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He was getting ready when she appeared, dressed in a soft peach gown looking like a goddess from heaven he never knew he could ever hold a part of. Her hands came closer to fix his tie for him and he simply looked at her, his eyes tracing the jewelry she had worn to the color of her soft lipstick. He waited till she was done before pulling her close to his chest.

"Am I still not just as handsome?" He, like a needy puppy demanded from her.

He watched as she smiled, the soft smile lines were taking longer to go away now but her smile still made him able to move the universe for it. Her dirty blonde hair was now simply blonde and much longer, tied behind her head except for few loose strands which felt like brushes of feather on touch. Those forest-like eyes still held such adoration that sometimes it made him weak on his knees for he couldn't believe that her forever had really fell in line with his forever.

"Hmm, just as desperate as well." Though her smile was that of an angel, her mouth still smacked him right in the face but he was a simply man. The mere fact that her eyes was holding him was enough to boast his over confidence so his hand slide down, cupping her butt and just to watch those glaring eyes once again, he pinched the soft globe gently.

The smack which was usually on stand didn't come but he watched as her eyes danced in amusement. Surrounding his neck with her arms, she pulled his face closer and asked, "When are you going to grow up, honey?"

Seeing at he had been given freedom to do as will he continued to kneed her butt as he replied, "Do you doubt my manliness, woman? If you do, let me show you...." and rather than talking, he slides his hand down from her butt to her tights and was just about to pick her up when there was a knock on the door.

"The ceremony starts in few minutes, you horn dog. Have some dignity till it ends." Jamie's voice made him glare at the closed door.

"You shameless asshole! How dare you eavesdrop on your sister and her husband!" Dean shouted.

"Think whatever you want, just keep in your pants for few hours or else I am calling mum." Jamie shouted back and Dean could hear that he was laughing.

He looked away from the door to the woman in his arms who was simply looking at him with eyes dancing in laughter.

"You knew he was outside...." He winded.

"I made him stand outside." Sara admitted so simply that he almost pushed her down to show her that he didn't care but thinking otherwise, stopped himself and just put his forehead on hers.

"Are you happy, O'Brian?" He asked. This question had been his constant partner on every occasion possible. There were times he had asked Sara that question almost every night. And even though he had asked this question a million times, the fear of its answer was still the same since the very first time he had thrown that question at her.

She closed her eyes and breathe him in. He could feel her warm breath over his lips and then so softly felt as the same lips moved to answer him, grazing with his.

"With all my heart, my soul."

He closed his eyes tightly and clutched his jaw. There had been a tingling in a nerve there and he could feel that his eyes had gotten wet but he didn't want to cry, not today.

They stayed like this as time passed like sand but Dean wanted to stop it, wanted to pause it. Wanted to have few more decades on hand of this very time so he could relive it all over again. It had been so long but he was still as greedy as he had been the first time, he had fallen for her. He wanted more time, he wanted more of her. As he held her, he could feel that time had taken away much from her, she was so fragile now, so easily bruised and he wanted to turn back the clock. Wanted to be back where he had started so he could fall in love with Sara O'Brian all over again and live another, and another and another life with her. He wanted to hold those small hands in his and take her to the park, he wanted to sit down with her to teach her poems, he wanted to watch as she cried when he used to get hurt.

He wanted her for another lifetime till he was lost in an endless cycle of falling over and over for her.

It was her, who pulled back and grabbed his hand which made him open his eyes. She was smiling, as if the world had stopped itself for this very moment.

Pulling him towards the door, she opened it and the both stepped out. Jamie was nowhere in sight but he could hear the loud noise from downstairs.

He made her lead him downstairs as he kept his eyes on her back, watching how her shoulders danced as she walked, how her hips moved like she was waltzing with every step.

They passed through a crowded hallway and finally reached the venue. There was a woman standing there, dressed in white who smiled when she saw them. Dean, for a moment went back to the time where he had once before seen such a similar image, the same eyes dancing in glee as they looked at him. It seemed like time had passed too fast for him.

Sara didn't let go of his hand till they reached the woman. She gently slides his hand in the hand of woman dressed in white who gave it a shaky squeeze and then slide that hand to his arm.

He was still watching his wife who had turned to enter the venue from another door.

"O'Brian...." He softly called her.

She turned, just slight so that she could meet his eyes. Her eyes knowingly looked at him and few seconds he could only stare and this is where he wanted time to stop so that he could have forever to look at her.

"I love you." She told him before he could say anything and without waiting for him to catch to her pace of loving him, she was already walking away leaving him to continue his chase of loving her.


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