomorrow. They would like to keep you under observation till morning just to be sure." Jamie said, his eyes moving from his sister to Dean. He wasn't a fool, he knew something had happened, something which had made Dean fly to the ninth cloud because where his expressions were completely blank, his hands were waltzing along with his nerves and his eyes, his eyes were gleaming. His twitching lips which were begging to move upwards in a grin bad Jamie smiling himself. He could see that Dean was trying very hard to not jump his sister, not in that way but in a puppy way.

"I'll stay." The words left Dean's mouth faster than anyone could breathe. They didn't surprise anyone but were met with two identical grins and a growl from June.

Sara knew her mother was staring at her, waiting for her to object and she did just not for the same reasons.

"Go home, Dean." She said softly. He looked like a ghost. She knew her objection had disappeared into the thin air because he wasn't going to listen but she wanted him to go home, get some rest, not think over anything and breath so she could too.

She was a dumb person, even she was admitting that but she had an idea what he went through in the hours she was unconscious because putting her in his place seem like a wake-up call she desperately needed.

Like when her body had moved to save him, how painless it was comparing to the image of him getting hurt. Before the impact had hit her, she knew she was in love with this childlike man who would give her the world if she asks.

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