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She slapped the hand away which was brushing fingers across her neck. Someone laughed silently, sending a rumbled through her chest and again the brushing started. She slapped the hand away and turned in her sleep, digging herself further into the warm bed.


Her eyes bolted open and she came face to face with a dark green wall. Blinking her eyes again and again she tried to remember what was the color of her room's wall.

Well, she at least doesn't have dark green walls.

She turned her head the other way and shriek in surprise to see Dean sitting beside her, leaning on the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, legs; one on other as he stared at with those dangerous eyes which were making her heart race.

Just to look away from his eyes, she looked around the room and found it a cold almost empty place. There was only a mattress on which they were laid on and a dark carpet on the floor. A large window was covered by heavy curtains and a white door which probably leaded outside.

This wasn't Dean room either.


"Where are we?" She whispered finally looking at him. His eyes were now searching her carefully like they were waiting for her to panic or shout.

But she knew it was impossible to feel frightened when he was here with her, she knew she was safe as home with him, always was and always will be. The faith she had in him; he probably didn't even deserve.

"The place I'm staying." He replied, shifting slightly so he was closer to her, eyes watching her like a hawk.

She gulped and held her breath, her mind suddenly refused to work.

"Why didn't you go home?" She asked, her voice shaking slightly.

She knew he was watching her too closely as she tried to lean back somehow, searching for an escape but he seemed to be caging her, with his eyes and with his body. She could almost feel the heat from his body and she was trying not to tremble.

"Trust me, I went straight home." He murmured and leaned more closer till he was a hair away from her lips.

Her heart stopped.

"You smell delicious." He continued in a murmur when she just stared at him, wide eyes. His lips touched the side of her mouth in a soft crease.


She needed to talk to him. She needed answers. She needs to know what exactly did he meant when he told her he is taking her with him.

"I know what you are thinking about." He whispered, tracing his lips to her jaw and she closed her eyes tightly, her blood was boiling up.

"I meant exactly what I said, I am taking you with me." He continued while moving his lips to brush along her lips.

She couldn't breathe.

"Why?" She managed to ask.

She opened her eyes when she felt him lean back, his eyes looking at her with the dark look which seemed to make her want to hide herself. It was leaving her bare in front of him.

Or not.

"I can't go on without you, no more." He snarled, his eyes molding her into a possessiveness.

She stared at him in surprise. Why did he sound so angry? Why was there so much anger in his voice? So much force? He didn't feel guilty for leaving, didn't blame her then who was the anger aimed at?

As he leaned closer again, she realized that staying around him was getting a dangerous thing. Sooner or later, she will die from the lack of oxygen.

Her, To HomeWhere stories live. Discover now