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She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and found him still looking at her. Dropping her own gaze to her pasta, she tried not to blush.

Going back to arcade had rushed back so memories that for a second, she was overwhelmed by them. Like images rushed past her eyes, she found so many days where she had wasted her father's weekends and money. But she found no sadness in those times. They were a happy time, so was this. As she sat in front of this man, this overly possessive, rude and obnoxious man- she found that just because of his existence in those memories, her right to be sadden was gone. He had always been there, sometimes in background but never for long because he hated not being ignored for too long. His yanks to her hair, tugs to her clothes and pokes on cheeks have left a kind of sweetness in her mind. They were like a scent to those memories. Engulfing her to not forget them, to cherish them and to hold them as close to herself as she did.

"What's on your mind, baby?"

She looked up to meet his eyes. God, those eyes.

He had finished his food which made her realize she had wasted her time daydreaming about the very guy who was sitting right in front of her.

"You." she softly replied.

She watched as his eyebrows raised in surprise, he had looked taken back by her honesty. She noticed his red ears but his expressions turned cocky the very next second. If she wasn't existing for his presence, she almost missed it all.

"You dirty woman!" he wiggled his eyebrows while leaning forward and continued, "What are you imagining?"

She wanted to slap the plate of pasta on his stupid face.

"I was imagining how you would look in a pink tutu." She of course snapped.

"I can assure you; I look quite handsome in it. If that is your kink, I will oblige. I on the other hand prefer cat ears."

How had this conversation turned to this? Why did this man always turned everything she said to a sex related stuff! Was there a filter in his brain which turned everything innocent into dirty? Also, what was with cat ears?

Considering we were talking about Dean, cat ears sounded innocent enough.

"Can we order dessert now?" she tried to change the topic before he says something else. She would rather not talk about 'kinks' in a restaurant.

"Sure." He had let it go but from his stupid grin, she knew he was going to continue this later.

They shared a slice of double chocolate cake since neither of them could finish a whole one on their own. It was quiet as they ate. It wasn't uncomfortable, just normal. What do you talk about with a person who knows everything there possible to know about you? He is aware of your every memory, every laugh, every day. He remembers things you don't remember. They could talk about Dean but with him, there were only two things she didn't know. The past two years and his life before her. Both he didn't want to talk about. She had been aware of what had gone on in the later one. His parents were well known around the town. They were arrogant, ignorant and selfish people. She has meet them a number of times since their mothers have been friends since high school as well, till about they got rich.

All she knew was that there had been a huge scandal about how Dean's father was someone else which got him kicked out of his own house. Without an ounce of proof, he had been blamed for something he had no fault in.

She knew he had grown to hate the world he lived in. It had been tough for him to survive but he had good friends and he always had her and her family. But a small part of her, a part which she refuses to look at told her that he had lived for her. He had survived for her. She didn't know whether she was glad or hated herself for it all.

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